
マイケル・コース(Michael Kors)


AsiaNet 80843 (1892)

【ニューヨーク2019年10月1日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】マイケル・コース(Michael Kors)は飢餓に対抗して同ブランドがグローバルに展開する慈善キャンペーンであるウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップ(Watch Hunger Stop)に、アカデミー賞を受賞した女優ルピタ・ニョンゴが参加したと発表した。今年で7年目を迎えるウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップは国連世界食糧計画(WFP)と、その学校給食プログラムをサポートしている。ウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップ・キャンペーンはその開設以来、WFPが子どもに1800万食を届ける支援をしてきた。

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1004048/Michael_Kors.jpg  



才能に恵まれたニョンゴは、トニー賞にノミネートされた「イクリプスド」でブロードウエー・デビューを果たし、映画「それでも夜は明ける」のパッツィー役でオスカー受賞などの卓越したキャリアを誇り、今、目まぐるしい年を迎えている。ブラックパンサー、クイーン・オブ・カトウェ、スターウォーズ/フォースの覚醒にも出演した。「アス」とゾンビコメディー「リトルモンスターズ」での演技に加え、彼女はSimon & Schusterから10月15日に出版される児童書「Sulwe」を執筆した。ニョンゴとダナイ・グリラがカバーを予定している小説「アメリカーナ」は限定版10話シリーズで、HBO Maxでストレート・トゥー・シリーズのオーダーを受けた。このシリーズはニョンゴが主演し、グリラはパイロットの執筆と制作総監督を務める。ニョンゴはさまざまな要望を受けて多忙であるにも関わらず、自分の信念を支えるために自身の才能と影響力を使うことが重要と考えている。ニョンゴは女性と少女を支持することに関心を持ち、野生生物保護の熱心なサポーターで、国際的な保護組織WildAidのグローバル・エレファント・アンバサダーを務めている。


今年のウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップ・キャンペーンのテーマは「FOOD IS LOVE(フードは愛)」で、この課題に関心を持った理由について話すときにコース氏が頻繁に使う言葉である。子どもに食事を与える手助けをするのは彼らのことを大切に思い、彼らの望みや夢を共有し、彼らが社会に出るときにサポートすることである。学校給食は食料事情が不安定な地域の子どもに、彼らが成長して健康になるのに必要な栄養を提供する。家族にとって学校給食は、家族が子ども、特に少女を通学させるインセンティブにもなる。

▽LOVE Tシャツとトートバッグ

マイケル・コースは毎年10月、世界食料デーの10月16日を記念するため、WFPへの資金を募ることを目的に、特にデザインされたスペシャルエディション製品を提供している。今年の製品はLOVEという言葉をあしらったTシャツとトートバッグである。シンプルだが人目を引くLOVE Tシャツとトートバッグはオンラインならびに世界中の選ばれたマイケル・コース・ライフスタイルストアで10月1日から購入できる。また、良いことをさらによくするため、顧客がその製品を「着用」し、彼らがウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップのLOVE Tシャツかトートバッグの姿をセルフィーで撮り、ハッシュタグ#watchhungerstop(注)と共にオンラインでポストすれば、マイケル・コースはWFPに100食を追加で寄贈する。ユニセックスのこのTシャツの色はブラック&ホワイトで、小売価格は40ドル。ブラックキャンバスのトートバッグには革製ハンドルが付き、販売価格は59ドル。各LOVE Tシャツまたはトートバッグの販売ごとに、マイケル・コースは国連世界食糧計画を通して必要としている子どもにすべての利益を寄付する。







Michael's World: http://www.michaelkors.com/michaelsworld

@MichaelKors(Instagram) + Instagram Stories: http://instagram.com/michaelkors

@MichaelKors(IGTV): https://www.instagram.com/michaelkors/channel/?hl=en

Michael Kors(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelkors

Michael Kors(Facebook): http://www.facebook.com/michaelkors

Michael Kors(Facebook) Messenger: m.me/MichaelKors

@MichaelKors(Twitter): http://twitter.com/michaelkors

@MichaelKors(Weibo): http://weibo.com/michaelkors

WeixinとWeChatでMichael Korsの検索を

LINE JapanでMichael Korsの検索を

Kakao KoreaでMichael Kors"の検索を

LOVE Tシャツまたはトートバッグの購入はhttp://www.michaelkors.com/watchhungerstop で。

WFPについてのより詳しい情報はhttp://www.wfp.org を参照。

World Food Programme(Facebook): www.facebook.com/worldfoodprogramme



マイケル・コースのリテール店舗またはマイケル・コース公式ウェブサイトから購入されたウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップLOVE Tシャツあるいはトートバッグごとに、マイケル・コースは利益の100%(100食または25米ドルに相当)をWFPに寄付する。ウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップLOVE Tシャツを着用またはトートバッグを持ったセルフィーごとに、マイケル・コースはWFPに100食(25米ドル)を寄付する。マイケル・コースは2020年3月31日までの間に、WFPに最大200万食を寄付する。WFPはいかなる製品あるいはサービスも認定していない。

