InovioがHPV関連子宮頸前がん治療療法の「REVEAL 2」グローバル第3相臨床試験を開始

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

InovioがHPV関連子宮頸前がん治療療法の「REVEAL 2」グローバル第3相臨床試験を開始

AsiaNet 77681 (0350)

【プリマスミーティング(米ペンシルベニア州)2019年3月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】

*第2回目の第3相臨床試験の開始発表はInternational HPV Awareness Dayに行われた

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(NASDAQ: INO)は5日、ヒトパピローマウイルス(HPV)による子宮頸部形成異常を治療するInovioによるDNAベース免疫療法であるVGX-3100の2回目の第3相試験の開始および、これを登録するための場所の開設を発表した。「REVEAL 2」という名称のこの試験は、同社の確認段階である第3相臨床試験であり、VGX-3100の有効性と安全性の評価を目的としている。第3相臨床試験完了後、承認されれば、VGX-3100は子宮頸部形成異常の女性に対する最初の免疫療法として有効となる。同社は2019 International HPV Awareness Day(2019年国際HPV認識デー)を記念した祝賀に合わせこの発表を行った。毎年恒例のキャンペーンでは、HPVについて、またHPV関連のがんや前がんのリスクを管理する方法について学ぶために、全員が行動を起こすよう奨励されている。(HPV Dayに関する詳細な情報は を参照)

Inovioの社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)であるJ・ジョセフ・キム博士は「当社での2回目の第3相試験であるREVEAL 2の早期開始は、主要製品VGX-3100にとりもう1つのマイルストーンとなる。REVEALプログラムを前進させ、2021年にVGX-3100のBLAを提出するという目標を達成するという当社チームの経験と専門知識を信頼している。そして最も重要なことは、患者が待っていること、そして当社の努力が現在、手術が唯一の選択肢である人々に革新的で衝撃的な治療法をもたらしつつあることを、われわれは念頭に置いている」と語った。


Inovioの第3相プログラムは、子宮頸がんの直接の前駆体である子宮頸部HSIL(高悪性度扁平上皮内病変)を退縮させ、これらの病変を引き起こすHPV感染を除去するためのVGX-3100の有効性評価を行っている。REVEAL試験はHPV 16/18陽性の生検で証明された子宮頸部HSIL(別名、子宮頸部上皮内腫瘍(CIN)2ないし3)を有する成人女性を評価する前向き無作為化(2:1)二重盲検プラセボ対照試験である。

主要評価項目は、子宮頸部におけるHSILの退縮およびHPV-16および/ないしHPV-18のウイルス学的除去である。試験は、0.1カ月および3カ月目に投与されたVGX-3100の3回投与計画を開始の約9カ月後での頸部組織変化を評価する。副次的評価項目には安全性、耐容性、CIN 2/3からCIN 1または正常への退縮、HPVのウイルス学的除去、がんへの非進行によって測定される有効性、非子宮頸部の解剖学的位置からのHPV除去、が含まれる。これらの試験に関する詳細な情報は (REVEAL 1の検索識別子はNCT03185013、REVEAL 2はNCT03721978)を参照。




VGX-3100は、HPV-16およびHPV-18感染ならびに子宮頸部(第3相)、外陰、肛門(第2相)の前がん病変の治療のために試験中のDNAベースの免疫療法である。VGX-3100は、子宮頸部のHPV感染に対する最初の承認された治療法および前がん性子宮頸部病変に対する最初の非外科的治療法となる可能性がある。VGX-3100は、感染を標的とし、前がん細胞の破壊を引き起こすHPV-16およびHPV-18に対する特異的免疫反応を刺激することによって機能する。組織学的に文書化されたHPV 16/18子宮頸部HSIL(CIN2/3)を有する167人の成人女性を対象とした無作為化、二重盲検、プラセボ対照第2b相試験で、VGX-3100による治療は統計的に有意に大きな子宮頸部HSILおよび対プラセボでのHPV除去をもたらした。最も一般的な副作用は注射部位の痛みであり、重大な有害事象は報告されていない。VGX-3100は患者自身の免疫系を利用して、リプロダクティブヘルスの喪失や心理社会的な悪影響などの手術に伴うリスクの増加なしに、HPV-16およびHPV-18感染と前がん病変を除去する。

