
ネクセンタイヤ(Nexen Tire)


AsiaNet 78703 (0838)

【ソウル(韓国)2019年5月13日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】



世界大手のタイヤメーカー、ネクセンタイヤ(Nexen Tire)は、プレミアリーグの長年の公式パートナーであるマンチェスター・シティFC(Manchester City Football Club、Manchester City)が2018/19年プレミアリーグのタイトルを2年連続で鮮やかに勝ち取ったことを祝っている。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190513/2464452-1

マンチェスター・シティは5月12日、ブライトン・アンド・ホーヴ・アルビオンFC(Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club、Brighton)を4対1で下し、6回目のリーグタイトルを奪取した。シーズンを通してマンチェスター・シティとリバプール(Liverpool)は順位を競い合った。2018/19年シーズンのチャンピョンシップが近づき、マンチェスター・シティは最後のブライトンとの試合で決定的な勝利を収め、カラバオ・カップ(Carabao Cup)とプレミアリーグを2年連続で勝ち取った。






ネクセンタイヤ(Nexen Tire)は1942年に創立された世界的なタイヤメーカーで、韓国の慶尚南道梁山とソウルに本社がある。世界で最も急速に成長しているタイヤメーカーの1つであるネクセンタイヤは、世界の141カ国にある491のディーラー(2015年7月現在)と連携し、3つの製造工場-韓国に2カ所(梁山と昌寧)、中国の青島に1カ所-を保有している。その他の製造工場はチェコのジャテツで2019年に操業を開始する。ネクセンタイヤは、先端技術と優れた設計により、乗用車やスポーツタイプ多目的車(SUV)、小型トラック向けのタイヤを生産している。同社は、先端技術を駆使したUHP(ウルトラ・ハイ・パフォーマンス)タイヤの生産にも力を入れている。同社は世界中のさまざまな国の世界的自動車メーカーにOEタイヤ(新車装着タイヤ)を供給している。2014年に世界のタイヤメーカーの中で初めて世界トップの4つのデザイン賞全てを獲得するグランドスラムを達成した。詳しい情報はhttp://www.nexentire.com を参照。

ソース:Nexen Tire


Nexen Tire's Partner Manchester City Becomes Back-to-Back Champions at the Premier League


SEOUL, South Korea, May 13, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

- Nexen Tire's long-time partner Manchester City takes the Premier League title

for the second consecutive year

- Company to launch local and international events starting June to celebrate

the Club's win

Nexen Tire, a leading global tire manufacturer, celebrates the win of

Manchester City Football Club (Manchester City), its long-time Official Partner

of the Premier League, on their outstanding victory in the 2018/19 Premier

League title for two years in a row.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20190513/2464452-1

On May 12, Manchester City defeated Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club

(Brighton) 4-1 making it the sixth league title to be won by the Club.

Throughout the season, Manchester City and Liverpool went back and forth,

trading the lead. When the championship for the 2018/19 season drew near,

Manchester City's last game against Brighton was a significant win as the Club

has won the Carabao Cup and Premier League for the second year in a row.

"As the Official Tire Partner of Manchester City, we would like to congratulate

the Club for their outstanding victory," said Travis Kang, Global CEO of Nexen

Tire. "Ever since we partnered with Manchester City and became the Official

Sleeve Partner, the Club continued to display records of success. Not only is

this meaningful for the company, but this is also a reminder of the hard effort

and team work that the Club put forward."

"It was another momentous season for Manchester City and Nexen Tire is proud to

support and be a longstanding partner with Manchester City in this winning

season and we will continue to reach out to more fans globally and drive our

brand awareness."

Nexen Tire extended its multi-year partnership with Manchester City in March

2017, becoming the first ever Official Sleeve Partner in the EPL history. Since

the partnership, Manchester City has been on a continuing success with two

Premiere League wins for two years in a row. Through this partnership, the

company has been increasing its global brand awareness and plans to continue

its wide range of marketing efforts with the club. 2019 is also a momentous year

for Nexen Tire as it completed four major facilities - R&D centers in Magok,

the US, and Europe as well as a new plant that will open in Europe. With Nexen

Tire's accomplishments and Manchester City's second-year win, the two

partners created a synergy effect.

Meanwhile, Nexen Tire is scheduled to launch various local and international

events for B2B and B2C to celebrate Manchester City's win.

About Nexen Tire

Nexen Tire, established in 1942, is a global tire manufacturer headquartered in

Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, and in Seoul, South Korea. Nexen Tire, one

of the world's fastest growing tire manufacturers, works with 491 dealers based

in 141 countries around the world (as of July 2015) and owns three

manufacturing plants - two in Korea (Yangsan and Changnyeong) and one in

Qingdao, China. Another plant in Zatec, Czech Republic will be operational by

2019. Nexen Tire produces tires for passenger cars, SUVs, and light trucks with

advanced technology and excellence in design. The company also focuses on

producing UHP tires, which are based on advanced technologies. Nexen Tire

supplies OE tires to global car makers in various countries around the world.

In 2014, the company achieved a grand slam of the world's top 4 design awards

for the first time amongst the various tire makers in the world. For more

information, please visit http://www.nexentire.com.

Source: Nexen Tire

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