最高経営責任者の3分の2が突発事態に対して受け身、オジャーズ ベルンソンの調査で判明

オジャーズ ベルンソン

最高経営責任者の3分の2が突発事態に対して受け身、オジャーズ ベルンソンの調査で判明

AsiaNet 74252 (1171)

【シンガポール2018年7月6日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】グローバル企業の最高経営責任者は、突発的な変化に直面した時のしかるべき心構えができている経営幹部は半分しかいないと懸念しており、多くは対応が後手に回りがちだと認めていることが、世界屈指のエグゼクティブサーチファーム、オジャーズ ベルンソン(Odgers Berndtson)の新たな調査で判明した。


この調査結果は、アジア太平洋地域の70の多国籍企業の最高経営責任者(CEO)や地域CEOとの対面インタビューから明らかになった。調査は、Odgers Berndtson Asia Pacificのマネジングディレクター、マーク・ブレイスウェイト氏自らが6カ月にわたり実施、トップビジネスリーダーが個人としていかに変化に対処しているのかを独自の視点から明らかにする結果を導き出した。



この調査は、オジャーズ ベルンソン(https://www.odgersberndtson.com/en-cn/insights/how-seventy-leaders-of-multi-nationals-in-the-asia-pacific-region-are-responding-to-disruption )の一連の記事として発表された。以下の事実も判明した。





オジャーズ ベルンソンは、LeaderFit Profileと呼ばれる独自の新しいツールを使用した70回のインタビューから得られた調査結果を受け、混乱や未知の変化への対処能力を評価するための潜在的リーダーの心構えに焦点を当てた。

詳細については、http://www.odgersberndtson.com を参照。

ソース:Odgers Berndtson

Two Thirds of Chief Executives Reactive to Disruption, Odgers Berndtson Study Reveals


SINGAPORE, July 6, 2018, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Chief executives of global companies are concerned that only half their senior

executives have the right mindset to be effective in the face of disruptive

change, with many admitting to being reactive, a new study from Odgers

Berndtson, a leading global executive search firm, reveals.

Most chief executives said their top leaders were hired for skills relevant at

the time, but a different mindset and leadership approach is now needed to

manage the disruption engulfing their businesses as technological change


The findings emerged from face-to-face interviews with CEOs and regional CEOs

across Asia Pacific from 70 multinationals. These were conducted in person over

six months by Mark Braithwaite, Managing Director of Odgers Berndtson Asia

Pacific, who has distilled the findings to give an unusual insight into how top

business leaders are personally coping with change.

"Research shows that globally, over a third of top executives already fail to

deliver on their mandate. The fact that so many now see a yawning gap between

the leadership abilities their companies need and those their senior teams

currently have, is very worrying," Mr. Braithwaite said.

The rapid pace of change in Asia-Pacific makes it ideal to assess a challenge

now facing all CEOs, he added. "A common theme is that past success with

current business models holds back the ability of individuals to accept the

need for a new approach, the pace of change has stepped up and not everyone has

the mindset to cope."

The study - published as a series of articles by Odgers Berndtson


ionals-in-the-asia-pacific-region-are-responding-to-disruption) also reveals:

-  63% of CEOs, say they are reacting to disruptive forces - rather than

anticipating and leading change.

-  26% of CEOs believe they are initiators of disruption by investing heavily

in technology and innovative business models, many of which are created in


-  11% of CEOs described themselves as currently passive - they know disruption

is coming but are not yet affected.

-  71% of CEOs say that up to half the members of their leadership team do not

have the right mind-set to be effective in a rapidly changing environment,

where there are many problems they have never faced before.

Odgers Berndtson has responded to the findings from the 70 interviews with a

proprietary new tool, called LeaderFit Profile, focusing on the mindset of

potential leaders to assess their capacity for handling disruption and unknown


For more information please visit: http://www.odgersberndtson.com

Source: Odgers Berndtson  




