AsiaNet 78702 (0836)
【百色(中国)2019年5月13日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国登山協会、百色市人民政府、Sports Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region(広西チワン族自治区スポーツ局)が共同スポンサーを務めるNational Hiking Convention, Baise(百色・国家ハイキングコンベンション)の「地球の中心への旅」イベント(凌雲県、楽業県)が4月28日、成功裏に閉幕した。600名を超えるアウトドア・スポーツ愛好者が参加し、このスポーツイベントが凌雲県、楽業県で開催されたのは今回で5回目となった。
近年、Silk Road China -- ASEAN Table Tennis Tournament(中国シルクロード-ASEAN卓球トーナメント)、Baise Mountain Outdoor Quest(百色山岳アウトドア・クエスト)、Baise International Half Marathon(百色国際ハーフマラソン)のような国際スポーツ大会ブランドの立ち上げに見られる通り、百色市のスポーツ産業は勢いのある発展のときを迎えている。スポーツ産業の成長は、同市の社会経済的発展に貢献してきた。
百色市は中国共産主義革命の歴史でも有名で、国内でも有数の名高いレッド・ツーリズムのデスティネーションである。鄧小平が1929年に市の名を冠した百色の反乱(百色起義)の陣頭指揮を執り、中国工農紅軍第7軍を創設、右江ソビエト政府を確立した地であるためだ。2019年は重大な意味を持つ百色の反乱の90周年を記念し、百色市は第14回Sports Meeting of Guangxi(広西チワン族自治区スポーツ大会)を開催する。この機会を得たことで、百色市はスポーツインフラ施設建設の速度を上げ、強固なスポーツ都市としての位置付けおよび確立のため断固とした労力を捧げ、健康的な百色の創造を加速させ、レッド・ツーリズムの成長を刺激するのに役立つだろう。
ソース:Baise Municipal Government
National Hiking Convention, Baiseの「地球の中心への旅」イベント(凌雲県、楽業県)
Baise City, Guangxi Hosts Sports Competitions to Propel Growth of Red Tourism
BAISE, China, May 13, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
On April 28, the National Hiking Convention, Baise "Journey to the Center of
the Earth" Event (Lingyun, Leye), jointly sponsored by the Chinese Mountaineering
Association, Baise Municipal Government and Sports Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region came to a successful closure. With more than 600 outdoor
sports enthusiasts in participation, this was the fifth time the sports event was held
in Lingyun County and Leye County.
Leye County is dubbed the "World Capital of Sinkholes" and "Most Outdoor-esque
Small Town in China", while the Haoshen Lake scenic area in Lingyun County is
well-known for its classic karst landscape. Both counties are noted for their
marvelous scenery, hospitable local folk reputation as regions of longevity,
and a prime destination for adventurous fans of outdoor sports.
In recent years, the sports industry in the city of Baise has ushered in a
period of robust development, as exemplified in the creation of international
sports competition brands such as the Silk Road China -- ASEAN Table Tennis
Tournament, Baise Mountain Outdoor Quest and Baise International Half Marathon.
The growth of the sports industry has contributed to socio-economic progress in
the city of Baise.
The city of Baise is a strategic locale that connects the three provinces of Yunnan,
Guizhou and Guangxi with the states in the ASEAN bloc, a node crucial to Guangxi's
efforts in the establishment of a new western China land-maritime channel,
and a "new gateway for opening-up and development" critical to the province.
The city of Baise is also famous for its Chinese Communist revolutionary
history and is one of the renowned red tourism destinations in the country, as
this is the location where Deng Xiaoping spearheaded the eponymous Baise
Uprising in 1929, formed the 7th Army of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red
Army and founded the Soviet regime in Youjiang. The year 2019 marks the 90th
anniversary of the momentous Baise Uprising, and the city of Baise will host
the 14th Sports Meeting of Guangxi. Seizing this opportunity, the city of Baise
will speed up its construction of sports infrastructure facilities, dedicate
emphatic efforts to positioning and building itself as a strong sports city,
accelerate the creation of a healthy Baise, and help fuel the growth of red tourism.
Source: Baise Municipal Government
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