AsiaNet 78809
イスタンブール(トルコ)、2019年5月21日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --
先月ベコはFCバルセロナ(FC Barcelona)、バルサ財団(Barca Foundation)、ユニセフ(UNICEF:国際連合児童基金)の支援を得て、18か国の6歳から10歳の子供達13,500人以上を対象に調査を行いました。この調査結果は、子供たちが健康的な食生活よりもサッカーの方にはるかに詳しく、健康的な食品の選択に関しては良い影響を受けることを示しています。
ベコは、子供たちが健康的な食生活の知識を深めるにはヒーローの手助けが必要かもしれないと考えます。ベコの「プロ選手のように食べよう(Eat Like A Pro)」キャンペーンの根本は、子供たちをヒーローのように食べる気にさせることです。FCバルセロナの選手お気に入りの健康的なレシピをオンライン(http://www.beko.com/eatlikeapro )で共有することで、ベコは世界中の家庭が家での食事を見直すようになることを願っています[4]。
ベコはFCバルセロナの選手で「プロ選手のように食べよう」のグローバルアンバサダーであるジェラール・ピケが出演するビデオ(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2xiIEdU7pU&feature=youtu.be )と併せてこのグローバル調査を発表しました。ピケはビデオの中である教室にサプライズで登場すると、サッカーと食べ物の知識に関するクイズを出し、自分の健康的な習慣を話して子供たちにやる気を起こさせます。
さらに詳しくお知りになるには、http://www.beko.com/eatlikeapro をご覧ください。
[1] 質問を受けた13,500人以上の子供の80%
[2] 質問を受けた13,500人以上の子供の72%
[3] 質問を受けた13,500人以上の子供の21%
[4] http://www.beko.com/eatlikeapro
[5] 質問を受けた13,500人以上の子供の71%
写真 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888538/Pique_Global_Ambassador.jpg
写真 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888539/Pique_Eat_Like_a_Pro.jpg
写真 - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888554/Beko_Infographic.jpg
ロゴ - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888537/Beko_Logo.jpg
80% of Children Would Eat Healthier Food if They Knew Their Heroes Did Too, Finds Survey by Beko
ISTANBUL, May 21, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
A worldwide survey conducted by Beko in 18 countries highlights the gap between
children's approach to healthy eating vs. their approach to football
Only one fifth of children identified the daily fruit and vegetable recommendation
Today Beko, the leading domestic appliance brand in Europe, released the
results of a global survey that reveals a gap in children's knowledge in
healthy eating compared to their knowledge and interest in football.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888578/Pique_Global_Ambassador.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888579/Pique_Eat_Like_a_Pro.jpg
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888580/Beko_Infographic.jpg
Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/888537/Beko_Logo.jpg
Last month, Beko, with support from partners FC Barcelona, the Barca Foundation
and UNICEF, surveyed over 13,500 children aged 6-10 across 18 countries. The
findings show that children are significantly better informed about football
than they are about healthy eating, and when it comes to making healthy food
choices, they can be positively influenced.
When asked why they eat healthy food, over two-thirds across all 18 countries
said they do so because they understand that it is good for them. A further
80%(1) of children said they would be more interested in eating healthy food if
they knew their hero took healthy eating seriously too.
Over 70%(2) of children could identify the number of players in a professional
football team, but only one fifth(3) knew the recommended portions of fruit or
vegetables that they should eat each day. Children in France and in the UK set
an impressive example to their global counterparts with 78% and 68% of children
answering correctly in comparison to the US (16%), Brazil (11%), Russia (9%),
and China (3%).
Beko understand that children may need a helping hand from their heroes to
further their knowledge around healthy eating. Beko's 'Eat Like A Pro'
campaign is rooted in inspiring children to eat like their heroes. By sharing
FC Barcelona players' favourite healthy recipes online, Beko hope that families
worldwide will be inspired to recreate the meals at home.(4)
The 'Eat Like A Pro' initiative, in partnership with UNICEF and the Barca
Foundation, was launched with the mission to help prevent childhood obesity
worldwide. After enlisting support from FC Barcelona heroes in an award-winning
online campaign, Beko donated 1 million euros to fund six UNICEF programmes
targeting over 500,000 children.
Beko releases the global survey alongside a video( https://youtu.be/9DaJ_81x0ck)
starring FC Barcelona player and Eat Like A Pro global ambassador Gerard Pique,
who surprised a group of school children to quiz them on their knowledge of football
and food, and inspire them by revealing his own healthy habits.
Although 7 in 10(5) children admitted they would rather learn a new football skill
than learn about healthy eating, Beko is determined to enact positive change and
encourage children to engage with FC Barcelona football heroes on this topic.
Zeynep Yalim Uzun, Chief Marketing Officer at Beko commented: "Through our
partnerships with FC Barcelona, the Barca Foundation and UNICEF we have
developed a campaign that tackles a serious global issue, and one we felt we
could make a difference to. The findings of this study confirm the job we still
have to do to help prevent childhood obesity, but they show that Eat Like A Pro
can play a key role in helping families and inspiring children around the world
to lead healthier lives."
Roland Kupka, Senior Advisor for Nutrition at UNICEF global commented: "UNICEF
is concerned about the increasing rates of overweight and obesity in children
worldwide. Promoting healthy eating among children to reverse this worrisome
trend is of paramount importance. Our partnership with Beko and FC Barcelona is
part of UNICEF's strategy to make healthy eating and active lifestyles the norm
among children and adolescents, everywhere."
FC Barcelona Player Gerard Pique added: "When I was young, I wasn't really
interested in healthy eating, I only cared about football, but that all changed
when I joined Barca and started to learn with the team nutritionists. It's
fantastic to see the passion for the beautiful game among children around the
world, and to know that me and my teammates are inspiring them is fantastic.
We have an important role to inspire children to eat healthily, and I'm very happy
to be able to do that through the Beko Eat Like A Pro campaign."
Go to www.beko.com/eatlikeapro to discover more.
1 80% of over 13,500 children asked
2 72% of over 13,500 children asked
3 21% of over 13,500 children asked
4 www.beko.com/eatlikeapro
5 71% of over 13,500 children asked