AACSB Internationalが世界のビジネススクール会員校の創意例を発表

AACSB International

AACSB Internationalが世界のビジネススクール会員校の創意例を発表

AsiaNet 63230 (0109)

【タンパ(米フロリダ州)2016年2月2日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*新設の「Innovations That Inspire(鼓舞する革新)」イニシアチブは技術、経験に基づく学習、企業家精神、キャリア開発、その他多くをカバーするビジネススクールが開発した独創的な戦略にスポットライトを当てる。

ビジネススクールは旧来の殻を破る思考が花を咲かせる環境を築くことで、長い間、変化の重要な原動力になってきた。ビジネススクールの世界的な認証団体で会員組織のAACSB International(国際マネジメント教育協議会、AACSB、http://www.aacsb.edu )は2日、2016年学長会議(Deans Conference)でビジネススクールがビジネス教育環境をどのように革新、多様化しているかの模範となる30の革新例(http://www.aacsb.edu/innovations-that-inspire)を紹介した。

今回が初めてとなる「Innovations That Inspire」(http://www.aacsb.edu/innovations-that-inspire )はAACSBの100周年記念と来るべき「ビジョンニング・イニシアチブ」の一環であり、世界のAACSB会員校がビジネス教育環境を革新、多様化するために行っている多様な方策にスポットライトを当てている。ビジネススクールは研究や教育に対するアプローチから、ステークホルダーとの関わり方や経営、運営に至るまで、すべての教育機関が創造、教育、つながり、導く方法を再定義している。

AACSB社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)のトマス・R・ ロビンソン氏は「世界的に、ビジネススクールは彼らの画期的なアイデア、先駆け的な教育プラクティス、将来のビジネスリーダーを育てることに対する揺るぎのないコミットメントを通して今までにない方法で社会に貢献している」として次のように述べた。「Innovations That Inspireイニシアチブは技術革新、創造性、ビジネススクールのDNAへ植えつけられた企業家精神などを可視化するものだ。当社は経営教育で毎日、起きている独創的な思考の深さと広がりを表すサンプルにスポットライトを当てることができて喜んでいる」


AACSB取締役会議長でライス大学ジェシー・H・ジョーンズ・ビジネス大学院学長のウィリアムH.グリック氏は「Innovations That Inspireは殻を破る思考を重視するビジネススクールを奨励、たたえるためにAACSBが行っている多くの方法のひとつだ」として次のように述べた。「応募を見るとAACSB会員校が革新の媒介、知識の共同創造者、生涯学習のハブ、リーダー養成のリーダー、繁栄共有のイネイブラーとして草分け的な力を果たしていることが分かる」

取り上げられた革新に関する詳しい情報はウェブサイト(www.AACSB.edu/Innovations-That-Inspire )参照。今後数カ月以内に、AACSBは目覚ましい創造性、品質へのコミットメントを行っているビジネススクールおよびその革新を次々に発表する予定。さらに、会員校はAACSBのベンチマーキング・データベース「DataDirect」(http://www.aacsb.edu/knowledge/data/datadirec )から応募作品のすべての内容にアクセスできるようになる。

AACSBの来るべき「ビジョンニング・イニシアチブ」の包括的な内容はオンラインのウェブサイト(www.AACSB.edu/Vision)から閲覧可能で、同イニシアチブの内容は2016年4月3日から5日まで米マサチューセッツ州ボストンで開催される「ICAM 2016」(http://www.aacsb.edu/events/conference/2016/icam )で発表されることになっている。

▽AACSB Internationalについて


ソース:AACSB International


Amy Ponzillo

Senior Manager

Public Relations, 813-367-5238


AACSB International Showcases the Global Ingenuity and Creativity of Business Schools Worldwide


TAMPA, Fla., Feb. 2, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Inaugural Innovations That Inspire initiative highlights creative strategies

developed by business schools across technology, experiential learning,

entrepreneurship, career development and more

Business schools have long been important drivers of change by creating an

environment where out-of-the-box thinking flourishes. Today at its 2016 Deans

Conference, AACSB International (AACSB) (http://www.aacsb.edu), the global

accrediting body and membership association for business schools, showcased a

sampling of 30 innovations (http://www.aacsb.edu/innovations-that-inspire) that

represent how business schools are innovating and diversifying the business

education environment.

Celebrated as part of AACSB's Centennial Anniversary and upcoming Visioning

Initiative, the inaugural Innovations That Inspire

(http://www.aacsb.edu/innovations-that-inspire) shines a spotlight on a variety

of ways that AACSB member schools, around the globe, are working to innovate

and diversify the business education environment. From their approaches to

research and learning, to their engagements with stakeholders and oversight of

their management and operations, business schools are redefining the way that

academic institutions of all kinds create, teach, connect, and lead.

"Globally business schools are contributing to society in unprecedented ways,

through their groundbreaking ideas, pioneering academic practices, and

unwavering commitment to preparing the business leaders of the future," said

Thomas R. Robinson, president and chief executive officer of AACSB. "The

Innovations That Inspire initiative brings visibility to the innovation,

creativity, and entrepreneurship ingrained into the DNA of business schools.

We're proud to highlight a sample of the depth, and breadth, of ingenious

thinking that takes place in management education every single day."

As part of the initiative, AACSB members were invited to share ways in which

they have challenged the status quo, and made a positive impact on their

school, students, and greater community at large. Nearly 300 submissions were

submitted from more than 200 AACSB member institutions across 35 countries - an

array of inspirations that illustrates an impressive commitment to engagement,

innovation, and impact.

"Innovations That Inspire is one of the many ways AACSB seeks to encourage and

celebrate business schools embracing out-of the-box thinking," said William H.

Glick, chair of AACSB Board of Directors and dean of the Jesse H. Jones

Graduate School of Business at Rice University. "The submissions illustrate

trailblazing power of AACSB's member schools as catalysts for innovation,

co-creators of knowledge, hubs of lifelong learning, leaders on leadership and

enablers of shared prosperity."

For a detailed overview of the featured innovations, please visit

www.AACSB.edu/Innovations-That-Inspire. In the coming months, AACSB will

continue to showcase more schools and innovations that demonstrate an

impressive range of creativity and commitment to quality. Additionally, access

to the full portfolio of submissions will be available to member schools via

AACSB's benchmarking database, DataDirect


A comprehensive look at AACSB's upcoming Visioning initiative is also available

online at www.AACSB.edu/Vision, and findings from the Visioning Initiative will

be presented at ICAM 2016 (http://www.aacsb.edu/events/conference/2016/icam) in

Boston, MA, USA on April 3-5, 2016.

About AACSB International

Founded in 1916, AACSB is an association of more than 1,450 educational

institutions, businesses, and other organizations in 90 countries and

territories. AACSB's mission is to advance quality management education

worldwide through accreditation, thought leadership, and value-added services.

As the premier accreditation body for institutions offering undergraduate,

master's, and doctorate degrees in business and accounting, AACSB offers a wide

array of services to the management education industry. AACSB's global

headquarters is located in Tampa, Florida, USA; its Asia Pacific headquarters

is located in Singapore; and its Europe, Middle East, and Africa headquarters

is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

SOURCE: AACSB International

CONTACT: Amy Ponzillo, Senior Manager, Public Relations, 813-367-5238,





