AsiaNet 73103 (0669)
【ミラノ2018年4月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
中国最大級の商業会社Suning Holdings Groupは17日、2018年上半期の新ミラノオフィスの開設を発表し、年末までに英国、フランス、ドイツでさらに3つの海外オフィスを開く計画を明らかにした。
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新オフィスの開設はミラノデザインウィーク(4月17-22日)の期間中に発表された。ここでSuningは、新しく導入したSuning JIWU(Ultimate Creation)店向けの品ぞろえに貢献できる海外のデザイナーと交渉を進めた。同社は繁栄する国内市場で新世代の消費者の求めに応じようと、洗練された高級な家庭およびファッション商品を欧州から中国へ紹介しようと努めている。
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Suning Internationalのスティーブン・チャン副社長は「JIWUは生活の究極の美を表現し、個人を大切にする消費文化の求めに応じており、もっと多くの欧州ブランドを取り入れ、特別な製品ラインを創造したい。Suningと提携して中国に参入したい国際ブランドには大きな可能性があるが、これはその1例に過ぎない。だからこそわれわれはミラノに新オフィスを開き、さらに多くを開設しようとしている」と述べた。
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SuningはすでにVersace Home、SICIS、TechnoGym、Furla、San Benedettoなどさまざまな業種の多くのイタリアブランドと提携している。欧州の2018-2020年ソーシング・プランはいままで以上にファッション、健康、家庭用、日用消費財の各高級品に重点を置き、ミラノデザインウィークで開かれた同社のオープンイベントにはChateau D'Ax、Kartell、YNAP、Versace、KIKO、COVAの代表らもゲストとして出席した。
1990年に創設されたSuningは中国の主要な商業企業の1つで、それぞれ中国と日本に上場企業がある。Suning Holdingは2017年、中国の民間企業トップ500社の2位にランクされ、年間売上高は657億米ドル(4129億5000万元)。「すべての人のために一流の質の生活を創造することにより、業界全体のエコシステムを主導する」との使命を持って、Suningは、Logistics、Financial Services、Technology、Real Estate、Media &Entertainment、Sports、Investmentの8つの垂直事業を通じてコアビジネスを強化、拡大している。このうちSuning.comは、2017年フォーチュン・グローバル500社リストに入った。
詳細は を参照。
Suning Opens Milan Office in Euro-Expansion Plans
MILAN, April 17, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- Chinese Giant to Open Offices in UK, France and Germany in 2018 -
Suning Holdings Group, one of China's largest commercial enterprises, today
announced the opening of its new Milan Office in the first half of 2018 and
revealed plans to open three more overseas offices in the UK, France and
Germany by the end of the year.
The Milan office is seen as a catalyst for Suning's ambitious plans for
European expansion. In its just published 2018-2020 Sourcing Plan, the firm has
set aside CNY 10 billion (approximately EUR 1.3 billion) to source products on
the continent over the next three years.
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The announcement came during Milan Design Week (17-22 April), where Suning has
been exploring deals with overseas designers that can help create a series of
products for its newly launched Suning 'JIWU' ('Ultimate Creation') stores. The
Chinese company is intent on introducing stylish and high-quality home and
fashion products from Europe into China as it seeks to cater for a new
generation of consumers in its lucrative home market.
Suning's new 'JIWU' format features popular brands, original designs, life
essentials and creative interactions to reflect the lifestyle trends of a new
generation of consumers. The first store opened in Nanjing in March 2018 across
400 sq. m. and more than 300 are set to open throughout China within the next
three years, including at least 50 large-scale flagship stores.
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Steven Zhang, Vice President, Suning International, said: "JIWU caters for
personalised consumption culture by demonstrating the ultimate beauty of life
and we want to invite more European brands to create a specific product line.
This is just one example of the vast opportunities there are for international
brands interested in accessing China in partnership with Suning – and that's
why we've opened our new office in Milan with more to come."
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Suning already has partnerships with a number of top Italian brands across
different industries including Versace Home, SICIS, TechnoGym, Furla, and San
Benedetto. The company's 2018-2020 Sourcing Plan in Europe highlights a focus
on more luxury fashion, health, household and FMCG products – and
representatives of Chateau D'Ax, Kartell, YNAP, Versace, KIKO and COVA were
among the guests at its opening event at Milan Design Week.
Outside Europe, Suning already has an established global network covering Hong
Kong, Japan and the United States. The business expects 30 per cent of its
revenue will come from international business by 2020.
Notes to the editor
About Suning
Founded in 1990, Suning is one of the leading commercial enterprises in China
with two public companies in China and Japan respectively. In 2017, Suning
Holding ranked second among the top 500 private-owned enterprises in China with
annual revenue of 65.7 billion USD (412.95 billion RMB). With the mission of
"Leading the Ecosystem across Industries by Creating Elite Quality of Life for
All", Suning has strengthened and expanded its core business through eight
vertical industries:, Logistics, Financial Services, Technology,
Real Estate, Media & Entertainment, Sports, and Investment, among which was listed on the 2017 list of Fortune Global 500.
For more information see