AsiaNet 73917 (1026)
【南昌(中国)2018年6月9日新華社=共同通信JBN】「ユニークな江西省の発見」と銘打った観光促進イベントが6月1日と6月5日、ドイツのフランクフルトとチェコのプラハでそれぞれ開催された。Jiangxi Tourism Development Commission(江西省観光開発委員会)によると、欧州の観光客に江西省をもっと知ってもらい、訪問を熱望してもらおうと、イベントを通して欧州の観光客、旅行市場の関係者、投資家に心からの招待状を送った。
ソース:Jiangxi Tourism Development Commission
Jiangxi promotes unique tourism resources in Europe
NANCHANG, China, June 9, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On June 1 and June 5, the "Discovering Unique Jiangxi" tourism promotion event
was held in Frankfurt, Germany and Prague, Czech Republic respectively. The
event sent a sincere invitation to European tourists, travel market players and
investors to let more European tourists know about Jiangxi and long for a visit
there, according to Jiangxi Tourism Development Commission.
At the two promotion campaigns in Germany and the Czech Republic, elements of
Jiangxi can be found everywhere, indulging visitors in the province's rich
culture. The colors of camphor tree green, rhododendron red and blue-and-white
porcelain blue impressed people from Germany and Czech. Meanwhile, porcelain
music, tea performances, Jingdezhen ceramics, and Jiangxi scenery pictures have
given attendants a deeper understanding of Jiangxi's tourism resources, history
and culture.
At the promotion campaigns, the Jingdezhen ancient kiln porcelain band members
performed with porcelain-made musical instruments. The unique oriental
porcelain music attracted tourists from all over the world to stop and watch.
The fusion of folk music and porcelain impressed the audience and won their
applause. When the familiar melody sounded, onlookers sang together
involuntarily. At that moment, culture and music went beyond national borders
and let more people know Jiangxi.
Jiangxi boasts a beautiful ecological environment and many tourist attractions,
including 5 world heritage sites and 10 national 5A-level scenic spots.
With unique scenery, Jiangxi awaits tourists worldwide.
Source: Jiangxi Tourism Development Commission
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