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【コペンハーゲン(デンマーク)2019年2月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
*Global Wind Organisation(GWO)が風力発電の従業員訓練に関する年次レポート第2版を発表
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822608/GWO_Logo.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822606/Eloy_Jauregui_Chairman_of_Global_Wind_Organisation.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822607/GWO_Training.jpg )
16の大手風力発電企業から成る非営利団体Global Wind Organisation(GWO)は、同機関の基準を満たす訓練を受けた人の数が急増していると発表した。GWO基準は、世界で認められる統一仕様に適応させた基本的な安全性と技術訓練を通じ、より安全で生産的な労働力を生み出している。
Acciona Energia安全担当ディレクターで、Global Wind Organisation会長のエロイ・ハウレギ氏は「GWO基準で訓練を受けた人が労働力の5-10%に達した。しかし、われわれの挑戦は始まったばかりだ」と述べた。
2018年GWO年次レポート ( https://www.globalwindsafety.org/statistics/gwo-annual-report-2018 )は、 ( https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822609/GWO_Annual_Report_2018.pdf )からダウンロードできる。
日付 総人数 増減率
2017年12月31日 4万5314人
2018年12月31日 7万4432人 +65%
日付 総数 増減率
2017年12月31日 220カ所
2018年12月31日 288カ所 +31%
独立系の訓練プロバイダーが、世界中の参加者にGWO認定の訓練を提供している。訓練記録はアップロードされ、GWO WINDAデータベースに蓄積される。GWOの訓練を受けた各従業員の記録はそれぞれの個人に特有のWINDA IDによって特定されるので、雇用主は従業員の訓練記録を迅速かつ簡単に確認でき、従業員には機動性を提供し、雇用主が不要な再訓練用のコストを回避するために役立つ。
(注1)風力発電に関わる世界の全従業員数は114万人(2018年)。ソースはInternational Renewable Energy Association(国際再生可能エネルギー機関)、 http://resourceirena.irena.org/gateway/dashboard/
Acciona Energia、Goldwind、Shanghai Electric、GEリニューアブルエナジー、Envision、Senvion、E.ON Climate & Renewables、Innogy、SSE、MHI Vestas、Vestas、Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy、Vattenfall、Equinor、Enercon、Ørsted.
すべての写真の著作権はGlobal Wind Organisationに帰属する。
ソース:Global Wind Organisation
Global Standards Kept 74,000+ Wind Workers Safe in 2018
COPENHAGEN, Denmark, February 20, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- Global Wind Organisation publishes second annual report on worker
training in wind energy
- 74,432 technicians in 156 countries had valid GWO training certificate
by 31.12.18
- Rapid growth sees 65% increase in people trained
A group of the worlds' largest wind turbine manufacturers and owners today
re-affirmed their commitment to use globally recognized minimum safety training
standards for workers across the world.
(Logo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822608/GWO_Logo.jpg )
https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822606/Eloy_Jauregui_Chairman_of_Global_Wind_Organisation.jpg )
(Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822607/GWO_Training.jpg )
Global Wind Organisation (GWO), a non-profit body owned by 16 leading wind
energy companies has reported rapid rises in the numbers of people trained to
its standards. GWO standards align basic safety and technical training to a set
of unified specifications that are recognised around the world, creating a safer
and more productive workforce.
With 74,432 (+65%) people holding a valid certificate by the end of 2018,
an estimated 5-10% of the global workforce in wind energy[1] is now trained to
GWO standards.
Eloy Jauregui, Director of Safety at Acciona Energia and Chairman of Global
Wind Organisation, said:
"Having 5-10% of the workforce trained to GWO standard is an achievement.
But our challenge is just beginning.
"People working on wind turbines around the world are generally not trained
to GWO standards and we believe that wherever possible, they should be.
We will increase our efforts to engage globally and collaboratively; promote the
adoption of mutually recognized safety standards and provide adequate
governance around the delivery of training, so we can strive towards our
mission of creating an injury free working environment in wind energy."
The GWO 2018 Annual Report
(https://www.globalwindsafety.org/statistics/gwo-annual-report-2018 )
can be downloaded here (https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/822609/GWO_Annual_Report_2018.pdf ).
Highlights include the following data:
Number of people with a valid GWO record
Date Total % Change
31.12.2017 45,314
31.12.2018 74,432 +65%
GWO Certified Training Sites
Date Total % Change
31.12.2017 220
31.12.2018 288 +31%
Editors' Notes
GWO is a non-profit organisation of wind turbine owners and wind turbine
manufacturers, committed to the creation and adoption of standardized safety
training and emergency procedures.
Independent training providers deliver GWO-certified training to delegates
worldwide. Training records are uploaded and stored in the GWO WINDA database.
Each GWO-trained worker's records are identified by a unique WINDA ID personal
to them, allowing employers to verify training records quickly and easily,
providing worker mobility and helping employers avoid unnecessary spending on
1. Global employment in Wind Energy = 1.14m (2018). Source: International
Renewable Energy Association http://resourceirena.irena.org/gateway/dashboard/
GWO Member companies
Acciona Energia, Goldwind, Shanghai Electric, GE Renewable Energy,
Envision, Senvion, E.ON Climate & Renewables, Innogy, SSE, MHI Vestas, Vestas,
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Vattenfall, Equinor, Enercon, Ørsted.
All photos copyright Global Wind Organisation
SOURCE: Global Wind Organisation