
Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)


AsiaNet 68699 (0789)

【青島(中国)2017年5月27日新華社=共同通信JBN】2017年5月22日オーストラリアで、Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(QNLM、青島海洋科学・技術国家実験室)とAustralian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization(CSIRO、オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機関)が共同で設立したInternational Center for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research(CSHOR、南半球海洋研究国際センター)の発足式が行われた。QNLMディレクターの呉立新博士とタスマニア州ホバートにあるCSIROの最高経営責任者(CEO)のラリー・マーシャル博士が共同で発足式を行った。オーストラリアのアーサー・シノディノス産業・技術革新・科学相からビデオ祝辞が寄せられた。在シドニー中国総領事館のルー・ピン科学技術担当参事官がスピーチを行った。QNLM理事会を代表しQNLMプレジデント補佐のジー・ペイウェン氏も祝辞を述べた。このほか、QNLM Academic Committeeのパン・ケホウ秘書長、ニューサウスウェールズ大学およびタスマニア大学の代表団も式典に参加した。この発足式は、グローバルな共同イノベーション・ネットワークを構築するというQNLMの国際化戦略の大幅な進展を示している。

一方、「Role of The Southern Hemisphere Oceans in Global and Regional Climate(世界的・地域的気候における南半球海洋の役割)」に関する国際的ワークショップが南半球海洋と地球規模の気候変動に関する観測と研究の最新の成果と将来の動向を踏まえて開催され、CSHORの5カ年計画(2017-2021)を作成するためのアイデアや提案を募った。




CSHORは当初、水塊、海面上昇に関連した海氷海洋相互作用、熱帯気温変動、海洋盆地交流に関連したIndonesian Throughflow(インドネシア貫流)、生物地球化学に関する南極海の海洋生物、南極海のデータ同化の観察と調査に焦点を当てる。現在、ニューサウスウェールズ大学とタスマニア大学がCSHORに加わっている。


全世界が気候変動にさらされているため、1国だけでは世界の気候がどのように変化するかを探るという使命を果たすことはできない。関係するすべての国が課題に直面して手を携え、関連する海洋研究機関の国際交流と協力に貢献することは不可欠である。これはClimate Olympics(気候五輪)として知られるCLIVAR 2016 Open Science Conferenceを開催するQNLMの取り組みからもわかる。世界気象機関(WMO)や国連教育科学文化機関(ユネスコ、UNESCO) / 国際オリンピック委員会(IOC)などの関連国際機関の代表者だけでなく、米国、英国、フランス、ドイツなど50カ以上の国・地域の250超の研究機関から600人以上の海洋大気科学者が参加した。






QNLM Councilプレジデント補佐のジー・ペイウェン氏は、報道関係者に対して、「QNLMは国際化戦略の下で、CSHORが主役を務める協調的イノベーションのための世界ネットワークを構築することによって、世界クラスの海洋研究機関になる途上にある。CSIROはオーストラリアにおける海洋科学の代表的な研究・開発機関であり、オーストラリアの社会と経済に役立つため、同国政府に新しいアプローチを提供する。CSHORは互いに補完し、ウィンウィンの成果を求めて資源共有と革新的能力を進める」と語った。チー氏はまた「QNLMは将来さらに多くの共同研究センターを創設する計画である」ことを明らかにした。


環境科学など数多くの分野において、中国とオーストラリアは、両国の外交関係設立45周年となる2017年までに、研究センター共同建設声明(Statement on Jointly Building Research Centers)に同意し、発表した。海洋科学およびエンジニアリングは、2016年に中国・オーストラリア科学・研究基金によってカバーすべき4つの重要な分野の1つであるとして、より優先する課題とされた。中国の習近平国家主席は一帯一路フォーラムで指摘したように、中国は人的交流、共同研究所、ハイテクパーク、技術移転のための一帯一路アクションプランの科学・技術革新を開始することによって,すべての国と革新的な協力を開始する意志がある。






