AsiaNet 79354 (1146)
【重慶(中国)2019年6月25日新華社=共同通信JBN】Aliyun Innovation Center(Chongqing)(阿里雲イノベーションセンター(重慶))が6月18日、Chongqing Liangjiang Digital Economy Industrial Park(重慶両江デジタルエコノミー産業パーク)で正式にスタートした。
重慶両江新区、Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd.、Tsinghua Technology & Innovation Holdings Co., Ltd.が共同設立した同センターは、インターネット、クラウドコンピューティング、ビッグデータ、デジタルエコノミーの各産業に起業とイノベーションの支援サービスを提供する。
重慶両江新区は2010年6月18日の開設以来、科学技術イノベーションを促進することで、初の国家レベルの新地域として、そしてChina Singapore(Chongqing)Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity(中国シンガポール(重慶)戦略的相互接続実証イニシアチブ)とChina(Chongqing)Pilot Free Trade Zone(中国(重慶)パイロット自由貿易ゾーン)の中核地域として、その役割の戦略的優位性を十分に発揮している。2018年5月17日の午前7時33分、民間企業が独自開発した中国発の商用弾道飛行ロケットであるOS-Xロケット「Chongqing Langjiang Star(重慶両江星)」の打ち上げが成功した。これは科学技術のイノベーションを通して高品質な発展を探るという重慶両江新区の伝説に残るほどの実例である。
ソース:Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Administrative Committee
Alibaba's new presence highlights Chongqing Liangjiang New Area's passion for entrepreneurship, innovation
CHONGQING, China, June 25, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
Aliyun Innovation Center (Chongqing) was officially launched in Chongqing
Liangjiang Digital Economy Industrial Park on June 18.
Jointly established by Chongqing Liangjiang New Area, Alibaba Cloud Computing
Co., Ltd. and Tsinghua Technology & Innovation Holdings Co.,Ltd, the center is
an entrepreneurship and innovation incubation services platform serving
industries in internet, cloud computing, big data and digital economy.
The center covers an area of 11,280 square meters with separate areas for office,
meeting, negotiation, reception, rest and road show. Targeting incubation of small
and medium-sized digital economy enterprises, the center aims to create a digital
economy closed loop ecosystem including state-of-the-art technologies of cloud computing,
big data, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, mobile Internet and virtual reality.
The center also launched its CloudX plan on Tuesday, which included the
projects to establish an ecological community of professional technical
developers, form a circle of innovative peers of CloudX that integrates
creative, innovative, entrepreneurial elements with talent, and operate a cloud
intelligent college in service of regional digital economy industry talents.
As the largest cloud computing platform in China, Aliyun will provide
innovative and entrepreneurial enterprises with a high technical starting
point, enabling them to enjoy the same technical platform as the world-renowned
Internet companies, according to Chen Bin, vice president of Aliyun intelligent
China division, adding that Alibaba, one of the largest digital economies in
the world, can offer good support for the cooperation of underlying platforms
for innovation and entrepreneurship.
The innovation center has 10 enterprises stationed and it plans to incubate
more than 100 high-tech firms in cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things,
artificial intelligence and mobile Internet.
The launch of the center is part of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area's efforts to
promote the innovation-driven development strategy.
Since its establishment on June 18, 2010, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area has
been giving full play to the strategic advantages of its roles as the first
national-level new area, the core area of China Singapore (Chongqing)
Demonstration Initiative on Strategic Connectivity and the core area of China
(Chongqing) Pilot Free Trade Zone by facilitating scientific and technological
innovation. At 7:33 a.m. on May 17, 2018, China's first private self-developed
commercial suborbital rocket, the OS-X rocket "Chongqing Liangjiang Star", was
successfully launched, a legendary example of the new area's efforts to seek
high-quality development through scientific and technological innovation.
Chongqing Liangjiang New Area has released an entrepreneurship and innovation
brand that attracts talent to the region. By pooling global scientific and technological
innovation talents, Liangjiang New Area seeks to build an international innovation city,
innovation region and innovation landmark. Eight national-level incubation platforms
have been set up in the region. Local government plans to increase support and
optimize the environment for innovation.
For more information, please visit the official website:
Source: Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Administrative Committee