
Nanjing Agricultural University


AsiaNet 74051 (1091)

【南京(中国)2018年6月20日新華社=共同通信JBN】すでにネズミと線虫については発見されていた利己的な遺伝因子が、中国人科学者によってコメにおいて再び発見された。著名なメンデルの分離の法則に異議を唱え、利己的な遺伝因子が植物で見つかるのはこれが初めてとなる。このような新しい発見を紹介する記事は、6月8日に世界トップの学術誌、サイエンス(Science)に掲載された。シャオウェン・ユー博士とジーガン・ジャオ教授がこの論文の最初の著者で、両氏は南京農業大学(Nanjing Agricultural University)のCollege of Agriculture出身だ。中国工程院の院士であるジャンミン・ワン氏が責任著者だ。



利己的な遺伝因子は真核型のゲノムに蔓延しているが、それらの役割はまだ議論の余地がある。南京農業大学のワン教授のグループは、利己的な遺伝因子が原因となる雑種不稔性のメカニズムを発見している。ジャポニカ亜種(DJY1)と野生米(Oryza meridionalis)の間にある雄の雑種不稔性遺伝子座には密接に関連する遺伝子ORF2とORF3がある。ORF3が配偶体的な方法で花粉を保護する一方、ORF2は胞子体的に花粉を防ぐ。さらに、稲作農業において強い雑種強勢の利用を促進するためCRISPRテクノロジーによって幅広く親和性がある品種が開発された。

詳しい情報はウェブサイト( )を参照。

ソース:Nanjing Agricultural University

Chinese Scientists Spot Selfish Genetic Element in Plants


NANJING, China, June 20, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

After being found in mice and nematodes, selfish genetic element is once again

discovered in rice by Chinese scientists. This is the first time that selfish

genetic element is found in plants, challenging the renowned Mendel's Law of

segregation. The article introducing such new findings has been published by

the world's top academic journals Science on 8th June 2018. Dr. Xiaowen Yu and

Professor Zhigang Zhao are the first authors of this article, who are from the

College of Agriculture of Nanjing Agricultural University. Jianmin Wan, an

academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, is the corresponding author.

What about selfish genes? The core of Mendelian genetics is the concept that

gametes are equally likely to carry either of the two parental copies of a

gene. In fact, offspring traits might be more similar to those of its father or

mother. The same also goes to the selfish genetic element in rice. What's more,

such selfish genes weaken the advantages of O. sativa ssp japonica (DJY1)


Theoretically, the Indica/japonica hybrids have a 15% yield advantage over the

best existing indica/indica hybrids. However, Hybrid sterility, including

pollen sterility, aborted embryo sac, low seed-set rate, is always together

with hybrid vigor. According to the study by Wan's group, such phenomenon is

caused by the selfish genetic elements.

Selfish genetic elements are pervasive in eukaryote genomes, but their role

remains controversial. Proffesor Wan's group from Nanjing Agricultural

University discovers the mechanism of hybrid sterility causing by the selfish

genetic element. There are two closely related genes ORF2 and ORF3 in hybrid

male sterility locus between O. sativa ssp japonica (DJY1) and wild rice (Oryza

meridionalis). ORF2 aborts pollen in a sporophytic manner, while ORF3 protects

pollen in a gametophytic manner. Moreover, wide compatible varieties created by

CRISPR technology to facilitate utilization of the strong hybrid vigor in rice


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Source: Nanjing Agricultural University




