LUI Che Woo Prizeが2019年授賞式を開催
LUI Che Woo Prizeが2019年授賞式を開催
AsiaNet 80867 (1898)
【香港2019年10月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
よりよい世界の構築に励む人々と組織の際立った業績を表彰するLUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞は2019年10月3日夜、香港コンベンション&エキジビションセンターで恒例の授賞式を行った。
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2019年LUI Che Woo Prizeの受賞3者は、持続可能性賞(Sustainability Prize)のThe Nature Conservancy(ネイチャー・コンサーバンシー)、福祉改善賞(Welfare Betterment Prize)のジェニファー・A・ダウドナ(Jennifer A. Doudna)博士、積極的活力賞(Positive Energy Prize)のファン・ジンシ(Fan Jinshi)氏である。
授賞式典には、香港特別行政区行政長官の林鄭月娥(キャリー・ラム)氏、中国人民政治協商会議第13期全国委員会の董建華副主席、中央政府駐香港連絡弁公室次長のタン・ティエニウ博士、中国人民政治協商会議港澳台僑委員会のホァン・ランファ副主任、中国外交部駐香港特別行政区特派員公署特派員の楊義瑞氏、中央人民政府駐香港連絡弁公室副主任のタン・ティエニウ教授、LUI Che Woo Prizeの創設者で評議員会・賞評議会会長の呂志和博士、賞推薦委員会委員長のローレンス・J・ロー教授ら名誉来賓が出席した。LUI Che Woo Prize運営組織の他の尊敬されるメンバーも出席した。
賞の創設者である呂志和博士は授賞式典で有意義な言葉を共有し「数年前、『持続する静けさと共通の調和』という私の信念に基づいてLUI Che Woo Prizeを創設した。全ての人がもっと優しくなり思いやりを持つことで内なる平和を追求し、世界が与えるものを共に大切にすることができるよう願う。受賞者が努力により達成した業績がこの賞への私のビジョンに合致するものだと知り、ただ幸せを感じるばかりだ」と語った。
林鄭月娥氏も式典のあいさつで今年の受賞者に祝意を表し「私がLUI Che Woo Prize授賞式に参加するのは3回連続である。この式典に参加して呂博士のビジョンがどれほど素晴らしく実現しているのかを見るのは名誉であり喜びである。また、目的と情熱をもってより大きな善に見事に貢献する人々をみなさんと一緒に祝福するのは栄誉でもある」と述べた。
▽2019年LUI Che Woo Prizeの受賞者
授賞式の来賓は、Taiwan First Deaf Dance Groupと地元のタレントによる特別公演を楽しんだ。舞踊団の創設者でリードダンサーのリン・チンラン氏は先天的に重度の難聴を抱えていたが、障害に自分を定義させなかった。リン氏は舞踊芸術に一途に取り組み、数々の困難を克服しプロのダンサーになり自身の舞踊団を創設し、聴覚障害を持つダンサーが自身を表現するためのクリエーティブなプラットフォームを提供している。他の人々がそれぞれの夢を追求するようエンパワーする著名なスポークスウーマンであるリン・チンラン氏は、同氏の決意を通して無限の積極的活力を実証する。
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LUI Che Woo Prizeの詳細は公式ウェブサイト を参照。
▽LUI Che Woo Prizeについて
呂志和博士により2015年に創設された「LUI Che Woo Prize-世界文明賞」は世界文明を発展させ、人々が調和した世界を構築するよう啓発するための国際的で分野横断的な賞である。この革新的な賞は毎年開催され、その目的は優れた貢献を行っている世界中の個人や組織を表彰し、栄誉を授けることを目指し、世界の持続可能な開発、人類の福祉の改善、積極的な生活態度の推進と積極的活力の強化という3つの目標を奨励することである。
LUI Che Woo Prizeは香港で組み込まれた保証契約による有限責任の慈善企業であるLUI Che Woo Prize Limitedによって管理・運営されている。詳細は を参照。
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ソース:LUI Che Woo Prize Limited
LUI Che Woo Prize Hosts 2019 Prize Presentation Ceremony
HONG KONG, Oct. 3, 2019/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
The three laureates were recognised with the award by honourable guests
including Chief Executive Mrs Carrie Lam and Dr Lui Che-woo
Commending the exceptional achievements of individuals and organisations
working to build a better world, the LUI Che Woo Prize - Prize for World
Civilisation, held its annual Prize Presentation Ceremony on the night of
October 3, 2019 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
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Three laureates received the 2019 LUI Che Woo Prize: The Nature Conservancy,
winning the Sustainability Prize; Dr Jennifer A. Doudna, winning the Welfare
Betterment Prize; and Ms Fan Jinshi, winning the Positive Energy Prize.
The Prize Presentation Ceremony was attended by honourable guests including
The Hon Mrs Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region; The Hon Mr Tung Chee-hwa, Vice Chairman of the 13th
National Committee of the CPPCC; Professor TAN Tieniu, Vice Minister of the Liaison
Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong; Mr Huang Lanfa,
Vice Chairman of Committee for Liaison with Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and
Overseas of CPPCC; Mr Yang Yirui, Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the
Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region; Dr Lui Che-woo, Founder of the LUI Che Woo Prize and
Chairman of the Board of Governors cum Prize Council of the LUI Che Woo Prize;
and Professor Lawrence J. Lau, Chairman of the Prize Recommendation Committee.
