世界知的財産報告書2019 - ローカルホットスポット、グローバルネットワーク:協働と国際化が進むイノベーション活動
世界知的財産報告書2019 - ローカルホットスポット、グローバルネットワーク:
AsiaNet 81613
【ジュネーブ2019年11月13日PR Newswire】WIPOの世界知的財産報告書2019年版では、過去数十年間にわたり、何百万もの特許および科学出版物を分析し、イノベーション活動はますます協働と多国籍化の傾向を強める一方で、少数の国に拠点を持つ一部の大きなクラスターに由来しているという結論を出しました。
2015年〜2017年にかけては、約30の大都市ホットスポットだけで特許の69パーセントおよび科学活動の48パーセントを占めていました。それらの都市は主に以下5つの国に所在しています - 中国、ドイツ、日本、韓国、アメリカ合衆国(米国)。
World Intellectual Property Report 2019 - Local Hotspots, Global Networks: Innovative Activity Is Increasingly Collaborative and International
GENEVA, November 13, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
The 2019 edition of WIPO's World Intellectual Property Report analyzed millions
of patent and scientific publication records across several decades to conclude
that innovative activity has grown increasingly collaborative and transnational,
while originating in a few large clusters located in a small number of countries.
Some 30 metropolitan hotspots alone accounted for 69 percent of patents and
48 percent of scientific activity during the 2015-2017 period. They are mostly
located in five countries – China, Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and
the United States of America (U.S.).
The report finds that innovation has become more collaborative. In the early 2000s,
teams of scientists produced 64 percent of all scientific papers and teams of inventors
were behind 54 percent of all patents. By the second half of the 2010s, these figures
had grown to almost 88 and 68 percent, respectively.
Collaboration has also become more international in nature. The share of scientific
collaborations with two or more researchers located in different countries grew
from 15 percent in 1998 to 26 percent in 2017. For patents, the share of international
co-inventions increased to 11 percent until 2009, but has since slightly fallen,
partly because of rapid growth in domestic collaborations in certain countries.
Most international collaboration takes place among the top metropolitan hotspots.
The largest ten of them – San Francisco-San Jose, New York, Frankfurt, Tokyo, Boston,
Shanghai, London, Beijing, Bengaluru, and Paris – account for 26 percent of all international
co-inventions. The U.S. hotspots emerge as the most connected ones in the world.
"Today's innovation landscape is highly globally interlinked," said WIPO
Director General Francis Gurry. "Increasingly complex technological solutions
for shared global challenges need ever larger and more-specialized teams of
researchers, which rely on international collaboration. It is imperative that
economies remain open in the pursuit of innovation."
Source: WIPO