
LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (LONGi)


AsiaNet 74307 (1200)

【ベルリン2018年7月10日新華社=共同通信JBN】第9回中独経済技術協力フォーラム(Sino-German Economic and Technical Cooperation Forum)が7月9日にベルリンで開かれ、中国大手の太陽光発電(PV)産業会社であるLONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd.(以下LONGi)のリ・ジェングオ社長が、エネルギー転換とエネルギー保存をテーマにするフォーラムで基調講演を行った。同社長は講演の中で、太陽光発電(PV)は今後3年以内に、世界のほとんどすべての国で、最も安価な電力資源になるだろうと語った。

同社長はさらに、太陽光発電とエネルギー保存が最も安価なエネルギー源になるとして、「Solar for Solar(太陽光発電のための太陽光)」の理想が将来実現するだろうと語った。2050年までに、PVは年間数千ギガワット(GW)の電力を生み出すだろう。



詳しい情報はhttp://www.longi-solar.com を参照。

ソース:LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (LONGi)


Li Zhenguo: PV will be the cheapest power source in most parts of the world


BERLIN, July 10, 2018 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

On July 9, at the 9th Sino-German Economic and Technical Cooperation Forum held

in Berlin, Germany, Li Zhenguo, President of LONGi Green Energy Technology Co.,

Ltd. (LONGi), a leading Chinese PV industry company, made a keynote speech for

the Energy Transformation and Energy Conservation Theme Forum, saying that in

the next three years solar PV will become the cheapest power source in most

parts of the world.

He said that, as photovoltaics and energy storage provide the cheapest energy

source, the ideal of "Solar for Solar" can be realized in the future. By 2050,

PV will become an industry that generates thousands of gigawatts (GWs) per year.

LONGi is the world's largest manufacturer of solar monocrystalline silicon

photovoltaic products. Since its establishment, it has always focused on single

crystal technology and engaged in monocrystalline silicon wafers, single

crystal cells and modules, distributed photovoltaic power plants and ground

photovoltaic power plants. In Photon's triathlon ranking, LONGi has the best

financial health index ranked first and one of the best financial stability


LONGi has a research and development (R&D) team of more than 450 people and has

obtained 260 national patents. Since its listing in 2012, the company has

invested a total of US$ 385 million in research and development, ranking first

in the global photovoltaic industry. The largest provider of monocrystalline

wafers and components in the world, LONGi in 2017 has an operating revenue of

US$ 2.556 billion, a net profit of US$ 557 million, and the total asset of US$

5.14 billion.

For more information, please visit: http://www.longi-solar.com/

Source: LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (LONGi)

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