
銀聯国際(UnionPay International)


AsiaNet 74271

【上海2018年7月5日 PR Newswire】

中国教育省のデータによれば、海外留学をする中国人学生の数は2017年に初めて60万人を超えて60万8400人に達し、中国は世界最大の留学生の出身国となっている。銀聯国際(UnionPay International)は、その教育費決済サービスのアップグレードを続けており、オンラインとオフラインの授業料決済、日常的な決済や現金引き出し、その他現地のカードのアプリケーションを含む多くの決済サービスを学生に向けて提供している。現在では中国本土外の約4000の教育機関が授業料決済にUnionPay(銀聯)カードを導入しており、今年に入ってからの5カ月間でUnionPay(銀聯)カードで決済された授業料は前年同期比2.5倍に増加した。

銀聯国際(UnionPay International)の蔡剣波・最高経営責任者(CEO)によると、中国本土外におけるUnionPay(銀聯)オンラインとオフラインの導入は一貫して増加しており、留学向けUnionPay(銀聯)決済サービスにも新たな特徴が加わっているという。一つ目はサービスエリアの拡大だ。海外の主な留学先に加え、「一帯一路」の国と地域で勉強する学生にもサービスを提供している。二つ目に、キャンパス内外でUnionPay(銀聯)の導入を常に最適化し、「銀聯(UnionPay)」モバイルアプリを始めとする様々なUnionPay(銀聯)決済製品の導入規模を拡大することで、学生の決済に対する多様なニーズを満たしている。三つ目に、UnionPay(銀聯)は海外留学に関連した多くの付加価値サービスと特典を提供している。


UnionPay(銀聯)教育費決済サービスはUnionPay(銀聯)の越境オンライン決済サービスの特徴のひとつになっており、安全で速く、資金が人民元で控除されるなど多くの利点がある。Flywire、ウエスタンユニオンに加えてEasy Transfer、iEduPay、Imperial Bank of Canada(CIBC)の公式授業料決済プラットフォームなどもUnionPay(銀聯)カードの導入を開始した。Easy Transferは中国最大の海外留学生向けオンライン金融サービスで、中国本土外の数千もの大学の授業料と寮費の決済が行える。銀聯国際(UnionPay International)と が共同開発したiEduPay( )を使えば、カードホルダーはすべての大学、オーストラリアの公立高校の授業料を決済できる。CIBCはカナダの五大銀行の1つで、その授業料決済プラットフォームは同国内の多くの学校を網羅している。







About 4,000 Educational Institutions Outside Mainland China Accept UnionPay Cards for Tuition Payment


SHANGHAI, July 5, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

According to data from China's Ministry of Education, the number of Chinese

students studying abroad exceeded 600,000 for the first time in 2017, reaching

608,400, and China continues to be the world's largest source of international

students. UnionPay International has continued to upgrade its education payment

service system, providing students with multiple payment services including

online and offline tuition payment, daily cash withdrawal and payment service,

and local card application. At present, about 4,000 educational institutions

outside mainland China accept UnionPay cards for tuition fees payment. The

amount of tuition fees paid by UnionPay cards in the first five months of this

year has grown by 2.5 times year-on-year.

Cai Jianbo, CEO of UnionPay International, said that with the continuous

improvement of UnionPay's online and offline acceptance outside mainland China,

the UnionPay payment service system for overseas study has acquired new

features. First, its service scope is wider, not only covering major

destinations for overseas study but also providing services for students who

study in the "Belt and Road" countries and regions. Second, with the continuous

optimization of the acceptance of UnionPay on and off campus, the acceptance

scope of the "UnionPay" mobile app and other UnionPay innovative payment

products is expanding too, meeting the diverse payment demands of students.

Third, UnionPay is offering more added-value services and privileges related to

overseas study.

UnionPay education payment service continues to expand

UnionPay education payment service has become a special feature for UnionPay's

cross-border online payment service. It has many advantages: it is safe, fast,

and the funds will be deducted in RMB. In addition to Flywire and Western

Union, several online education payment platforms such as Easy Transfer,

iEduPay and the official tuition payment platform of the Imperial Bank of

Canada (CIBC) have also started accepting UnionPay cards. Easy Transfer is

China's largest online financial service platform for overseas study, on which

students are able to pay the tuition fees and dormitory rent for thousands of

renowned colleges and universities outside mainland China. On iEduPay

(, a platform jointly developed by UnionPay International and, cardholders are able to pay tuition fees to all the colleges,

universities, government-sponsored high schools in Australia. CIBC is one of

the top five banks in Canada, and its tuition payment platform covers many

schools in the country.

Students and parents can also pay tuition fees at the POS terminals on the

campus of educational institutions outside mainland China. UnionPay is accepted

at POS terminals in more than 1,100 schools, colleges and universities in

Australia, about 80 educational institutions in Singapore, and hundreds more in

Europe, such as Britain, France, and Italy. Cardholders can also pay tuition

fees online with UnionPay cards at the official website of over 700 educational

institutions in the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

As countries and regions along the "Belt and Road" have become new destinations

for Chinese students, the UnionPay education payment service in Russia,

Kazakhstan, and other B&R countries has been continuously improved. Moscow

State University, Far Eastern Federal University, Plekhanov University of

Economics and many more universities have accepted UnionPay cards for tuition

and accommodation payment. In 2017, the amount of tuition paid with UnionPay

cards by Chinese students grew by several dozen times year-on-year.

UnionPay offers better payment experiences to students studying overseas

With the UnionPay acceptance network extending to 169 countries and regions,

students can now use UnionPay cards at the merchants and ATMs on and off

campus. For instance, UnionPay cards are accepted at campus bookstores in over

20 key universities in the US, such as Columbia University, New York

University, and UCLA. UnionPay is accepted at the POS terminals on about 20

university campuses in France. Students may also apply for UnionPay cards in

their study destinations. So far, UnionPay cards are issued in 48 countries and

regions, including Hong Kong, Australia, the US, and Canada.

Chinese students can download the "UnionPay" mobile app to enjoy smooth mobile

payment service in 26 countries and regions outside mainland China, including

the US, Australia, and Canada. Among merchants accepting UnionPay cards in

Australia, more than 60% accept UnionPay mobile QuickPass, and students can

make tap-and-go payments at these merchants. In Russia, there are over one

million POS terminals accepting UnionPay mobile QuickPass, covering fast food

stores, supermarkets, and shopping malls popular among students.

SOURCE: UnionPay International




