AsiaNet 79174(1057)
【ロンドン2019年6月12日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
Justice for Lai Dai Han(JLDH)(ライダイハンのための正義)は6月12日、ウエストミンスター近くのチャーチハウスで、ノーベル平和賞受賞者のナディア・ムラド氏とその他の著名な国会議員の来賓とともに一堂に会し、ライダイハンを含めたすべての性暴力被害者に敬意を表する像を除幕した。国会議員の来賓には、ベトナム超党派議員グループ会長のウエイン・デービッド議員や、紛争での性的暴力防止のための超党派議員グループ共同会長の、ウィンターボーン女性男爵のニコルソン議員が含まれている。
レベッカ・ホーキンス氏がデザインした「母と子」像は、世界中のすべての性的暴力の被害者にとり希望の光となるだろう。この像はその枝が人々の体を包み込んで抜け出せなくするベトナム原産の植物、絞め殺しの木(Strangler Fig tree)によって、異なった根に閉じ込められた母親と子どもを描いている。除幕式の後、この像はロンドン中心部に野外展示物として設置されるまでオックスフォード・サーカス近くのハワード・ストリート10番地のギャラリーに展示される。
ライト・オノラブル(Rt. Hon.)のジャック・ストロー氏は「今日、除幕された像は、韓国人による戦時の性的暴力の被害者である女性と子どもたちの名前と顔を一致させる。われわれは、国連難民高等弁務官事務所(UNHCR)による、韓国人兵士のベトナム人女性へのレイプに関する独立調査を必要としている。われわれはすべての性的暴力の被害者にコミットし、支援し続けることを誇示しなければならない」と述べた。
ソース:Justice for Lai Dai Han(JLDH)
Justice for Lai Dai Han Unveils Historic Statue to Honour Victims of Sexual Violence
LONDON, June 12, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
-Nobel Peace Prize winner Nadia Murad and other VIP guests headlined the event-
Today, Justice for Lai Dai Han (JLDH) was joined by Nobel Peace Prize recipient,
Nadia Murad, and other distinguished Parliamentary guests, including Chair of
the Vietnam All Party Parliamentary Group, Wayne David MP and Co-Chair
of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict,
Baroness Nicholson of Winterbourne at Church House near Westminster for
the unveiling of a statue honouring all victims of sexual violence, including the Lai Dai Han.
Today's historic event, held just a few months after the Parliamentary launch
on 16 January 2019, was the second in a series to raise awareness of the
widespread nature of sexual violence in global conflicts.
The 'Lai Dai Han' are the thousands of dual heritage Korean-Vietnamese individuals
born as a result of wartime rape or sexual abuse during the Vietnam War.
JLDH represents them and their mothers, of which 800 are still alive, who allege
that they were sexually assaulted or raped by South Korean soldiers during the War.
Some of the women who allege they were raped were as young as 12 or 13 at the time.
The "Mother and Child" statue, designed by Rebecca Hawkins, will serve as a
beacon of hope to all victims of sexual violence around the world. It depicts a
mother and child with different roots trapped by a Strangler Fig tree, a plant
native to Vietnam, which is wrapping its branches around them, refusing to let
them go. After the unveiling event, the sculpture will go on display at the
Gallery at 10 Hanover Street near Oxford Circus, before being installed as an
outdoor exhibit in central London.
On Monday, several members of the Lai Dai Han community hand-delivered a letter
to No. 10 Downing Street which called on the British Government to formally
support calls for an independent investigation led by the United Nations Human
Rights Council (UNHRC) into what happened to the thousands of women raped by
South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War. As part of this process, 50 members
of the Lai Dai Han community have offered to provide DNA samples to be compared
with a database of South Korean soldiers.
Nadia Murad, Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2018, said:
"Today's event helps to bring awareness to the plight of the Vietnamese victims
of sexual violence as they seek recognition and justice. I am proud to stand up
for all victims of sexual violence around the world."
Rt. Hon. Jack Straw said:
"The statue unveiled today puts a face to the names of the women and children
who are victims of Korean wartime sexual violence. We need an independent
investigation by the UNHCR into the rape of Vietnamese women by South Korean
soldiers. We must demonstrate that we remain committed and supportive of all
victims of sexual violence."
Sculpture Artist Rebecca Hawkins said:
"I hope that this statue helps raise awareness for this important campaign and
gives the women and children the justice and closure that they need. Being part
of this campaign and meeting these brave and courageous women has been the
honour of a lifetime and I urge everyone to hear their story."
The "Lai Dai Han" are the tens of thousands of children of Vietnamese women
that allege they were raped by South Korean soldiers during the Vietnam War.
Between 1964 and 1973, some 320,000 South Korean soldiers were deployed to
Vietnam to fight alongside the United States.
Justice for Lai Dai Han gives a voice to the victims and their children and
campaigns for South Korea to recognise and investigate the allegations of
widespread rape and sexual violence.
Justice for Lai Dai Han works with policy makers, writers and artists to ensure
this injustice is finally recognised, alongside fundraising efforts on behalf
of the Lai Dai Han and their families.
Our work seeks to raise public awareness, to allow political and community
leaders to connect with the victims of sexual violence to understand their
suffering firsthand, and to create public art as a permanent reminder of the
plight of the Lai Dai Han.
Source: Justice for Lai Dai Han (JLDH)