
International Maritime Industries(IMI)


AsiaNet 81059 (1974)

【ダーラン(サウジアラビア)2019年10月15日PRNewswire=共同通信JBN】International Maritime Industries(IMI)は15日、NOV傘下のGustoMSCとライセンス契約に調印したことを発表した。契約により、IMIは顧客用に効率的に掘削リグを建造、納入できるようになる。IMIが現在計画している新しい製造能力を利用する新型のGustoMSCの掘削ジャックアップの設計に必要な契約であり、これによりIMIが2021年に予定している初の生産開始の準備が完了する。




基本設計を提供するGustoMSCは確立したCJシリーズ掘削ジャックアップの1つを用意する。IMIの具体的な建造・設置能力への注力と合わせ、全体的なリグ建造時間が短縮される。設計は頑丈なXブレース脚部設計、Rack & Pinion Jacking Systems、X-Yカンチレバーシステムなど主要な実証済みの特徴を維持する。IMIのリグ設計は、サウジアラビア用に安全、効率的、信頼性のある掘削を可能にする「Fit For Purpose」ソリューションを目指す。

全体の基本設計は今後2、3週間内に始まる。GustoMSCは独立のリグ設計企業の役割を果たし、IMIとその顧客は今後の建造計画に参加したいすべての主要販売業者に自由にアプローチできる。ARO Drillingは約1年前、IMIに少なくとも20基の掘削ジャックアップの建造を発注する計画を発表した。最初のリグ発注は2020年後半に決定するとみられている。


サウジアラビア・ラスアルハイルのKing Salman Complex for International Maritime Industries & Services(サルマン国王国際海洋産業・サービス・コンプレックス)に位置するInternational Maritime Industriesは、中東・北アフリカ最大のフルサービス海洋施設となる。建設が完了すれば、施設の年間能力は、海底油田掘削装置の新設4基、超大型タンカー(VLCC)を含む新造船43隻以上と、260以上の海洋設備へのサービス供給が可能となる。生産業務の第1期は2020年末ごろに始まり、2022年までに全面稼働に達する見通し。International Maritime Industriesはサウジアラムコ、Lamprell、Bahriと現代重工業の合弁企業である。

ソース: International Maritime Industries

IMI and GustoMSC Sign Jack-up Design License Agreement


DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia, Oct. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

International Maritime Industries (IMI) announced today it had signed a License

Agreement with GustoMSC, an NOV company. The agreement enables IMI to

efficiently construct and deliver drilling rigs to its clients. The agreement entails

a new GustoMSC drilling jack-up design which will utilize the modern manufacturing

capabilities currently planned for at IMI. As a result of the agreement IMI will be fully

prepared for its first production operations anticipated in 2021.


Commenting on the license agreement signing, Fathi K Al Saleem, CEO of IMI, said:

"This is a major step for IMI in securing the required knowledge and getting the best

rig design which will be tailored to our state of the art construction capabilities,

ready for decades to come."

Nils van Nood, Managing Director of GustoMSC, adds: "IMI is an important part

of the Saudi Vision 2030. Contributing to that vision is a great opportunity

for us to serve key clients in Saudi Arabia and the region. As design company

and supplier of dedicated capital equipment, we see an important partner in IMI."

GustoMSC, responsible for delivering the basic design, will tailor one of its

well established CJ-series of drilling jack-ups. Combined with a focus on IMI's

specific construction and installation capabilities overall rig construction

time will be reduced. The design retains its key and field proven features such

as the sturdy X-bracing leg design, the Rack & Pinion Jacking Systems and X-Y

cantilever system. The IMI rig design is targeted to be a 'Fit For Purpose'

solution that enables safe, efficient and reliable drilling for Saudi Arabia.

The full design development will kick-off in the coming weeks. GustoMSC acts as

independent rig design company, enabling IMI and its clients to have an open

approach to all major vendors that want to become part of the upcoming

construction program. About one year ago ARO Drilling announced plans to order

at least 20 drilling jack-ups for construction at IMI. It is anticipated that

initial rig ordering will get finalized in the second half of 2020.

About IMI

International Maritime Industries, located in The King Salman Complex for

International Maritime Industries & Services at Ras Al-Khair, Saudi Arabia,

will be the largest, full service maritime facility in MENA. When building is

complete, the annual capacity of the facility will be four (4) new build

offshore rigs and over 43 new build vessels including VLCCs, in addition to

servicing more than 260 maritime products. The first phase of production

operations is expected to commence toward the end of 2020 with the facility

reaching its full production capacity by 2022. International Maritime Industries is

a joint venture between Saudi Aramco, Lamprell, Bahri and Hyundai Heavy Industries.

SOURCE: International Maritime Industries    




