


AsiaNet 63482 (0219)

【成都(中国)2016年2月19日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】11年前、トーマス・フリードマンの「The World is Flat(フラット化する世界)」は、新しい技術と多国籍資本が世界を従来の国境や境界が無意味になる状態に変えていく、と鮮明に予測した。これらの言葉は真実味がある。成都ハイテク産業開発区(Chengdu Hi-tech Zone=CDHT)は2015年に130キロ平方メートルの小さな区画の土地から始まり、6500社以上のテクノロジー企業を集めてきた。これらの企業は18000件以上の特許を申請している。これは始まりにすぎない。その願いは、CDHTを中国西部の「シリコンバレー」と「国際的なイノベーションおよびスタートアップのセンター」に変えることである。


成都は20年以上かけて遅れを取り戻し、今は世界の主要経済大国と肩を並べている。CDHTの多くの技術製品や革新的サービスが欧州や米国の市場に入っている。The Martin Prosperity Instituteからこのほど出版された「Rise of the Global Startup City」は、成都が北京と上海を除く他の中国の都市よりも多くのベンチャーキャピタルを受け入れてきたことを示している。その数字は多くの欧州や米国の都市と似ている。

ション氏は、イノベーションはすでに中国の「基本的国家戦略」の1つになっていると説明する。CDHTは昨年6月、国務院により中国西部で初の国家自主創新示範区(National Innovation Demonstration Zone)となることが認可された。中国の李克強首相と韓国の朴槿恵大統領は昨年10月、成都にChina-South Korea Innovation & Entrepreneurship Parkを設立することを発表した。CDHTはまた、他の国々との創造性の協力強化に取り組んでいる。


ソース:Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone

Chengdu Hi-tech Zone: Quickly Immersing Into the Realm of Global Innovation


CHENGDU, China, Feb. 19, 2016 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Eleven years ago, Thomas Friedman's The World is Flat vividly predicted that

new technologies and multinational capital was shifting the world toward a

state where traditional borders and divisions would become irrelevant. These

words ring true; the Chengdu Hi-tech Zone (CDHT) started in 2015 with a small

plot of land measuring 130km2 and has assembled more than 6,500 tech companies

that have applied for more than 18,000 patents. This is only the beginning: the

aspiration is to turn the Zone into western China's "Silicon Valley" and an

"international innovation and start-up center."

Xiong Ping, Deputy Director of the CDHT's Development and Planning Bureau,

points to Chengdu on a map and says: "In the realm of global innovation, our

location is no longer in isolation. On the contrary, distance-wise we are

closer to Europe than Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other eastern Chinese

cities. The Internet and more than 80 international flights have helped Chengdu

quickly integrate into the global innovation chain. Thomas Friedman's

predictions are becoming a reality."

After more than two decades of playing catch-up, Chengdu is now

shoulder-to-shoulder with the world's leading economic powers, and an

increasing number of our technological products and innovative services are

entering the European and American markets. The Martin Prosperity Institute's

recently-published Rise of the Global Startup City indicates that Chengdu has

received more venture capital than any other Chinese cities except Beijing and

Shanghai, and the figure is similar to many European and American cities.

Xiong explains that innovation has already become one of China's "basic

national strategies." Last June, CDHT was approved by the State Council to be

the first National Innovation Demonstration Zone in the western China. Last

October, Li Keqiang, Prime Minister of China, and Park Geun-hye, the president

of South Korea, announced the set up of the China-South Korea Innovation &

Entrepreneurship Park in Chengdu. The CDHT also devotes itself to a deeper

collaboration in creativity with other countries.     

The Zone has proposed the construction of a five million square meter

innovation incubator and the establishment of coordinated innovation funds

totaling RMB 5 billion. Goals for 2020 include total economic output of RMB 1

trillion, 10,000 technology companies, 10,000 innovation and start-up talents,

more than 11,000 invention patents and 1,000 international, national or

industry standards.

Source: Chengdu High-tech Industrial Development Zone




