ドラゴン作戦:東南アジアにおけるカメの違法取引の腐敗の規模を示す新たな証拠 野生動物司法委員会が報告

野生動物司法委員会(The Wildlife Justice Commission)

ドラゴン作戦:東南アジアにおけるカメの違法取引の腐敗の規模を示す新たな証拠 野生動物司法委員会が報告

AsiaNet 76650

ドラゴン作戦:東南アジアにおけるカメの違法取引の腐敗の規模を示す新たな証拠 野生動物司法委員会が報告

ハーグ(オランダ)、2018年12月6日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

野生動物司法委員会(WJC:Wildlife Justice Commission:http://www.wildlifejustice.org/ )は本日、国際腐敗防止デー(Anti-Corruption Day)を前に、南アジアと東南アジアで数百万ドルにも及んでいる絶滅寸前の爬虫類の違法取引と、この野生動物犯罪を可能にする腐敗の規模に関する2年間の調査(2016-2018年)、ドラゴン作戦(Operation Dragon)を詳細に説明する報告書、ドラゴン作戦:カメの違法取引における腐敗と取引の規模の新たな証拠を明らかにする(Operation Dragon:Revealing new evidence of the scale of corruption and trafficking in the turtle and tortoise trade)(1)をリリースしました。

ドラゴン作戦においてWJCは、インドの野生動物犯罪監視局(WCCB:Wildlife Crime Control Bureau:http://wccb.gov.in/ )、半島マレーシア野生動物・国立公園局(PERHILITAN :Department of Wildlife and National Parks Peninsular Malaysia:http://wildlife.gov.my/index.php/en/ )、インターポール環境犯罪プログラム(INTERPOL Environmental Crime Program:https://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Environmental-crime/Environmental-crime )と緊密に連携しました。この協働は以下の具体的成果を生み出しました。8つの野生動物取引ネットワークに壊滅的な打撃を与え、30人を逮捕、5人の密売人がすでに投獄されており、他の容疑者たちは裁判を待っています。絶滅の危険が増大しているものから絶滅の危機に瀕しているものまで、6000頭以上の生きた爬虫類が当局によりペットの違法取引から差し押さえられました。



作戦中WJCの調査官は、絶滅の危機に瀕している動物を含むワシントン条約(CITES) 附属書I、II に掲げられた16種の淡水亀20,400頭以上を提供されました。WJCは総合的な価格情報を収集することができましたが、密売人の価格リストによると、記録および価格提示された動物の卸売価格は300万米ドルを超えます。小売価格は、かなり高いはずです。この数字は、数か国におけるいくつかの長期データにある現在の価格に基づいたものです(2)。


野生動物司法委員会(WJC:http://www.wildlifejustice.org/ )は、野生動物、樹木、魚を取引する、国を超えた組織的犯罪ネットワークを妨害、廃絶するため世界規模で活動しています。このために証拠を収集し、説明責任を果たします。



(2)実例を挙げると、インドでblack spotted turtleは1頭22米ドルで購入できますが、マレーシアでは140米ドル、香港では小売段階で300から400米ドルで売られています。卸売段階だと、大量のblack spotted turtleが1頭当たり55米ドルで購入できます。WJCが記録した違法取引の推定価格は、小売価格ではなく主にこれらの動物の卸売価格に基づいており、小売価格ははるかに高くなると思われます。



Operation Dragon: New Evidence of the Scale of Corruption in the Illegal Turtle and Tortoise Trade in Southeast Asia - A Report by the Wildlife Justice Commission


THE HAGUE, Netherlands, December 6, 2018 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The Wildlife Justice Commission [ https://wildlifejustice.org/ ](WJC) has

released today, on the run up to Anti-Corruption Day, the report Operation

Dragon: Revealing new evidence of the scale of corruption and trafficking in

the turtle and tortoise trade (1) detailing its Operation Dragon, a 2-year

investigation (2016-2018) into the multi-million-dollar illegal trade of

endangered reptile species in South and Southeast Asia and the scale of the

corruption that enables this wildlife crime.

During Operation Dragon, the WJC worked closely with the Wildlife Crime Control

Bureau [ http://wccb.gov.in/ ](WCCB) of India, the Department of Wildlife and

National Parks Peninsular Malaysia [

http://wildlife.gov.my/index.php/en/](PERHILITAN) and with the INTERPOL

Environmental Crime Program [

https://www.interpol.int/Crime-areas/Environmental-crime/Environmental-crime ].

This collaboration yielded concrete results on the ground: eight wildlife

trafficking networks were significantly disrupted, 30 arrests were made, and

five traffickers have already been jailed, while other suspects are awaiting

trial. More than 6,000 live reptiles, ranging from vulnerable to critically

endangered, were seized by the authorities from the illegal pet trade.

"The significant amount of evidence gathered through undercover investigations

and the thorough analysis of intelligence by the WJC provided an in-depth

understanding of individual roles and network dynamics, enabling law

enforcement agencies to target high-level traffickers, those benefiting most

from this crime," said Sarah Stoner, Senior Investigation Manager at the WJC.

Operation Dragon illustrated the scale and coordination of the corruption that

facilitates the illegal trade of freshwater turtles and tortoises across the

region. Meticulous intelligence analysis revealed the consistent enabling of

trafficking through organised corruption of officials at airports and transport

hubs. These 'settings ' (as named by the traffickers themselves) allow the

shipping of large quantities of stock minimising risks of detection for the


WJC investigators were offered more than 20,400 freshwater turtles and

tortoises from 16 different CITES Appendix I and II listed species, including

critically endangered animals, during the course of the operation. The WJC was

able to collect comprehensive pricing information: based on the traffickers'

own price lists, the wholesale value of the animals documented and offered is

over USD 3M. Retail value would be considerably higher. This figure is based on

current prices from several different data points across several countries and

over a long time period (2).

"Our teams also noted an increase in the trafficking of rarer and higher-value

freshwater turtles. Given their vulnerable population status, there is concern

that any removal from the wild will have a significant impact on their ability

to recover," added Stoner.

The Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC) operates globally to disrupt and help

dismantle organised transnational criminal networks trading in wildlife, timber

and fish. We do this by collecting evidence and turning it into accountability.

Notes for editor:  

Full report is available at the WJC website, http://www.wildlifejustice.org

To illustrate, an individual black spotted turtle can be purchased in India for

22 USD, sold in Malaysia for 140 USD, or in Hong Kong for 300-400 USD at a

retail level. At a wholesale level - a large batch of black spotted turtles can

be purchased for 55 USD per individual, the estimated value of the illegal

trade documented by the WJC is largely based on the wholesale value of these

animals and not the retail, which is likely to be much greater.

SOURCE: The Wildlife Justice Commission




