David Capdevila Appointed New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Atradius N.V.

Atradius N.V.

David Capdevila Appointed New Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Atradius N.V.


AMSTERDAM, Nov. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

From 1 January 2020, he will replace Isidoro Unda who has announced his

departure after 12 years as the insurance company's Chief Executive Officer.

At its meeting on 31 October 2019, the Board of Directors of Grupo Catalana

Occidente and the Supervisory Board of Atradius N.V. approved the appointment

of David Capdevila as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Atradius.

Capdevila succeeds Isidoro Unda, who has announced his departure after 12 years

as the credit insurer's CEO. These changes will take effect from 1 January


The Chairman of Grupo Catalana Occidente, José María Serra, thanked Isidoro

Unda for his dedication throughout his career within the insurance group and

particularly highlighted his role "in the development and consolidation of

Atradius as the leading company in international credit insurance."

Unda was appointed CEO of Atradius N.V. in April 2007 when the companies

Crédito y Caución, and Atradius N.V. announced their merger. Previously, Unda

had served as CEO at Crédito y Caución since 2001.

Career of the new CEO

David Capdevila holds a degree in Economics and Business Studies and a Master's

Degree in Economics and Business Management from the IESE. He joined Grupo

Catalana Occidente in 1992 as Director of Organization and Quality and has

since assumed various responsibilities in the Group and its different


In 2016, he was appointed CEO of Plus Ultra Seguros. Previously, between 2006

and 2013, he was the CEO of Crédito y Caución, and was Chief Market Officer

(CMO) and a member of Atradius' Management Board between 2010 and 2013.

José María Serra also praised the commitment of David Capdevila. "I am

convinced that the appointment of David as the CEO of Atradius will boost the

positioning of Atradius as a global credit insurer," he said.

About Atradius

Atradius is a global provider of credit insurance, bond and surety, collections

and information services, with a strategic presence in over 50 countries. The

products offered by Atradius protect companies around the world against the

default risks associated with selling goods and services on credit. Atradius is

a member of Grupo Catalana Occidente (GCO.MC), one of the largest insurers in

Spain and one of the largest credit insurers in the world.

You can find more information online at https://group.atradius.com.

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1021122/David_Capdevila_Atradius.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/712156/Atradius_Logo.jpg

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For further information:

Head Office

Christine Gerryn

Director of Group Communication & Commercial Development

Phone: +31-20-553-2047

E-mail: christine.gerryn@atradius.com


Source: Atradius N.V.