ソース:Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)

Win-win Research for Marine Civilization - CSHOR Put into Operation


QINGDAO, China, May 27, 2017 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

May 22, 2017 witnessed the launching ceremony in Australia for the

International Center for Southern Hemisphere Oceans Research (CSHOR),

co-established by Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology

(QNLM) and the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research

Organization (CSIRO). The center was jointly unveiled by Dr. Wu Lixin, Director

of QNLM, and Dr. Larry Marshall, CEO of CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmania. Arthur

Sinodinos, Australian Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, sent a

congratulatory message by video. Lu Ping, Counselor for Science and Technology

of Consulate General of PRC in Sydney, delivered a speech. A congratulatory

message was also given by the representative of the Governing Council of QNLM,

Ji Peiwen, Assistant to the President of QNLM. Participants also included Pan

Kehou, Secretary-General of QNLM Academic Committee, and the delegates from

University of New South Wales and University of Tasmania. The ceremony shows

the substantial progress of QNLM's internationalization strategy of

constructing the global collaborative innovation network.

Meanwhile, an international workshop on The Role of The Southern Hemisphere

Oceans in Global and Regional Climate was held on the latest results and the

future trend of observation and research on the Southern Hemisphere Oceans and

the global climate change so that ideas and proposals could be solicited for

making the five-year plan (2017-2021) of CSHOR.

Under joint construction for international forefront

Covering 71% of the earth area as an integral part of the global climate

system, oceans supply a majoprity of the heat to the atmosphere and take in 40%

of the CO2 of the atmosphere, one of the greenhouse gases considered to cause

climate change. Scientists have been working hard to find out how oceans affect

climate change. The Southern Hemisphere Ocean is the only one that surrounds

the whole earth and connects the oceans. As one of the two poles of the global

thermohaline circulation, it has a significant impact on the global oceans and

climate change by driving and regulating the thermal, carbon and biogeochemical

circulations of the earth. Given that the marine data currently available is

mostly from the Northern Hemisphere, where most marine research institutions

are concentrated, the international community has been making great effort in

recent years to strengthen the research capacity for the Southern Hemisphere


Responsive and responsible, QNLM initiated the cooperation with CSIRO by

jointly setting up CSHOR in Hobart, capital of Tasmania in Australia. The

Center promised that 10 million AUD will be invested in five years of 2017-2021

for the observation and research of the Southern Hemisphere Oceans (Southern

Ocean and Antarctic), as well as for education, training and management of

information and data. The Center is under international operation, with the key

issues decided by its 5-member Steering Committee, 2 from QNLM and 2 from

CSIRO, under the chairmanship of Dr. Susan Avery, Honorary Director of Woods

Hole Oceanographic Institution in the United States. The Director of the Center

is globally recruited, responsible for its routine operation.

In the beginning, the Center will focus on observations and researches of water

mass, ice-ocean interaction in relation to sea level rise, tropical temperature

variations, Indonesian Throughflow in relation to ocean basin exchange, marine

life of the Southern Ocean in relation to biogeochemical process, and Southern

Ocean data assimilation. At present, the University of New South Wales and

University of Tasmania have joined the Center.

More consensus and cooperation to better cope with climate change

With the whole world subjected to climate change, no single country can fulfill

the mission of finding out how the global climate changes. It is inevitable for

all the countries involved to be united in the face of the challenge, and

contribute to the international exchange and cooperation of the related marine

research institutions, as seen from QNLM's effort in hosting CLIVAR 2016 Open

Science Conference, known as the Climate Olympics. Over 600 marine and

atmospheric scientists from more than 250 research institutions in 50 countries

and regions participated in it, including the US, UK, France and Germany, as

well as representatives from the related international organizations like World

Meteorological Organization and UNESCO/IOC.