▽ウォッチ・ハンガー・ストップ(Watch Hunger Stop)について


▽マイケル・コース(Michael Kors)氏について

マイケル・コース氏はラグジュアリー・アクセサリーと既製服の世界的に有名で受賞歴のあるデザイナーである。同氏の氏名にちなんだ会社は1981年に設立され、現在はマイケル・コース・コレクション、マイケル マイケル・コース、マイケル・コース・メンズのブランドで一連の製品を生産しており、アクセサリー、既製服、フットウエア、ウエアラブル技術、時計、フレグランス製品一式を含む。マイケル・コースストアは世界の大都市のほとんどで営業している。それに加え、マイケル・コースは北米、欧州、アジアでデジタル基幹店を運営し、顧客にシームレスなオムニチャンネル体験を提供している。

▽国連世界食糧計画(World Food Programme)について


ソース:Michael Kors


Dinesh Kandiah

DVP, Global Communications & Marketing


Lupita Nyong'o Joins Michael Kors To Watch Hunger Stop


NEW YORK, Oct. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Michael Kors is pleased to announce that Academy Award-winning actress Lupita Nyong'o has

joined Watch Hunger Stop, the brand's global philanthropic campaign against hunger.

Now entering its seventh year, Watch Hunger Stop supports the United Nations World Food

Programme (WFP) and its school meals program. The Watch Hunger Stop campaign has helped

WFP deliver more than 18 million meals to children since its inception.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1004048/Michael_Kors.jpg  

"I am proud to support Watch Hunger Stop because it focuses attention on solutions

to the problem of hunger and encourages people to take action on an individual basis,"

says Lupita Nyong'o, explaining her decision to join forces with Michael Kors.  

"Watch Hunger Stop helps to fund meals for schools, which has a direct impact

on leveling the performance playing field for underprivileged students," Nyong'o adds.

"When students can eat, they can perform better in school which in turn leads to greater

opportunities in life. In so doing, Michael Kors and WFP are facilitating better opportunities

for women and girls on a daily basis."

The talented Nyong'o, whose extraordinary career includes a Tony-nominated Broadway debut

in Eclipsed, her role as Patsey in the film 12 Years A Slave, for which she won an Oscar,

and roles in films Black Panther, Queen of Katwe, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens,

among others, is in the midst of a whirlwind year. In addition to her roles in Us and the zombie

comedy Little Monsters, she has a children's book, Sulwe, that Simon & Schuster will publish

on October 15th. Nyong'o and Danai Gurira's planned adaptation of the novel "Americanah"

has received a straight-to-series order at HBO Max, as a limited 10-episode series.

Nyong'o will star in the series, with Gurira writing the pilot and serving as showrunner.

Despite the many demands on her time, Nyong'o believes in using her talent and influence

to support causes that are important to her. She is an engaged advocate for women and girls

and an avid supporter of wildlife conservation, serving as Global Elephant Ambassador for

the international conservation organization WildAid.

"Lupita is smart, talented, compassionate and strong, with an extraordinary

ability to inspire others," says Michael Kors. "I'm thrilled that she has joined us

in the fight against hunger. Her empathy, honesty and commitment will make her

a powerful force for change in the effort to build a world with zero hunger."

The theme of this year's Watch Hunger Stop campaign is FOOD IS LOVE, words that

Kors often uses when talking about why he was drawn to the issue. To help feed

a child is to care for them, to share their hopes and dreams, to support them

as they make their way in the world. School meals provide children in food-insecure

regions with the nutrition they need to grow and to thrive. They also provide an incentive

for families to send their children, especially girls, to school.


Each October, to mark World Food Day on October 16, Michael Kors offers special-edition

products specially designed to raise funds for WFP. This year, the products are a t-shirt and

a tote featuring the word LOVE. Simple and striking, the LOVE t-shirt and tote will be available

for purchase online and in select Michael Kors lifestyle stores around the world beginning

October 1. And to make a good thing better, Michael Kors will donate 100 additional meals

to WFP if customers "wear it and share it" by snapping a selfie while wearing their Watch Hunger

Stop LOVE t-shirt or tote and posting it online with the hashtag #watchhungerstop.*

The unisex t-shirt, offered in black and white, will retail for $40. The black canvas tote,

with leather handles, will sell for $59. For every LOVE t-shirt or tote sold, Michael Kors will

donate all profits to children in need through the World Food Programme.*


During the month of October, customers can make a donation directly to WFP at the register

in select Michael Kors stores around the globe. Just $5 feeds a child in school for a month.

