Gracell Biotechnologies、免疫細胞遺伝子治療薬へ8500万ドルのシリーズB資金調達を完了

Gracell Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd.

Gracell Biotechnologies、免疫細胞遺伝子治療薬へ8500万ドルのシリーズB資金調達を完了

AsiaNet 77466 (0244)

【蘇州、上海(中国)2019年2月26日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


Gracell Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd.(Gracell)は26日、8500万ドルのシリーズB資金調達を終えたと発表した。Temasekが資金拠出の中心になり、Lilly Asia VenturesとKington Capital、King Star Capital、Chengdu Miaojiも加わった。この新資金調達でGracellは、次世代免疫細胞遺伝子治療のいくつかの候補薬で臨床試験への着手が可能になった。

2017年にウェイ(ウィリアム)・カオ博士が設立したGracellは、次世代細胞医薬品の開発に取り組む革新的なバイオ医療会社。カオ博士は以前、ナスダック上場の細胞治療会社の共同設立者兼最高経営責任者(CEO)だった。Gracellは創業直後、6 DimensionsからのシリーズA資金で支えられていた。


Gracellはこれまでに、低コストのキメラ抗原受容体T細胞(CAR-T)の一連の製品で臨床前開発を終え、治験審査委員会(IRB)の審査を経て臨床試験に入った。このほか開発中の製品には、自社のFasT(TM) CAR技術とDual-CAR技術に基づいて開発したCAR-T細胞製品や、市販のCAR-T製品、難治性固形腫瘍治療用のCAR-T製品がある。




2017年創業のGracelll Biotechnologies Co., Ltd.(Gracell)は中国の蘇州に本社があり、上海と香港にも拠点がある。Gracellは高い製造コストや長い製造過程、在庫製品の不足、短期の効能を含む細胞遺伝子療法業界の大きな課題の解決に取り組んでいる。Gracellの使命は最高クラスで手ごろな価格の細胞医薬品をがん患者に届けることにある。



詳しい情報はウェブサイトの を参照。

▽Lilly Asia Venturesについて

Lilly Asia Ventures(LAV)は大手バイオメディカル・ベンチャーキャピタル企業で、シンガポールと香港、パロアルト(米カリフォルニア州)にオフィスがある。そのビジョンはスマートな資本を求める特別な起業家に信頼されるパートナーになり、病気を治療して人々の健康を増進する革新的な製品を開発する偉大な企業を作ることである。

▽Kington Capitalについて

Kington Capitalは蘇州市政府の支援を受けている。2016年の創設で、資本・技術集約生産、ブランド主導消費、高度医療、次世代情報技術の4業種に重点を置いて直接投資し、ファンド運用する同市初のプライベートインベストメント機構である。

▽King Star Capitalについて

King Star CapitalはKington Capitalが運用する米ドル建てファンド。ファンドの第1段階は中国の革新的なバイオ医薬品企業に焦点を絞り、CStone PharmaceuticalsやMabSpace Biosciences、JW Therapeutics、Adagene Pharmaceuticalなど大手の抗がんバイオ医薬品R&D企業に投資している。

▽Chengdu Miaojiについて

Chengdu Miaoji Medical Technology Co., Ltd.は2015年に設立され、中国の成都にある。同社は高効率の投資チームを持ち、さまざまなグローバル大手バイオ医療技術企業の投資運用に参加している。医療業界への独自の視点を持つChengdu Miaojiは、複数の医療セクターに広がる企業の投資と支援に務めている。

▽6 Dimensions Capitalについて

6 Dimensions Capitalはボストン、サンフランシスコ、香港、上海にオフィスがあるグローバルな大手ヘルスケア投資会社。米国、欧州、中国、イスラエルなどの国々で営業するヘルスケアスタートアップや成長段階の企業への投資に専念する。起業家を助け、世界中の患者のために革新的なヘルスケア事業を創造して拡大することを可能にしている。( を参照)

準備:ChinaBio(R) Group

ソース:Gracell Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd.


Erin Li

VP Corporate Development

Gracell Bio

China: +86-158-2105-3007;

Dr. William (Wei) Cao


Chairman and CEO

Gracell Bio

China: +86-156-1830-3517

US: +1-650-798-9309;

Dr. Richard Daverman

Senior Editor

ChinaBio(R) Group

US: +1-858-573-6736

Gracell Biotechnologies Completes $85 Million Series B for Immune Cell Gene Therapies


SUZHOU and SHANGHAI, China, Feb. 26, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

-- Gracell addresses the issues of complex manufacture and high cost of

cellular gene therapeutics

Gracell Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd. ("Gracell") announced the completion of its

$85 million series B funding today. The financing was led by Temasek with Lilly

Asia Ventures, Kington Capital, King Star Capital and Chengdu Miaoji also

participating in the round. This new funding will enable Gracell to enter

clinical trials with several of its next generation immune cell gene therapy

drug candidates.

