
The Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee


AsiaNet 78346 (0645)

【海口(中国)2019年4月16日新華社=共同通信JBN】4月9日から11日まで外国プレス・ツアー「2019 Amazing Hainan(2019年素晴らしい海南)」が海南省の中国共産党海南省委員会宣伝部によって行われた。これにはEPA通信、LUSA通信、東京新聞を含む世界の主要な8報道機関の記者が参加した。彼らは海口、澄邁県、瓊海市、陵水リー族自治県、三亜市と保亭リー族ミャオ族自治県を訪れ、「海南は豊富な観光資源と急速に成長するインターネット産業を誇っている。その自由貿易地域(FTZ)の成果は想像を超えている」と称賛した。

海口のFuxing City International Offshore Innovation Buildingは、アリババ、 アント・フィナンシャルサービスグループやPwCなど多くの著名な企業や多くの外国「メーカー」を引き付けた。Hainan Ecological Software Parkは、3600以上のインターネット会社の拠点である澄邁県にあり、Tencent Internet Village、China Game Cyberport Project やChina Mind Sports Industrial Base Projectといった100億人民元相当のプロジェクトもある。最先端のテクノロジーと将来性が、訪問団に深い印象を与えた。


VGTRK(全ロシア国営テレビ・ラジオ放送会社)のアレクサンダー・バリツキー氏は伝統的な中国医学に大きな関心を持っている。Boao TCM hospital(ボアオ伝統中国医学病院)で、彼は治療法の中で鍼治療を体験して共有し、「素晴らしい!伝統中国医学についてもっと多くの人が学ぶ必要がある」と述べた。BinglangguのHainan Li & Miao Cultural Heritage Parkで多くの記者たちは、紡績、染色、機織りや刺繍を含む伝統的なLi textile(リー織物)の技術に魅了された。その伝統技術はユネスコの緊急な保護を必要とする無形文化遺産に登録されている。

伝統医学観光のほかに、スポーツ観光、民俗文化観光や免税観光など、海南は観光に関してさらに革新的になろうと努力している。記者たちもまた、アトランティス三亜やPaddy Field National Park、アンダーウオータースイートや多くのその他の高所得者向け観光商品、農業と観光の一体化プログラム、「expansive paddy field + large-scale artificial dinosaurs park(開放的な水田+大規模人工恐竜公園)」に感銘を受けた。彼らは、豊かで興味深い観光プログラムは、海南自由貿易地域(FTZ)の将来の観光の発展に限りない可能性をもたらすと考えている。

ソース:The Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee




Focus of Reputed World Media: Unimaginable Development in Hainan


HAIKOU, China, April 16, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--

From April 9 to 11, the foreign press tour "2019 Amazing Hainan" was held by

the Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee in Hainan province.

It was attended by journalists from eight major presses of the world, including

European Pressphoto Agency, Agencia Lusa and Tokyo Shimbun. They visited

Haikou, Chengmai, Qionghai, Lingshui, Sanya and Baoting, and acclaimed that

"Hainan boasts bountiful tourism resources, and rapid growing Internet

industry. The achievements of the FTZ are beyond imagination."

The Fuxing City International Offshore Innovation Building in Haikou has

attracted many well-known enterprises such as Alibaba, Ant Financial Services

Group and PwC, as well as many foreign "makers". Hainan Ecological Software

Park is in Chengmai, which is home to more than 3,600 Internet companies,

including some projects worth RMB 10 billion, such as Tencent Internet Village,

China Game Cyberport Project and China Mind Sports Industrial Base Project. The

cutting-edge technologies and the prospects have deeply impressed the group.

Joao Pimenta from Agencia Lusa said that Hainan used to be known for tourism.

Now, as the free trade one has been established, many R&D teams from the hi-tech

industries start to settle in Hainan. Hainan has been promoting tax reduction,

and he believes that the favorable policy will attract more foreign investment.

Alexander Balitskiy from VGTRK took a great interest in traditional Chinese

medicine. In the Boao TCM hospital, he shared his experience in acupuncture

during the therapy. "It is amazing! We need to have more people to learn about

TCM!" In the Binglanggu -- Hainan Li & Miao Cultural Heritage Park, many

journalists were attracted by the traditional Li textile technique, which

includes spinning, dyeing, weaving and embroidering and is on the List of

Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding of UNESCO.

Apart from medical tourism, sports tourism, folk culture tourism, and duty-free

tourism, Hainan is working to be more innovative in tourism. The journalists

were also impressed by Atlantis Sanya and the Paddy Field National Park,

underwater suites and many other upscale tourism products, and the integrated

program of agriculture and tourism "expansive paddy field + large-scale

artificial dinosaurs park". They believe that the rich and intriguing tourism

programs will bring endless potential to the future development of the tourism

in Hainan FTZ.

Source: The Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee

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