Viomi TechnologyがIDCと協力し、Consumer IoT Outlook 2025白書を発表
Viomi TechnologyがIDCと協力し、Consumer IoT Outlook 2025白書を発表
AsiaNet 77753 (0380)
【ニューヨーク2019年3月7日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
中国の大手IoT @ Home技術会社Viomi Technology Co., Ltd(「Viomi」または「同社」)(NASDAQ: VIOT)は7日、International Data Corporation(「IDC」)と協力し、Nasdaq MarketSiteで白書を発表した。この「Consumer IoT Outlook 2025」と題した白書は、消費者IoT市場における6つの主要傾向を予測している。
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*消費者IoTデバイスのコンピューティング機能は急速に増大する。AI + IoTは消費者IoTの今後の発展の鍵である。消費者IoTはまた、スマートホーム・デバイスの根幹であり、検出技術、データ収集能力、意思決定知能の開発を推進する。
Viomiは、2019年3月13日午後7時(北京時間)に中国・上海のAppliances & Electronics World Expoでの製品発売イベントで同白書を説明する計画である。同社は、同イベントでIDCと協力し、2025年までの消費者IoT市場における傾向の展望と洞察を紹介する。
Viomi Technology, in partnership with IDC, Issues Consumer IoT Outlook 2025 White Paper
NEW YORK, March 7, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
- Six Big Trends in Consumer IoT Market
Viomi Technology Co., Ltd ("Viomi" or the "Company") (NASDAQ: VIOT), a leading
IoT @ Home technology company in China, in partnership with the International
Data Corporation ("IDC"), issued a white paper today at the Nasdaq MarketSite.
The white paper, entitled "Consumer IoT Outlook 2025," predicts six key trends
in the consumer IoT market.
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-- Computing capabilities of Consumer IoT devices will increase rapidly. AI +
IoT is the key to the future development of Consumer IoT, which is also the
core element of smart home devices, and will drive the development of sensing
technology, data acquisition capability and decision-making intelligence.
-- Different network protocols will work together as a hybrid network, providing
stable and fast connection anywhere and anytime. The development of ad-hoc
or mesh networks will help achieve stable and fast connection. In addition,
the imminent 5G era will give impetus to connection anywhere and anytime.
-- Edge computing and local storage will be widely used on smart devices,
improving computing efficiency and personal privacy. Edge computing based on
local storage will improve computing efficiency greatly and the application of
local storage on consumer IoT devices will enhance personal privacy significantly.
-- Consumer IoT devices will have more open integration in terms of technology
and scenario. Interoperability will be achieved by breaking the boundaries
between products, platforms, and applications.
-- Human-device interaction will be more user-friendly and feel more natural.
The evolution of interactions will lead to more user-friendly and diversified
ways, including but not limited to voice-, image-, face-, and touch-based interaction.
-- Smart devices will soon move into the stage of proliferation, leading to the
emergence of related services and applications. The shipment volume of China's
smart home device market is expected to reach approximately 300 million units
by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 18.9% from 2018, with appliances being the
largest segment.
Viomi plans to present the white paper at its product launch event at the
Appliances & Electronics World Expo in Shanghai, China at 7:00 p.m. Beijing
Time on March 13, 2019. In collaboration with IDC at the event, the Company
will share its outlook and insights for trends in the consumer IoT market
through 2025.
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