AsiaNet 78214
ハイデラバード(インド)、2019年4月8日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
データ・分析会社をリードするエクセルラ(Excelra:https://www.excelra.com/ ) は、最も包括的で高品質のバイオマーカーインテリジェンス・プラットフォーム、GOBIOM+(ゴーバイオムプラス:Global Online Biomarker Database)を成功裏にリリースしたことを発表しました。GOBIOM+は、トランスレーショナルな医薬品開発における迅速で信頼性のあるデータ駆動型の意思決定を支援します。
GOBIOM+(https://www.gobiomdbplus.com/?utm_source=Press%20release&utm_medium=News&utm_campaign=Revamp%20version )は、 データから瞬時に洞察が得られるようユーザー重視で改良されたものです。この新しいプラットフォームはレスポンシブなマイクロサービス志向のアーキテクチャーを基に、最先端の技術スタックを装備しています。その結果バイオマーカーデータと分析および直感的ユーザー体験をつなぐ機能が強化されました。
「GOBIOM+は、科学者や研究者がバイオマーカーと病気の状況を知るために使う、当社の主力データベース製品です。創薬から臨床開発までの研究開発サイクルにおける重要な問題に対応する、強力な問題解決プラットフォームです。当社は、顧客が最良の体験をできるよう常に尽力しており、この哲学が当社の製品改良を特徴づけています」と、新しいGOBIOM+で重要な役割を果たしたバイオロジーサービスのディレクター、Jesintha Maniraja博士は述べています。
エクセルラのデータ・分析ソリューションは、分子から市場までのバリューチェーンでライフサイエンスのイノベーションに力を与えます。エクセルラ・エッジ(Excelra Edge)は、データ、領域に関する深い専門知識、データ科学のシームレスな融合に由来します。同社の多面的なチームが、異種が混ざり合い、構造化されていない大量のデータを調和させ、最先端のAI/ML技術を使ってデータを分析し、データ駆動型の決定を刺激して業務効率アップと医薬品開発の短期化を図ります。エンドツーエンド・ソリューションを提供するエクセルラは、オミクス、臨床試験、RWE(リアルワールドエビデンス)にわたる新たな洞察と機会発見のため、部門の垣根を取り払い、データ・分析方法を統合します。これまでの17年間、エクセルラは製薬大手のトップ20の内15社を含む150以上の顧客が推奨するデータ・分析のパートナーになっています。エクセルラ・エッジの詳細は、https://www.excelra.com/ をご覧ください。
エクセルラは、顧客がさまざまな症状の研究開発でGOBIOM+のデータをどのように活用しているかを紹介するため、一連のオンラインセミナーを開催しています。登録は、mailto:marcom@excelra.com にメールしてください。
Urvi Mehta
電話: +91-96526-72200
Excelra Launches GOBIOM+, an Intuitive Avatar of Its Flagship Biomarker Intelligence Platform
HYDERABAD, India, April 8, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Excelra (www.excelra.com), a leading data and analytics company, announced the
successful release of GOBIOM+ (Global Online Biomarker Database), the most
comprehensive and high-quality biomarker intelligence platform. GOBIOM+ is geared
to support quick, reliable and data-driven decision making in translational drug development.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
is a user-centric revamp designed to go from data to insights in an instant.
The new platform is built on a responsive microservice oriented architecture and
powered by a state-of-the-art technology stack — the result: enhanced functionality
that connects biomarker data with analytics and an intuitive user experience.
Some of the novel functionalities include:
- Dedicated modules for Genetic Variants, Pharmacogenomics, Expression
Profiles, Marker Phenotypes, Approved Diagnostics and Drug Labels
- Diverse analytical tools such as Comparative Analysis, Heatmap and Cluster
Analysis, Gene Variant Analysis, Dashboards, and Chromosomal View
- Comprehensive and structured reports focused on Biomarker, Indication or Drug
The User Interface is designed to help the user interact seamlessly with the
data to quickly find the specific answers to their questions without the
distraction of irrelevant information and cumbersome data cleanup. Some of the
highlights of the interface include:
- User-friendly search and filtering options to query and retrieve precise information
- Presentation-ready visualizations to help derive meaningful insights in a flash
- Online report generation with integrated filtering and search options
Furthermore, the platform provides seamless connectivity with semantic tagging
and integrated API services that enables the platform to communicate with other
backend systems. A subscription also includes custom curation and report
generation services.
"GOBIOM+ is our flagship database product that scientists and researchers use
in understanding the biomarker and disease landscape. It is a powerful
solutioning platform addressing critical questions in the R&D cycle from drug
discovery to clinical development. We constantly strive to ensure our clients
have the best experience and this philosophy deeply informs our revamp of the
product," said Dr. Jesintha Maniraja, Director Biology Services who is also the
force behind the new GOBIOM+.
Clients leverage GOBIOM+ to:
- Gain insights on Translational, Emerging and Established biomarkers
- Identify proteins/genes targeted by drugs
- Select patients who may respond to treatment
- Identify efficacy biomarkers of drugs for effective designing of clinical trials
- Select Safety biomarkers to understand the toxicity profile of drugs
- Find biomarkers indicative of disease progression and for monitoring of disease
- Understand the competitive landscape in a given therapeutic area or a specific indication
- Gain insights on probable off-label use of approved drugs in other indications
- Track Preclinical to Clinical translation of a biomarker
GOBIOM+ Biomarker Database is a comprehensive biomarker database that provides
information on Proteomic, Genomic, Biochemical, Imaging, Metabolite, Clinical Scoring scales
and Cellular biomarkers for 18 different therapeutic areas, covering ~2900 therapeutic indications
with its reported utilities like diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring disease progression, treatment
response, surrogate, efficacy and toxicity. Information in GOBIOM+ biomarker database
gathered from diverse sources, includes clinical trials, scientific conferences,
regulatory-approved documents and literature databases.
About Excelra:
Excelra's data and analytics solutions empower innovation in life sciences
across the value chain from molecule to market. The Excelra Edge comes from a
seamless amalgamation of data, deep domain expertise and data science.
The company's multifaceted team helps harmonize large volumes of disparate
unstructured data; analyze data using cutting-edge AI/ML technologies; and
galvanize data-driven decisions to unlock operational efficiencies and accelerate
drug development. Being an end-to-end solution provider, Excelra helps break down
silos, integrate data and analytics across Omics, Clinical Trials, and RWE to uncover novel
insights and opportunities. Over the last 17 years, Excelra has been the preferred data
and analytics partner to over 150 clients including 15 of the top 20 large Pharma companies.
To Explore the Excelra Edge - visit www.excelra.com
Excelra is hosting a series of webinars to demonstrate how clients can leverage
the data from GOBIOM+ in the R&D for various indications. One can write to
marcom@excelra.com to register.
Excelra is headquartered in Hyderabad with offices in Boston, Utrecht, and Bangalore.
For any media query, please reach us at:
Urvi Mehta
M: +91-96526-72200
Source: Excelra Knowledge Solutions Pvt. Ltd