QNLM Director Wu Lixin shared what President Xi said in the recent Belt and

Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing. No country can remain not

affected, nor is able to solve the world's problems by itself in this

interdependent times of global challenges. Director Wu said that for the

purpose of common progress and development of science, there was no choice but

to work hand in hand for innovative synergy to tackle the major issues

especially the climate research that concerns humankind.

CSIRO CEO Larry Marshall also said, "This is an important turning point in our

approach to climate science, recognising that this is a global challenge that

requires a global approach. That we need to deepen our networks and strengthen

our armoury to not only prepare for what lies ahead, but respond today to what

is already a stark reality all around us."

Civilization progresses in opening and science advances in exchange. It is in

the perspective of solving the problems challenging humankind that QNLM deploys

the global innovation network with the world, leading the research institutions

for a new mode of the global governance.

Mutual learning for mutual benefit

Larry Marshall said, "CSIRO has been performing world-class climate science

here in Tasmania for decades - but we can't do this alone." This comprehensive

and collaborative new initiative gives critical new support to CSIRO, and

offers real value and differentiation to the global effort to take action

against climate change. "We are delighted to bring the full resources of

Australia's national science agency, as well as the critical role we play in

global climate measurement, to this new collaboration." The Southern Hemisphere

ocean has a crucial influence on the global climate, CSHOR will effectively

tackle global climate change by scientific research, which will be not only

beneficial to the two countries, but also to the whole world.

Ji Peiwen, Assistant to the President of QNLM Council, said to the media that

"Under the internationalization strategy, QNLM is on the way to be a

world-class marine research institution by building the global network for

collaborative innovation, of which CSHOR is a key component. CSIRO is a leading

research and development organization for marine sciences in Australia,

providing new approaches for Australian Government for the benefit of

Australian society and economy. CSHOR will complement each other and promote

resource sharing and innovative capacity for a win-win outcome." Ji also showed

that "QNLM plans to set up more joint research centers in the future."

Every corner of the world taken into account for innovative cooperation

In a number of fields such as environmental sciences, China and Australia

agreed and issued the Statement on Jointly Building Research Centers before

2017, the 45th anniversary of the founding of China-Australia diplomatic

relations. Marine science and engineering was even more prioritized as one of

the four key areas covered by Sino-Australian science and research fund in

2016. As Chinese President Xi pointed out in the Belt and Road Forum, China is

willing to start innovative cooperation with all the countries by launching the

action plan of Belt and Road science and technology innovation for humanity

exchange, joint laboratories, hi-tech park and technology transfer.

For cooperation and upgrading of the world marine research, the joint center is

set up in Australia, a long-term partner of China. It further materialized the

previous Sino-Australian agreement on joint center and well responded to the

Belt and Road Initiative.

According to President Xi, it is up to all the participants to plan the Belt

and Road construction and share its results. Based in Qingdao and with a global

vision, QNLM upholds the principles of Openness, Mobility, Cooperation and

Sharing in its internationalization strategy to boost the marine science and

technology and share its research results, backed by the big science platform

and in accordance with national strategic tasks.

Counselor Lu Ping said that QNLM is the first national laboratory in pilot

operation in China and also the only one for marine sciences at the national

level. Similarly, CSIRO is the largest and the most important research

organization in Australia. As an alliance between giants and considered a model

of Sino-Australian innovative cooperation, CSHOR will remarkably contribute to

research on ocean, climate and the environment of the Southern Ocean areas."

Larry Marshall said to the media, that the launching of CSHOR is very

significant as it is the first one of its kind on the Southern Ocean, on which

the current research is far from enough in the whole world. It can be referred

to when the similar centers are under planning in the world.

CSHOR has been put into operation as the first overseas joint research center

of QNLM - the first step of QNLM to develop the collaborative research and set

up the global marine innovation network. By setting up more research centers in

countries like the United States, Germany and Russia, QNLM will become a

world-class research center for marine science and technology and an open

platform for global collaborative innovation. Continuous and sincere efforts

will be made to achieve that goal.  

Source: Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNLM)  