Founded by Dr. Wei (William) Cao in 2017, Gracell is an innovative biomedical

company focusing on the development of new generation cellular drugs. Dr. Cao

was previously co-founder and CEO of a Nasdaq-listed cell therapy company.

Gracell was initially supported by series A financing from 6 Dimensions shortly

after its establishment.

Gracell says it is committed to developing high-quality, low-cost cellular

drugs and solving many of the technical difficulties in the cellular gene

therapy field, including complex manufacture, lack of off-the-shelf products,

and short duration efficacy. To implement its vision, Gracell believes it has

gathered one of the top teams in the industry from China and the U.S.

To date, Gracell has completed pre-clinical development of a series of low-cost

CAR-T products and entered clinical research through Institutional Review Board

(IRB) studies. Other products under development include CAR-T cell products

developed on the company's FasT(TM) CAR technology, Dual-CAR technology,

off-the-shelf CAR-T products, and CAR-T products for the treatment of

refractory solid tumors.

"Immune cell gene therapy is expected to become a pillar of modern medicine,

but the industry is still in its infancy. Challenges and opportunities

coexist," said Dr. William Cao, founder, Chairman and CEO of Gracell. "Gracell

has a leading technology platform and a mission-driven team that is committed

to solving industry-wide cellular gene therapy technical difficulties. The

company's goal is to develop high-quality, low-cost, easy-to-use cellular gene

therapy drugs that bring hope to cancer patients."

Over the past year, the Gracell team has advanced a series of innovative CAR-T

products toward clinical research, obtaining valuable data and gaining support

from international investors. Gracell expects to develop a data package from

its clinical IRB studies and advance several products to IND filing and

clinical trials in the near future.

About Gracell

Established in 2017, Gracell Biotechnologies Co., Ltd. ("Gracell") is

headquartered in Suzhou, China, with additional locations in Shanghai and Hong

Kong. Gracell is dedicated to resolving the cellular gene therapy industry's

major challenges including high production costs, lengthy manufacturing

process, lack of off-the-shelf products, and short duration of therapeutic

effects. Gracell's mission is to bring best-in-class and affordable cellular

medicines to cancer patients.

About Temasek

Founded in 1974, Temasek is an international investment company based in

Singapore. The company has offices all over the world. As of March 31, 2018,

Temasek's portfolio was valued at $250 billion, mainly in Singapore and other

parts of Asia.

Temasek's investment activities center around four major investment themes that

are long-term trends: economies in transition, the growing middle class,

significant comparative advantage, and emerging corporate champions.

For more information, please visit the company's website at

About Lilly Asia Ventures

Lilly Asia Ventures ("LAV") is a leading biomedical venture capital firm, with

offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Palo Alto, California. Its vision is to

become the trusted partner for exceptional entrepreneurs seeking smart capital

and to build great companies developing breakthrough products that treat

diseases and improve human health.

About Kington Capital

Kington Capital is supported by the Suzhou municipal government. Founded in

2016, it is the first municipal private investment platform engaged in direct

investment and fund management focusing on four industries: capital- and

technology-intensive manufacturing, brand driven consumption, high-end medical

health, and next generation information technology.

About King Star Capital

King Star Capital is a U.S. dollar fund managed by Kington Capital. The first

phase of the fund focuses on innovative biopharmaceutical companies in China.

It has invested in leading anti-tumor biopharmaceutical R&D enterprises

including CStone Pharmaceuticals, MabSpace Biosciences, JW Therapeutics and

Adagene Pharmaceutical.

About Chengdu Miaoji

Chengdu Miaoji Medical Technology Co., Ltd., was founded in 2015 and is based

in Chengdu, China. The company has a highly efficient investment team and has

participated in the investment management of multiple leading global biomedical

technology companies. With its unique insight into the healthcare industry,

Chengdu Miaoji is committed to investing in and supporting firms across

multiple healthcare sectors.

About 6 Dimensions Capital

6 Dimensions Capital is a leading global healthcare investment firm with

offices in Boston, San Francisco, Hong Kong and Shanghai. The firm focuses on

the investments of healthcare startups or growth stage companies with

operations in the U.S., Europe, China, Israel and other countries. We help and

enable entrepreneurs to create and grow innovative healthcare businesses for

the benefits of patients worldwide. (See

Prepared by: ChinaBio(R) Group

SOURCE:  Gracell Biotechnologies, Co., Ltd.


         VP Corporate Development

         Gracell Bio

         China: +86-158-2105-3007;

         Dr. William (Wei) Cao


         Chairman and CEO

         Gracell Bio

         China: +86-156-1830-3517

         US: +1-650-798-9309;

         Dr. Richard Daverman

         Senior Editor

         ChinaBio(R) Group

         US: +1-858-573-6736