▽Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.について

Inovioは、がんと感染症の治療を変革するDNA免疫療法およびワクチンの発見、開発、商品化に重点的に取り組む後期バイオテクノロジー企業である。Inovio独自のプラットフォーム技術は、次世代の抗原シークエンシングとDNAデリバリーを応用し、標的疾患に対する免疫反応を活性化する。この技術は生体内でのみ機能し、標的の疾患と病原体に対する強力で完全に機能するT細胞と抗体反応を、絶え間なく活性化することが実証されている。Inovioの最先端臨床プログラムであるVGX-3100は、HPV関連子宮頸前がんの治療薬として第3相試験に入っている。また、HPV関連がん、膀胱がん、膠芽細胞腫を標的とした免疫腫瘍プログラム開発が第2相試験中で、B型肝炎、ジカ、エボラ、MERS(中東呼吸器症候群)、HIV用のプラットフォーム開発プログラムもある。パートナーおよび共同研究者には、MedImmune、Regeneron、Roche/Genentech、ApolloBio Corporation、ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団、ウィスター研究所、ペンシルベニア大学、パーカーがん免疫療法研究所、CEPI、国防高等研究計画局(DARPA)、GeneOne Life Science、Plumbline Life Sciences、ドレクセル大学、国立衛生研究所(NIH)、HIV Vaccines Trial Network、国立がん研究所、米軍のHIV研究プログラム、ラバル大学が含まれている。詳細については、 を参照。



Ben Matone

+1 484-362-0076


Jeff Richardson


ソース:Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Inovio Initiates REVEAL 2 Global Phase 3 Clinical Study For the Treatment of HPV-Related Cervical Pre-cancer


PLYMOUTH MEETING, PA., Mar. 5, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

-- The second Phase 3 study initiation announcement made during the

International HPV Awareness Day

Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: INO) today announced the initiation and

opening of sites to enroll the second portion of the company's Phase 3 program

for VGX-3100, Inovio's DNA-based immunotherapy to treat cervical dysplasia

caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). The study, named REVEAL 2, is the

company's confirmatory stage Phase 3 clinical study and is designed to evaluate

the efficacy and safety of VGX-3100. If approved after completion of the Phase

3 clinical trials, VGX-3100 will stand as the first immunotherapy for women

with cervical dysplasia.  The company made the announcement in concert with the

celebration marking the 2019 International HPV Awareness Day.  The annual

campaign encourages everyone to take action to learn about HPV, and how to

manage the risk of HPV related cancers and precancers. (For more information on

HPV Day visit:

Dr. J. Joseph Kim, Inovio's President & CEO, said, "The early initiation of our

REVEAL 2, our second Phase 3 study, marks another milestone for our lead

product VGX-3100. I am confident in our team's experience and expertise to

advance the REVEAL program forward to deliver on our goal to file a BLA for

VGX-3100 in 2021. And most importantly, we remember that patients are waiting

and our efforts are bringing an innovative, impactful therapy to people where

surgery is their only option.

Dr. Kim added, "Inovio is also investigating VGX-3100 in Phase 2 clinical

trials for treating anal and vulvar dysplasia with interim results expected

later this year."

Inovio's Phase 3 program is assessing the efficacy of VGX-3100 to regress

cervical HSIL (high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions), a direct precursor

to cervical cancer, and to eliminate the HPV infection that causes these

lesions. The REVEAL studies are prospective, randomized (2:1), double-blind,

placebo-controlled trials evaluating adult women with HPV 16/18 positive

biopsy-proven cervical HSIL, otherwise known as cervical intraepithelial

neoplasia (CIN) 2 or 3.

The primary endpoint is regression of cervical HSIL AND virologic clearance of

HPV-16 and/or HPV-18 in the cervix. The studies will evaluate cervical tissue

changes at approximately 9 months after beginning a three dose regimen of

VGX-3100 administered at months 0, 1, and 3. Secondary endpoints include

safety; tolerability; regression of CIN 2/3 to CIN 1 or normal; virologic

clearance of HPV; efficacy measured by non-progression to cancer; and clearance

of HPV from non-cervical anatomic locations. For more information on these

studies, please visit (search identifier NCT03185013 and

NCT03721978 for REVEAL 1 and REVEAL 2, respectively).  

Inovio previously reported that VGX-3100 eliminated high grade dysplasia in

almost 50% of women in its Phase 2b randomized, placebo-controlled trial. In

80% of the women whose high grade dysplasia was eliminated, the HPV infection

was also cleared by VGX-3100.  Further data analysis revealed that the

combination of HPV detection and cervical cytology (Pap smear) following dosing

was predictive for both elimination of the high grade dysplasia and clearance

of HPV.

