Syrius がAMRの量産、日本への出荷を開始
Syrius がAMRの量産、日本への出荷を開始
AsiaNet 79423 (1179)
【深セン(中国)2019年7月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】ロボティクスとAIテクノロジーのグローバルリーダーであるSyrius Roboticsは1日、自律移動型ロボット(Automatic Mobile Robot、AMR)の量産開始を発表した。またその第1陣はプレス発表時点で日本に向けて出荷される。これらのAMRは顧客の倉庫にSyriusのスマート物流ソリューションの一部として展開され、顧客の生産性向上をサポートする。
キャプション:FlexComet(TM) SL50 – 世界初のSyrius AMR生産バージョン
Syriusの共同創業者兼ゼネラルマネージャーであるルオ・シュエン氏は「Syrius は顧客がインテリジェンスの適用によって倉庫の運営を一変することを容易にする。Syriusのソリューションによって顧客の倉庫の生産性は最大300%-500%向上する」と語った。
Syriusは新規顧客に対しては「GoPick Program」を提供し、導入支援やAMRを実際に試す機会を設けている。
Syrius Robotics は世界をリードするソリューションを提供し、優れた協調型ロボティクス・テクノロジーで物流と産業を変革する。SyriusにはAMR(自律移動型ロボット)、ロボット管理・制御システム、専門サービスなどの製品がある。2018年に中国・深センで創業したSyriusは、一部の最大手物流会社やE-コマース会社の新たなレベルの生産性向上をサポートしている。詳細については に連絡を。
Stanley LI
Vice President, Global Marketing
+86-755 8656 1344
Syrius Enters Mass Production of AMRs and Starts Shipping First Batch to Japan
SHENZHEN, China, July 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Syrius Robotics, a global leader in robotics and AI technology, today announced
the mass production of AMRs (Automatic Mobile Robot), while the first batch of
which are being shipped to Japan at press time. These AMRs will be deployed as part of
Syrius' smart logistics solution to empower the productivity of customers' warehouses.
According to public data, it is the first time for China AMR providers to ship
their products to overseas customers. Syrius has established an office in Tokyo
and built a local service and engineering team to provide timely technical support.
Caption: FexComet(TM) SL50 – world's first Syrius AMR production version
"Syrius makes it easier for customers to apply intelligence to transform the
way of running their warehouses," said Luo Xuan, Syrius co-founder and general
manager. "With Syrius' solution, customers could expect an increase of their
warehouse productivity up to 300%-500%."
According to Luo Xuan, Syrius has amassed a number of large logistics customers
and solution partners by a comprehensive capability to optimize workflow and
release manpower. Customers could easily deploy Syrius AMR based solution and
integrate it with their own WMS system, without any physical changes to their warehouses.
Caption: Luo Xuan, co-founder and General Manager of Syrius Robotics, gives
final check for AMR production
As a rapid response to demands from worldwide, Syrius has built solid
partnerships with some of the leading suppliers and established a world-class
product line for the mass production.
For new customers, Syrius offers a "GoPick Program" to help them get started
and have firsthand trial for AMR.
About Syrius
Syrius Robotics provides the world's leading solution to transform logistics
and industries with brilliant collaborative robotic technologies. Syrius' products
include AMR (Automatic Mobile Robot), robot management and control system,
as well as related professional services. Founded in 2018, Shenzhen, China,
Syrius is empowering some largest logistics and E-commerce companies to gain
a new level of productivity. For more information, connect
PR Contact:
Stanley LI
Vice President, Global Marketing
+86-755 8656 1344
SOURCE: Syrius