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【アルバカーキ(米ニューメキシコ州)2018年11月15日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile(チリ・カトリック大学)のSaviaLab多様性イニシアチブは、エンジニアリング教育の多様性向上を目指したテクノロジーの革新的な利用により、2018年「エアバスGEDCダイバーシティー・アワード(Airbus GEDC Diversity Award)」の受賞者に選ばれた。

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/784781/Airbus.jpg



米ニューメキシコ州アルバカーキで開催された世界最大のエンジニアリング教育の会合であるWEEF-GEDC 2018会議で、ファイナリストの3プロジェクト-米ニューメキシコ大学のNASA Swarmathon、Pontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileのSaviaLab、Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(香港科技大学)のiSTEAM Underwater Robot Competition-は、業界専門家と著名なゲストからなる審査団にそれぞれの多様性イニシアチブを説明した。

この世界的な賞は、エアバス(Airbus)、グローバル・エンジニアリング・ディーンズ・カウンシル(GEDC:Global Engineering Deans Council)、ユネスコ(UNESCO:United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)が運営する。


世界のエンジニア人口における多様性の向上は周知の課題であり、エアバス、GEDC、ユネスコが対処することにコミットしている。従来と同様、今年のファイナリスト・プロジェクトは規模拡大の可能性または他の場所でも再現できる可能性に基づき選出された。エアバスは15日、他の人々が行動を起こすよう刺激する貴重な知見を共有するため、Diversity Awardの最も成功したイニシアチブを取り上げた電子書籍の公開を発表した。







Dominic Sproston


+44 7969447601


Chilean University Wins 2018 Airbus GEDC Diversity Award


ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, November 15, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

    Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile's SaviaLab recognised for

innovative use of technology to increase diversity in engineering education

    The SaviaLab diversity initiative from Pontificia Universidad Católica de

Chile has been selected as the winner of the 2018 Airbus GEDC Diversity Award

for innovative use of technology to increase diversity in engineering education.

(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/784781/Airbus.jpg )

    The SaviaLab initiative seeks to bridge the gap of opportunity by offering

science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) outreach education to

indigenous minorities and young people in rural areas across Chile.

    Since 2014, the initiative has introduced over 3,300 students from 7

regions to potential STEM career paths. This educational 'pre-engineering'

programme empowers others with concrete technology and innovation tools. The

impact goes beyond the rural minorities to the university's own students that

represent minorities themselves.

    The three finalist projects - NASA Swarmathon from the University of New

Mexico, USA, SaviaLab from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, and iSTEAM

Underwater Robot Competition from Hong Kong University of Science and

Technology - presented their diversity initiative to a Jury* of industry

experts and distinguished guests at the WEEF-GEDC 2018 conference - the largest

engineering education gathering in the world - in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

    This global award is administered by Airbus, the Global Engineering Deans

Council (GEDC) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO).

    Since Airbus launched the award in 2012, 198 entries representing 140

institutions from 37 countries have been submitted. For the 2018 edition, 39

entries were received from 19 countries. From the 18 finalist projects

recognised in the first six years of the award alone, over 125,000 students who

otherwise may not have chosen engineering have been directly impacted.

    Increasing diversity amongst the global population of engineers is a

well-documented challenge that Airbus, the GEDC and UNESCO are committed to

addressing. As in the past, this year's finalist projects were selected for

their potential to be scaled up or replicated elsewhere. Airbus are proud to

announce today the launch of an e-book dedicated to the Diversity Award's most

successful initiatives, to share the valuable insights which will inspire

others to take action.


    More information is available at:


    Discover the e-book: http://airbusgedcdiversityaward.com/

    Contact: Dominic Sproston, dominic@petruscommunications.com, +44 7969447601

SOURCE: Airbus