In select countries, visitors to WatchHungerStop.com can follow the on-screen

link to donate to WFP directly.

"Food is a simple, essential need, but solutions to hunger need to be thoughtful,"

said Michael Kors. "We've supported WFP's school meals programs over the years

because they focus on making communities stronger and more self-sufficient.

They also understand how important it is to provide opportunities for women and girls

to break the cycle of poverty. We're proud to work together with them toward zero hunger."

For more information, visit:

For more information, please visit the following:

Michael's World: http://www.michaelkors.com/michaelsworld

@MichaelKors on Instagram + Instagram Stories: http://instagram.com/michaelkors

@MichaelKors on IGTV: https://www.instagram.com/michaelkors/channel/?hl=en

Michael Kors on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelkors

Michael Kors on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/michaelkors

Michael Kors on Facebook Messenger: m.me/MichaelKors

@MichaelKors on Twitter: http://twitter.com/michaelkors

@MichaelKors on Weibo: http://weibo.com/michaelkors

Search for "Michael Kors" on Weixin and WeChat

Search for "Michael Kors" on LINE Japan

Search for "Michael Kors" on Kakao Korea

To purchase the LOVE t-shirt or tote, visit


To learn more about WFP, visit http://www.wfp.org

World Food Programme on Facebook: www.facebook.com/worldfoodprogramme

@WFP on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wfp

*PROGRAM DETAILS: For each Watch Hunger Stop LOVE t-shirt or tote purchased

from a Michael Kors retail store or official Michael Kors website, Michael Kors will donate

100% of profits (equivalent to 100 meals or US $25) to WFP.  For each Watch Hunger Stop

LOVE t-shirt or tote selfie, Michael Kors will donate 100 meals (US $25) to WFP.

Michael Kors will donate up to two million meals to WFP through 3/31/2020.

WFP does not endorse any product or service.

About Watch Hunger Stop

Watch Hunger Stop, established in 2013, raises funds and awareness to help

achieve a world with Zero Hunger. The brand's partner in the effort is the

United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and funds go to support WFP's school

meals program. In 2015, Michael Kors was named a WFP Goodwill Ambassador;

in 2016, he was awarded the McGovern-Dole Leadership Award by WFP USA for his

dedicated efforts to highlight and alleviate the crisis of hunger.

About Michael Kors

Michael Kors is a world-renowned, award-winning designer of luxury accessories

and ready-to-wear. His namesake company, established in 1981, currently produces

a range of products under Michael Kors Collection, MICHAEL Michael Kors and

Michael Kors Mens, including accessories, ready-to-wear, footwear, wearable technology,

watches, and a full line of fragrance products. Michael Kors stores are operated in

the most prestigious cities in the world. In addition, Michael Kors operates digital flagships across

North America, Europe and Asia, offering customers a seamless omni-channel experience.  

About the World Food Programme

The United Nations World Food Programme—saving lives in emergencies and

changing lives for millions through sustainable development. WFP works in more

than 80 countries around the world, feeding people caught in conflict and disasters,

and laying the foundations for a better future.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements. You should not place undue

reliance on such statements because they are subject to numerous uncertainties and

factors relating to the operations and business environment of the Company, all of which

are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond the Company's control.

Forward-looking statements include information concerning the Company's possible or

assumed future results of operations, including descriptions of its business strategy.

These statements often include words such as "may," "will," "should," "believe," "expect,"

"anticipate," "intend," "plan," "estimate" or similar expressions. The forward-looking statements

contained in this press release are based on assumptions that the Company has made in light of

management's experience in the industry as well as its perceptions of historical trends,

current conditions, expected future developments and other factors that it believes are

appropriate under the circumstances. You should understand that these statements are not

guarantees of performance or results. They involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties

and assumptions. Although the Company believes that these forward-looking statements are

based on reasonable assumptions, you should be aware that many factors could affect

its actual financial results or results of operations and could cause actual results to differ

materially from those in these forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: Michael Kors

CONTACT: FOR MORE INFORMATION: Dinesh Kandiah, DVP, Global Communications &

Marketing, Dinesh.Kandiah@MichaelKors.com




