LONGiが新シリーズの高出力モジュール-430WのHi-MO4とREAL BLACKをリリース
LONGiが新シリーズの高出力モジュール-430WのHi-MO4とREAL BLACKをリリース
AsiaNet 78706
【西安(中国)2019年5月18日PR Newswire】太陽光発電業界での成長が著しいLONGiは、業界内の新基準となるべく新シリーズのモジュールとして、新世代高効率モジュール「Hi-MO4(ハイ・エムオー・フォー)」と「REAL BLACK」をリリースしました。
そして今回、Hi-MO4と共にリリースされたのは、全く新しいオール・ブラック・シリーズのモジュール「REAL BLACK」です。「美しい外観、高出力、高信頼性」を長所とするべく設計されたREAL BLACKは、建物の屋根への設置に適しています。そのオールブラックの外見と統一された色調によって、REAL BLACKは屋根や周辺地域の自然環境への調和も可能にし、美しさと高出力を最大限に両立することが可能です。
「『効率的に市場で勝つことと、費用対効果が高く、品質も高い製品をつくること』が、LONGiの技術革新です。我々は、Hi-MO4のリリースが電気料金削減と、グリッドパリティ促進に重要な役割を果たすと期待しています。また、REAL BLACKは屋根上に太陽光発電システムを設置するユーザー様に新たな美的感覚と高出力を提供することでしょう。LONGiは信頼性の高い高効率製品を開発し、PV業界の技術発展に貢献するために、引き続き研究開発に投資してまいります。」
新世代のHi-MO4とREAL BLACKのリリースによりLONGiは、モジュール技術開発の新たな潮流を先導し、グリッドパリティの実現に貢献してまいります。
Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181108/2292512-1-LOGO
ソース:LONGi Solar
LONGi Released New Series of High-Power Modules - 430W Hi-MO4 and REAL BLACK
XI'AN, China, May 15,2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Highlighting its growing strength in the industry, LONGi has released a new
series of modules that set an industry benchmark - the new generation Hi-MO4
and REAL BLACK high efficiency modules.
Hi-MO4 has all the advantages of the previous series of Hi-MO modules, but
enhanced with a new generation of advanced monocrystalline PERC cell and the
encapsulation technology of half-cell and bifacial construction. With Hi-MO4,
the industry now has with a new higher power and more reliable choice in PV
Compared to the Hi-MO3 half-cell bifacial module released in 2018, Hi-MO4
retains Hi-MO3 characteristics of bifacial power generation, achieving 8-20%
gain in back power generation in various ground-surface environments with high
reliability and low attenuation. Highlights of Hi-MO4:
Greatly improved module power
Hi-MO4 deploys upgraded PERC technology based on 6 busbars, with cell
efficiency reaching 22.5%. While the front-side power Hi-MO3 is 380W (72
cells), Hi-MO4 increases this to more than 420W, peaking at 430W.
Lower LCOE
When compared to Hi-MO3, BOS cost - when Hi-MO4 is deployed - can be reduced by
approximately 7%, and LCOE by 1.4%. Combined with tracking systems, LCOE can be
further reduced.
With its advanced product technology, LONGi has ranked first in global
monocrystalline cell and module shipment for four consecutive years. Total
shipment of bifacial modules reached 1.5GW.
Released together with Hi-MO4 is an all new, all-black series module - REAL
BLACK. Designed with the advantages of "good looks, high power and high
reliability", REAL BLACK will be available for rooftop PV applications. With
its all-black appearance and consistent color, REAL BLACK can be perfectly
matched with the roof and local ecology, maximizing aesthetics and high power.
Introducing the new products, Li Zhenguo, President of LONGi, said,
"Efficiently wins and producing cost-effective and high-quality products is the
technological innovation of LONGi. We expect the release of Hi-MO4 will play an
important role in reducing the cost of electricity and promoting grid parity.
REAL BLACK will bring a new aesthetics and high power to rooftop PV users.
LONGi will continue to invest in R&D to develop reliable high efficiency
products and helping the PV industry upgrade its technology."
The release of the new generation Hi-MO4 and REAL BLACK will lead a new trend
of module technology development and support the realization of grid parity.
Logo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20181108/2292512-1-LOGO