AsiaNet 73932
タリン(エストニア)、2018年6月12日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
有望な国際的ブロックチェーンベースのプロジェクトであるグリーン・アンド・ネイチャー・アソシエーション(GANA)・テクノロジーズ(Green and Nature Association Technologies:https://ganacoin.io/ )が、医療分野の個人および研究グループ向けに最適化した弱いAI(ANI)ソリューションの開発レースに参戦しました。現在GANAは投資を呼び込みながら、患者向けスマートデジタルの個人支援と信頼のおけるAI 訓練という、2つの主目的を果たすモバイルアプリケーションを開発中です。
医療用弱いAI の開発への投資は、最近のトレンドです。 IBM、グーグル(Google)、エヌビディア(NVIDIA)のような大企業を始めとする数百社が、自社のANIソリューションに取り組んでいます。このように関心を集めるのはなぜでしょう。ストレス、公害、人口の高齢化により、診断精度と医療サービスの質の向上に対する要求が高まっています。大量の記録を処理し、パターンと相互関係を探し出すANIの能力は、医療の新たな時代をもたらします。
ソース: ガナ・テクノロジーズ
GANA Technologies Combines AI and Blockchain to Revolutionize Medicine
TALLINN, Estonia, June 12, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Green and Nature Association (GANA) Technologies [ https://ganacoin.io/ ], a
promising international blockchain-based project, joined the race for creating
an optimized narrow artificial intelligence (ANI) solution for individuals and
research groups in the medical sphere. Currently GANA is attracting investments
and creating a mobile application which will serve two main purposes: smart
digital personal assistance for the patients and collection of data for
responsible AI training.
Investing in the development of narrow artificial intelligence for medicine has
been trending lately. Hundreds of companies, including such giants as IBM,
Google and NVIDIA, are working on their own ANI solutions. What is the reason
behind this interest? Stress, pollution and population ageing are creating a
demand for increasing the accuracy of diagnosis and quality of medical
services. ANI's ability to process vast amounts of records and search for
patterns and correlations can help medicine enter the new age.
One of the most promising areas where ANI can be implemented is personalized
medicine. The idea of tailored approach to patients has been around for
centuries, but quality personalized medicine only became really possible with
the emergence of advanced data analytics methods. ANI can also be used in early
detection of diseases and abnormalities, to find the best treatment, interpret
CT scans, perform tests, and discover new drugs.
Using ANI in medicine, though, poses a certain danger: if the group that
provides the data for AI training of is too small or too specific, then AI can
show the tendency for prejudice. It is unacceptable when lives and health of
people are in question, so GANA's developers had to find a way to solve this
GANA will use latest blockchain technologies to ensure the transparency of the
learning process and every manipulation with user data. The data will be
collected from a large community of GANA's mobile application users - medical
institutes, patients, researchers, drug producers and distributors - thus
providing a sufficiently large amount of diverse data to minimize chances of
The need for quality medical services grows every year. Now, in the age of
high-technology solutions that are entering virtually every sphere,
implementation of high technologies in medicine becomes one of the most
lucrative fields for investments. After all, what can be more important than
investing in our own well-being?
To learn more about GANA project, please see the official website:
SOURCE: GANA Technologies