Other respected members of the LUI Che Woo Prize governing bodies were also in attendance.
Founder of the Prize, Dr Lui Che-woo shared a few meaningful words at the Prize
Presentation Ceremony, saying, "A few years ago, I founded the LUI Che Woo Prize
based on my belief in 'lasting serenity and shared harmony'. I hope everyone can pursue
inner peace by becoming more loving and understanding, and together cherish what
the world has to offer. Knowing that the hard-earned achievements of the laureates align
with my vision for the prize, I feel nothing but happiness."
Mrs Carrie Lam also gave a speech at the ceremony and extended her congratulations to
this year's awardees, commenting, "This is the third time in a row that I've taken part in
the Lui Che Woo Prize ceremony. And, I must say, it's an honour and a delight to be here,
to see how splendidly the vision of Dr Lui is being realised. It is a privilege, too, to join you
in celebrating those who, with their purpose and passion, so brilliantly serve a larger good."
Laureates of the 2019 LUI Che Woo Prize
The 2019 Sustainability Prize was presented to The Nature Conservancy.
A global non-profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of land and water,
The Nature Conservancy works with a number of different organisations and
individuals to tackle climate change, water scarcity, food shortages and other
conservation challenges. Its network spans over one million members and six
continents, making it one of the world's most effective and wide-reaching
environmental groups. In Hong Kong, The Nature Conservancy is nurturing future
environmental leaders through educational initiatives.
"I want to extend my deepest thanks to Dr. Lui. Your dedication to making the
world a better place", said by Secretary Sally Jewell, Chief Executive Officer
of The Nature Conservancy, accepted the Prize on behalf of her organization.
"Change is possible. But it takes courage, commitment, and above all --
leadership. My colleagues and I believe that Hong Kong and the entire Asia
Pacific region can lead the world toward a more sustainable future", she added.
The 2019 Welfare Betterment Prize was conferred upon Dr Jennifer A. Doudna,
the co-inventor of CRISPR-Cas9 - a revolutionary genome-editing technology allowing
genetic material to be added, removed or altered in animal and plant cells.
Her work has given hope to millions and has vast applications for improving human welfare.
CRISPR-Cas9 has been called one of the world's most monumental discoveries for its potential
to treat or prevent diseases like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and even HIV and cancer;
and to help engineer plants with climate change-resistance and better nutritional value.
Receiving her award at the Prize Presentation Ceremony, Dr Jennifer A. Doudna said,
"I do believe that the positive message of Dr Lui Che-woo and our collective efforts to
build a more harmonious world can improve our health, happiness, and future success.
Tonight is an opportunity to consider how our approach and the work itself can help deliver
that better future."
The 2019 Positive Energy Prize was awarded to Ms Fan Jinshi. Spreading positive
energy and demonstrating unwavering determination through countless social,
cultural and financial hardships, Ms Fan has devoted 56 years to the Mogao Grottoes
in Dunhuang, China. This significant cultural site is home to one of the world's most
important collections of Buddhist culture and other historical artefacts; and Ms Fan's heroic
commitment to its study and preservation has benefitted both the site itself as well as
the wider world's understanding of the Grottoes. Her major contributions to its digital
preservation and broad dissemination have set new standards for cultural preservation.
Ms Fan accepted her Prize in person this evening, saying, "It is my great honour to protect,
study and promote the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. This tough but meaningful task deserves
not only my lifelong dedication, but also the continuous contributions of future generations."
Spreading Harmony and Joy Through Dance
Guests at the Prize Presentation Ceremony enjoyed a special performance
presented by the Taiwan First Deaf Dance Group and local talents. Founder cum
lead dancer, Ms Lin Chinglan was born with severe hearing impairment but she
did not let the disability define her. She has dedicated herself to the art of dance
and overcome countless difficulties to become a professional dancer and established
her own dance group, providing a creative platform for dancers with hearing impairments
to express themselves.
A well-known spokeswoman who empowers others to pursue their dreams,
Ms Lin Chinglan demonstrates infinite positive energy through her determination.
For high resolution images and videos, please visit:
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To find out more about the LUI Che Woo Prize, please visit the official website
About the LUI Che Woo Prize
Founded by Dr LUI Che-woo in 2015, the LUI Che Woo Prize - Prize for World Civilisation is
an international cross-sector award for advancing world civilisation and inspiring people to
build a more harmonious world. This innovative award is held annually with an aim to
recognise and honour individuals or organisations all over the world for outstanding
contributions and to encourage the continuation of that work in three objectives: sustainable
development of the world, betterment of the welfare of mankind and promotion of positive
life attitude and enhancement of positive energy.Each laureate receives a cash award of HK$20
million (equivalent to approximately US$2.56 million), a certificate and a trophy. Each Prize is
awarded to a single recipient, who can either be an individual or an organisation.
The LUI Che Woo Prize is administered and managed by LUI Che Woo Prize Limited,
a charitable company limited by guarantee incorporated in Hong Kong.
For more information, please visit:
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SOURCE LUI Che Woo Prize Limited