英国の殺人事件が2018 DNA Hit of the Yearに選ばれる
英国の殺人事件が2018 DNA Hit of the Yearに選ばれる
AsiaNet 73399 (0802)
【ローマ2018年5月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs(GTH-GA) は、エイボンサマーセット警察(英国)が捜査したメラニー・ロード殺人事件を2018 DNA Hit of the Year (2018年最優秀DNA捜査)に選んだ。この事件は14カ国から提出された61事件から選ばれた。これは、DNA犯罪科学捜査の経歴がある国際審査員7人の審査委員会が選定した。イタリア・ローマで開催された恒例の「Human Identification Solutions(HIDS)Conference(人物同定ソリューション会議)」で発表された。
今年が2回目となるDNA Hit of the Yearプログラムは、DNAデータベースの政策、立法、法律に関する国際機関GTH-GAが主催している。GTH-GAのプレジデントであるティム・シェルバーグ氏は「2018年の事件簿は、犯罪を解決、防止するために警察がますます積極的かつ創造的にDNAデータベース・ソリューションの使用を追求しようとしていることを示している」と述べた。
審査員は最終6候補から英国の事件を選んだ。次点の5候補はモンテネグロ、中国および米国の3件だった。提出された全候補と今年のベストに選ばれた事件の報告や他の事件のハイライトはhttp://www.dnaresource.com/hitoftheyear-2018.html で見ることができる。
アンディ・マーシュ署長は「2018 Hit of the Yearに選ばれたことは光栄の至りであり、被害者やその家族に正義をもたらすDNAデータベースの力を思い起こさせるものだ。また、これは何年にもわたり捜査に従事してきた全員のプロ意識の証しでもある」と語った。
Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairsは、DNA犯罪科学捜査データベースの政策、立法、法律の専門家として世界的に認められている。20年近く、GTH-GAのコンサルタントは犯罪者のDNAデータベースの創設、拡充のために50カ国以上で法令や政策について専門的なアドバイスをしてきた。
ソース:Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs
Tim Schellberg
+1 (253) 209-8818
United Kingdom Murder Case Selected As 2018 DNA Hit Of The Year
ROME, May 4, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
-- The thirty-year investigation of the Melanie Road murder case solved through
dedicated police investigation and familial DNA matching
Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs (GTH-GA) has announced that the
Melanie Road murder case investigated by the Avon Somerset Constabulary (United
Kingdom) was selected as the 2018 DNA Hit of the Year. The case was selected
from 61 cases submitted from 14 countries. It was chosen by a panel of seven
international judges with career backgrounds in forensic DNA. The recognition
was announced during the annual Human Identification Solutions (HIDS)
Conference held in Rome, Italy.
Now in its second year, the DNA Hit of the Year program is organized by GTH-GA,
an international authority on DNA database policy, legislation and law. "The
2018 slate of cases exemplifies a growing reliance by police to aggressively
and creatively pursue DNA database solutions to solve and prevent crime," said
Tim Schellberg, GTH-GA's President.
Judges selected the United Kingdom case from six finalists. The five runner-up
cases were from Montenegro, China and three from the United States. A full
list of submitted cases and a presentation on this year's selected case and
other case highlights can be found at
Melanie Road of Bath, United Kingdom was murdered on June 9, 1984. For nearly
thirty years, police continuously pursued DNA strategies to solve the crime.
The case was ultimately solved when the daughter of the murderer was placed
into the United Kingdom DNA database for a minor crime. A few months later, a
familial search identified the offender and resulted in his arrest and
Avon Somerset Chief Constable Andy Marsh said: "Solving the murder of Melanie
Road has meant so much not just to Melanie's family, but to the wider community
as well as the policing community. In the end it was the advancements in
forensic DNA technology as well as the determination, commitment and hard work
of our officers that solved the case."
"Being selected as the 2018 Hit of the Year is a great honor and a reminder of
the power of DNA databases to bring justice to victims and their families. It
is also a testament to the professionalism of all who have worked on the
investigation over the years," said Chief Constable Andy Marsh.
About GTH-GA: Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs is globally
recognized as experts in forensic DNA database policy, legislative, and law.
For nearly twenty years, consultants at GTH-GA have consulted in over 50
countries and states on legislation and policies to establish or expand
criminal offender DNA databases.
SOURCE Gordon Thomas Honeywell Governmental Affairs
CONTACT: Tim Schellberg tims@gth-gov.com +1 (253) 209-8818