In addition to advancing its HPV program trial enrollment, Inovio continues to

pursue research into biomarkers with the intent of attaining the ability to

predict clinical response to VGX-3100 that may ultimately aid in patient

selection and physician guidance of patient care. These pre-treatment

biomarkers could identify patients most likely to respond to treatment with

VGX-3100, increasing absolute efficacy of the product.

About VGX-3100

VGX-3100 is a DNA-based immunotherapy under investigation for the treatment of

HPV-16 and HPV-18 infection and pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix (Phase 3)

and vulva and anus (Phase 2). VGX-3100 has the potential to be the first

approved treatment for HPV infection of the cervix and the first non-surgical

treatment for pre-cancerous cervical lesions. VGX-3100 works by stimulating a

specific immune response to HPV-16 and HPV-18, which targets the infection and

causes destruction of pre-cancerous cells. In a randomized, double-blind,

placebo-controlled Phase 2b study in 167 adult women with histologically

documented HPV 16/18 cervical HSIL (CIN2/3), treatment with VGX-3100 resulted

in a statistically significantly greater decrease in cervical HSIL and

clearance of HPV infection vs. placebo. The most common side effect was

injection site pain, and no serious adverse events were reported. VGX-3100

utilizes the patient's own immune system to clear HPV-16 and HPV-18 infection

and pre-cancerous lesions without the increased risks associated with surgery,

such as loss of reproductive health and negative psychosocial impacts.

About Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.  

Inovio is a late-stage biotechnology company focused on the discovery,

development, and commercialization of DNA-based immunotherapies and vaccines

that transform the treatment and prevention of cancer and infectious disease.

Inovio's proprietary technology platform applies next-generation antigen

sequencing and DNA delivery to activate potent immune responses to targeted

diseases. The technology functions exclusively in vivo, and has been

demonstrated to consistently activate robust and fully functional T cell and

antibody responses against targeted cancers and pathogens. Inovio's most

advanced clinical program, VGX-3100, is in Phase 3 for the treatment of

HPV-related cervical precancer. Also in development are Phase 2 immuno-oncology

programs targeting HPV-related cancers, bladder cancer, and glioblastoma, as

well as platform development programs in hepatitis B, Zika, Ebola, MERS, and

HIV. Partners and collaborators include MedImmune, Regeneron, Roche/Genentech,

ApolloBio Corporation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Wistar

Institute, the University of Pennsylvania, Parker Institute for Cancer

Immunotherapy, CEPI, DARPA, GeneOne Life

Science, Plumbline Life Sciences, Drexel University, NIH, HIV Vaccines Trial

Network, National Cancer Institute, U.S. Military HIV Research Program, and

Laval University. For more information, visit


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements relating to our

business, including our plans to develop electroporation-based drug and gene

delivery technologies and DNA vaccines, our expectations regarding our research

and development programs, including the planned initiation and conduct of

clinical trials and the availability and timing of data from those trials.  

Actual events or results may differ from the expectations set forth herein as a

result of a number of factors, including uncertainties inherent in pre-clinical

studies, clinical trials and product development programs, the availability of

funding to support continuing research and studies in an effort to prove safety

and efficacy of electroporation technology as a delivery mechanism or develop

viable DNA vaccines, our ability to support our pipeline of SynCon(R) active

immunotherapy and vaccine products, the ability of our collaborators to attain

development and commercial milestones for products we license and product sales

that will enable us to receive future payments and royalties, the adequacy of

our capital resources, the availability or potential availability of

alternative therapies or treatments for the conditions targeted by us or our

collaborators, including alternatives that may be more efficacious or cost

effective than any therapy or treatment that we and our collaborators hope to

develop, issues involving product liability, issues involving patents and

whether they or licenses to them will provide us with meaningful protection

from others using the covered technologies, whether such proprietary rights are

enforceable or defensible or infringe or allegedly infringe on rights of others

or can withstand claims of invalidity and whether we can finance or devote

other significant resources that may be necessary to prosecute, protect or

defend them, the level of corporate expenditures, assessments of our technology

by potential corporate or other partners or collaborators, capital market

conditions, the impact of government healthcare proposals and other factors set

forth in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017,

our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2018 and

other regulatory filings we make from time to time. There can be no assurance

that any product candidate in our pipeline will be successfully developed,

manufactured or commercialized, that final results of clinical trials will be

supportive of regulatory approvals required to market licensed products, or

that any of the forward-looking information provided herein will be proven

accurate. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release,

and we undertake no obligation to update or revise these statements, except as

may be required by law.


Investors: Ben Matone,      +1 484-362-0076,

Media:     Jeff Richardson, +1-267-440-4211,

SOURCE: Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc.




