Shinil Groupが113年前に韓国・鬱陵島近くで沈没したロシア1級装甲巡洋艦「ドンスコイ」を発見

Shinil Group

Shinil Groupが113年前に韓国・鬱陵島近くで沈没したロシア1級装甲巡洋艦「ドンスコイ」を発見

AsiaNet 74430 (1250)

【ソウル(韓国)2018年7月17日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】Shinil Groupは15日午前9時48分、同社はこのほど、113年前に韓国の鬱陵島近くで沈没したロシア装甲巡洋艦「ドミトリー・ドンスコイ」を発見したと発表した。鬱陵島から1.3キロの北緯37度29.2分、東経130度56.3分の水深434メートルの地点で「ドンスコイ」の船尾が最初に発見された。1885年にバルト海を去ったロシア・バルチック艦隊の1級装甲巡洋艦「ドミトリー・ドンスコイ」は20年間海洋を航行し、最強のロシア艦隊であるバルチック艦隊は1905年5月に日本海海戦(対馬沖海戦)に遭遇し、同艦隊の38隻と日本軍艦89隻が戦った。5800トンの装甲巡洋艦「ドミトリー・ドンスコイ」はバルト海から出発した38隻のバルチック艦隊主力艦の1つだった。

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「ドンスコイ」発掘を準備してきたShinil Group探査チームは「7月14日、推定沈没海域でNuytco (Canada)'s DeepWorkerの2隻の船を発見し、その船は「ドンスコイ」の航行計画と100%同じだった」。そこで15日午前9時48分に再探査が行われ、同チームはついに「ドンスコイ」を発見し、船尾を撮影、「『ドンスコイ』と確認された」。



Shinil Groupの探査チームは、韓国の海洋探査会社JD Engineering(リー・ウォンボク代表)の指揮下にある。英国の海洋探査専門家アラン、カナダの海洋探査会社Nuytcoのジェフリーおよび他の4人、およびShinil Groupの海洋探査コンサルタントのジン・ギョジュン氏(元Salvage & Rescue司令官)が昨年以来、「ドンスコイ」の探査を準備し、現在、成果を祝っている。

探査チームは7月14日と15日に撮影された「ドンスコイ」の画像と写真を密接に分析して比較し、17日に外部にデータをリリースする。さらに探査チームは、船尾で大量の鉄製の箱を見つけ、それらを保護するための措置を講じる予定である。今回の発見により、Shinil GroupはDonskoiiを発見した世界で唯一の企業であることが明確になった。

「Discovery of Donskoii」(「ドンスコイ」発見)ビデオはYoutube Videoの にアクセスを。

ソース:Shinil Group

Shinil Group found the Russian first-class armored cruiser Donskoii which sank near Korea's Ulleungdo for 113 years


SEOUL, South Korea, July 17, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Shinil Group said on July 15, 2018, at 09:48, that it had found the Dmitrii

Donskoii, a Russian armored cruiser ship that had sunk near the Ulleungdo of

South Korea for 113 years. The stern of Donskoii was first discovered at 1.3km,

N37 Degrees-29'.2" E130 Degrees-56'.3" and depth of 434m from Ulleungdo Island.

Dmitrii Donskoii, the first-class armored cruiser of the Russian Baltic Fleet,

which left the Baltic Sea in 1885, had sailed the oceans for 20 years, and in

May 1905 the Baltic Fleet, the strongest Russian fleet, encountered the Battle

of Tsushima, where 38 Baltic ships and 89 Japanese ships warred. Dmitrii

Donskoii, a 5,800-ton ironclad cruiser, was one of the 38 main Baltic fleet

vessels that departed from the Baltic Sea.

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Russian first-class armored cruiser Donskoii

The Donskoii battleship was discovered off the coast of Ulleungdo after 113


The Shinil Group exploration team, which had prepared the Donskoii excavation,

"found two ships of Nuytco (Canada)'s DeepWorker in the estimated area of

sinking on July 14, 2018, and the ship was 100% identical to the Donskoii's

sail plan." Then, a re-exploration was conducted at 09:48 on 15 July, and

finally the team found DONSKOII and photographed the stern, "It was confirmed

as Donskoii."

In addition to the clear sharpness of the stern, there were 203mm cannons and

152mm long-distance guns, a number of machine guns, anchors, two stacks, three

masts, wooden decks and armor -- The cruiser Dmitrii Donskoii was completely


The bottom of Donskoii is about 40 degrees on the slope of the seabed with its

stern 380 meters below the water level, and its bow is at 430 meters. One-third

of the stern is bombarded and the hull is severely damaged. It is a half-broken

situation. However, the upper deck of the wooden hull is almost untouched. The

armor on the side of the hull is also well preserved, while the anchors, guns

and machine guns remain in place. In addition, all three of the masts and the

two chimneys are broken, there was also a partial attacked trail of marking on

the sides.

The exploration team of the Shinil Group is under the leadership of JD

Engineering (Representative Lee Wonbok), a marine exploration company in Korea.

Allan, an ocean exploration expert in the UK; Jeffery and four others from

Nuytco, a Canadian marine exploration company and Jin Gyo-jung (former Salvage

& Rescue commander), a marine exploration consultant of the Shinil Group; have

prepared for Donskoii's exploration since last year and has now enjoyed the


The exploration team closely analyzes and compares the images and photos of

Donskoii, taken on July 14 and 15, with the hull plan, and releases the data

externally on the 17th. In addition, the exploration team finds a large amount

of iron boxes in the stern and will take measures to preserve them. With this

discovery, it becomes clear that the Shinil Group is the only entity in the

world who discovered Donskoii.

"Discovery of Donskoii" Video

[Youtube Video]

SOURCE Shinil Group




