
Mulberry Grove


AsiaNet 79061 (1005)





タイの大手不動産開発企業であるMagnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited(MQDC)によるMulberry Groveは最近、今年の特筆すべきイベントの1つである「INTERGENERATIN FAMILY LIVING FORUM」(多世代家族生活フォーラム)を開催し、有名なタイおよび世界の専門家が参集し多世代家族のトレンドについて講演し、タイ人の多世代同居に対する態度についての最初の大規模調査の結果を共有した。

MQDCのProperty & Service Business Group担当社長のキーリン・チュツムスティッド氏は、MQDCは「全員の幸福のために」という理念に従い、社会的責任感をもって事業を展開していると述べた。この不動産開発企業は、入居者を満足させ彼らの幸福を高める物件を開発するために、生活のあらゆる側面を注意深く研究している。このフォーラムは、経済的、社会的変化期において複数世代で幸せに同居することを望む家族の、暮らしの好みと調和の取れた上質の住居を開発するのに役立つよう組織された。



日本のソーシャルケアの専門家で、社会福祉法人「江東園」の最高経営責任者(CEO)兼Total Quality Management Officeディレクターである杉啓以子氏は、10年以上にわたり、多くの国が高齢化社会の問題、中でも親類からの支援を受けず独居する独立高齢者向けの不動産プロジェクトに注力してきたと述べた。したがって、これらの高齢者向け住宅や介護ホームは需要を満たすには不十分で、そのサービスは不適切であり、生活の質に影響を与え孤立を生み出している。杉氏は、住宅プロジェクトは多世代家族モデルに重点を置くよう改善しなくてはならないと語った。



International WELL Building Institute(IWBI)のIWBI Asiaのディレクターであるサマンサ・アレン氏は、アジア太平洋地域での全般的な市場開発、教育、WELL Building StandardとWELL Community Standardを支援するために、背景である心理学と環境科学の両研究に基づいている。

アレン氏は「アジアで成長したので、1世帯に3世代がいることが珍しくなかったし、私の家庭では祖母は私の第3の親だった。子供の頃から、異なるライフステージにおいて健康と幸福に関するニーズの相違と共通性を目にしており、それは私に、こうしたニーズを支える物理的環境を持つことの重要性を明確に示した。WELL Building Standardはあらゆる年代に適した環境の構築を支援する指導原則を提供すると確信している」と述べた。

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited(MQDC)のMulberry Grove上級副社長のルーングロート・チョングスジパン氏は、アジアやタイの家族の基本条件を振り返ると、その構造はベビーブームの終了以来、3、4世代が暮らす大家族から核家族へと明らかに変化したと述べた。ベビーブーマーたちは現在、55歳以上の高齢者になりつつあり、そのほとんどが現代的で、より小規模な世帯で暮らしている。変化しつつある経済的、社会的要因が職場での競争激化をもたらし、多くの人が職場付近での居住または通勤の至便性を求めることにつながった。この傾向は家族関係を希薄にし、家族同士の距離を拡大している。

チョングスジパン氏は「家族の温もりと家族の強い絆が最も大切だと固く信じ、MQDCのMulberry Groveは、すべての世代に幸せと幸福を提供できるようにする不動産を開発するために調査を利用してきた」と語った。

▽Mulberry Groveについて

Mulberry Groveは、家族生活の真の喜びを取り戻すために、タイで最初の超高級な多世代家族向け住宅を開発している。幅広い調査に基づき、Mulberry Groveの住宅は、持続可能な幸福のための全世代のニーズに応え、温もりのある充実した関係をサポートする。MQDCブランドの最初の住宅はバンコクの複数の場所で現在建設中である。

▽Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited(MQDC)について

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited(MQDC)は、住居用、多目的、商業用およびホテルのプロジェクトを開発し投資し運営する不動産開発企業で「全員の幸福のために」を企業理念とする。

MQDCのブランドには、Magnolias、Whizdom、The Aspen Tree、Mulberry Groveが含まれ、健康で持続可能なライフスタイルの幅広いニーズに応じている。


詳細はwww.mqdc.com. を参照。

ソース:Mulberry Grove




Thais crave the warmth and support of intergeneration living, reveals new research in attitudes to family life


BANGKOK, Thailand, June 4, 2019 /InfoQuest=KYODO JBN/-

- 70.8% of Thais would prefer to live in an intergeneration family

- Survey reveals that Thais aspire to live in intergeneration households, for

happy relationships and greater security in ill health

- Intergeneration family living is rising globally amid aging demographics that

call for more caring relationships

Mulberry Grove by Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), a

leading property developer in Thailand, recently held “INTERGENERATIN FAMILY

LIVING FORUM”, one of the year’s standout events, gathering well-known Thai and

international experts to speak on the Intergeneration Family trend and share

the results of the first major survey on Thai attitudes to multigenerational family living.

