BIGOがGITEX 2019で人工知能に命を吹き込む
BIGOがGITEX 2019で人工知能に命を吹き込む
AsiaNet 80934 (1926)
【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連合)2019年10月8日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】
imoやBIGO LIVEなど独特のビデオアプリケーションの親会社で、シンガポールに本拠を置くインターネット企業BIGOは、中東・北アフリカ地域の日常生活に影響を与える人工知能(AI)の革新的な可能性に取り組んでいる。BIGOはGITEX 2019で、地域全体の数百万人のユーザーに高レベルな品質のコンテンツを確実に届けるため、顔検出および顔認識システムやコンテンツ管理システムなどのアプリケーションにおけるAI対応プロセスの使用を紹介する。
この地域の代表的テクノロジーイベントであるGITEX 2019で、AIはメガトレンドの1つになっている。「心とテクノロジー・エコノミーのシナジー」というテーマのもと、2019年版のこのIT見本市では、あらゆる分野におけるAIの幅広い影響にスポットを当て、「すべての新興技術の中核にあるブレーン」と呼んでいる。
BIGO Technologyはすでに、AIの専門知識を生かして中東・北アフリカ地域に広く進出している。エジプトのカイロには300人以上の従業員がおり、地域のコンテンツ管理と品質保証に専念するスタッフが含まれている。また、ヨルダンのアンマンにある新事務所に投資し、また今年中にヨルダンで50人のAI専門家を雇用すると発表した。
BIGO Technologyへの訪問は、ドバイ・ワールドトレードセンター・エキシビションセンターのホール1 、C26スタンドのシンガポールパビリオンまで。
ソース:BIGO Technology
BIGO Brings Artificial Intelligence to Life at GITEX 2019
DUBAI, UAE, October 8, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
- Joins leading Singapore-based innovators at Singapore country pavilion
- Showcases innovations in video applications and emerging technologies
Singapore-based Internet company BIGO, the parent company of distinctive video
applications such as imo and BIGO LIVE, is focusing on the innovative potential
of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to impact everyday lives in the MENA region.
At GITEX 2019, BIGO will be demonstrating its use of AI-enabled processes across
applications such as its facial detection and recognition system as well as its content
management system to ensure high levels of quality content served to its millions of users
across the region.
AI is one of the mega-trends at GITEX 2019, the region's leading technology event.
Under the theme, 'Synergising the mind and technology economy', the 2019
edition of the technology showcase will spotlight the wide impact of AI across
every sphere, calling it 'the brain at the core of all emerging technology'.
Offering a suite of entertaining and interactive video applications that are popular
across the MENA region, BIGO has built AI into core areas of its technology portfolio.
This includes AI core technology for image and facial recognition, video intelligence,
and voice processing. BIGO's use of AI in content management is an essential tool
to monitor more than 300 million images and videos per month, and flag to a human
for further review. Furthermore, BIGO's AI tool is quite agile and can be easily
implemented and customized to existing and new platforms.
Jackson Liu, Head of Middle East, North Africa and Europe, BIGO, said: "We are
excited about our debut at GITEX this year, and look forward to interacting,
engaging and sharing expertise with the regional technology industry.
Megatrends such as AI are very close to our hearts and business; we believe
that there is significant potential and opportunity for AI development across
stakeholders in different sectors. We look forward to working closely with all
these parties and managing content based on what is deemed acceptable and
engaging in every country we operate in."
BIGO Technology has already made significant inroads into the MENA region with
its AI expertise. It employs more than 300 people in Cairo, Egypt, where staff
include those dedicated to regional content management and quality assurance;
and has announced an investment in a new office in Amman, Jordan, as well as
the hiring of 50 AI experts in Jordan in 2019.
Visit BIGO Technology in the Singapore country pavilion at stand C26, Hall 1,
Dubai World Trade Centre Exhibition Centre.
SOURCE: BIGO Technology