Mr. Keerin Chutumstid, President, Property & Service Business Group of MQDC,

said that MQDC follows a philosophy “For all well-being” to conduct business

with social responsibility. The property developer studies every aspect of

living carefully to develop properties that satisfy residents and boost their

well-being. The forum has been organized to help develop high-quality

residences in harmony with the living preferences of families who want to live

together happily as several generations during economic and social change.

Moreover, the forum highlights the importance of family bonds, living values,

relationships, and family time as well as knowledge transfer from generation to

generation through presenting research results and expert views with the hope

that its audience can find information to plan their lives and housing in the long term.

Asst. Prof. Pimonpan Isarabhakdi, Ph.D., the consultant and special professor

of Institute for Population and Social Research, Mahidol University, shared the

results of the institute’s survey of 400 respondents nationwide between 15 and

65 years in May 2019. The study found that 70.8% of the sample wants to live in

an intergeneration household. This preference was especially strong in those over 40,

of whom 80.7% held this view. Of respondents living in 4-generation families,

92% expressed a preference for intergeneration family living. In 3-generation

families, the figure was 78.9%. Moreover, it was found that the households with

3 generations tend to boost the psychological well-being of family members

more than other compositions.

Ms. Keiko Sugi, CEO, Director of Total Quality Management Office at Social

Welfare Corporation KOTOEN, an expert in social care from Japan, said that for

over a decade many countries have focused on the issues of an aging society,

especially property projects for independent aging citizens who live alone

without support from their relatives. These residences for aging people or

nursing homes are therefore not enough to meet demand and their services are

inadequate, impacting on quality of life and creating isolation. Residential projects

must improve to focus on the intergeneration family model, Ms. Sugi said.

Assoc. Prof. Vipan Prachuabmoh, Ph.D., Dean of College of Population Studies,

Chulalongkorn University, said that last year 11.7 million of Thais were 60 or

over, or 16.9% of the population. The proportion of old people is constantly

rising. Thailand should therefore have better options for elderly nursing care

focused on building relationships within families,  not sending older adults to

nursing homes or other institutions. Japan is the best example for elderly care

because its system provides care to keep older adults at home as much as possible.

“It’s human nature for people to need love and care, especially from family

members. Most of the elderly, especially ones at the end of life, want to

return home while their children need to be loved and cared for too. When the

elderly are able to live with their grandchildren, the family’s relationships

will strengthen. Older adults will therefore have important roles to boost

family warmth, encouraging their children and becoming a focal point for all

family members, making the family stronger,” said Assoc. Prof. Prachuabmoh.

Ms. Samantha Allen, Director, IWBI Asia, International WELL Building Institute

(IWBI), draws from a background of research in both psychology and environmental

science to aid overall market development, education, and greater adoption of

the WELL Building Standard and WELL Community Standard in the Asia Pacific region.

“Growing up in Asia, it was normal to have three generations in a household,

and in my own home, my grandmother was my third parent. I saw from an early age

the discrepancies and commonalities in health and well-being needs across

different life stages – and that has demonstrated to me the importance of

having a physical environment that supports those needs. I believe that the

WELL Building Standard provides guiding principles that support built

environments suitable for all ages,” Ms. Allen said.

Mr. Roongrote Chongsujipan, Senior Vice President of Mulberry Grove at Magnolia

Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC), said that looking back to the

fundamentals of the Asian or Thai family, the structure has clearly changed

from extended families with 3-4 generations to nuclear families since the end

of the Baby Boom. Baby Boomers are currently becoming older adults of 55 years

and over, most living in modern smaller family households. Changing economic

and social factors bringing high competition at work have led many to seek to

live near their workplaces or convenient travel. This trend is reducing

family’s relationships and extends the distance between family members.

“With a strong conviction that family warmth and strong family bonds matter most,

Mulberry Grove by MQDC has used research to develop our property to ensure

we can provide happiness and well-being for all generations,” said Mr. Chongsujipan.

About Mulberry Grove

Mulberry Grove is developing Thailand's first super-luxury intergeneration

family residences to bring back the true joy of family life. Based on extensive

research, Mulberry Grove residences will support warm and fulfilling relationships,

meeting the needs of every generation for sustainable well-being.

The MQDC brand’s first residences are now underway in several locations in Bangkok.

About Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC)

Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC) is a property developer

that develops, invests in, and manages residential, mixed-use, commercial, and

hotel projects with a corporate commitment ‘for all well-being’.

MQDC brands include Magnolias, Whizdom, The Aspen Tree, and Mulberry Grove,

catering for a range of healthy, sustainable lifestyles.

The company provides an industry-leading 30-year warranty on its residential

units in line with its exceptional construction standards.

For more information, visit www.mqdc.com.

SOURCE: Mulberry Grove

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写真説明:(左から)サマンサ・アレン氏、ビパン・プラチュアブモ准教授 他



