ガライバ大臣がBIGO Technologyアンマン事務所を開所、AIと雇用機会に門戸
ガライバ大臣がBIGO Technologyアンマン事務所を開所、AIと雇用機会に門戸
AsiaNet 81784 (2339)
【アンマン(ヨルダン)2019年11月20日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】シンガポールを本拠とし、人工知能(AI)を原動力とするインターネット技術企業BIGO Technology(BIGO)はヨルダンのアンマンに新事務所を開設した。ヨルダンのムサンナ・ガライバ・デジタル経済・起業相が開所式を主宰した。出席したBIGO経営幹部はマイク・オン政府関係担当副社長、ジャクソン・リュー中東・北アフリカ・欧州担当ゼネラルマネジャーらである。
ムサンナ・ガライバ氏は「BIGOはヨルダンへのコミットメント果たす第1歩に踏み出した。われわれはヨルダンで技術・AI専門家の技能向上と雇用への同社の今後の投資に期待している。この投資は、ヨルダン国民にプログラミングと国際的認証取得の3カ月無料の講習会と通信講座を提供するOne Million Jordanian Coders(ヨルダン100万人プログラマー)プログラム(https://jordaniancoders.com/ )などのイニシアチブによく合致する。ヨルダンはデジタルの未来に向かって前進するに際し、BIGOのような洞察力のあるテクノロジー企業が果たす役割を大歓迎する」と述べた。
BIGOのジャクソン・リュー氏は「ヨルダンのBIGO事務所開設は、言語能力、地域との文化的類似性、国際通貨基金(IMF)の『高度に発展した』の分類(http://teknospire.com/the-evolution-of-mobile-wallets-and-digital-payments-in-jordan/ )との関連で、オファーの多様性のための戦略的な行動だと当社は信じている。当社は人的資本への投資と開発にコミットしており、総合的な人材募集計画を開発した。その目的は、ヨルダンの構想に貢献できるよう技術専門家の雇用をもっと重視することである」と述べた。
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1032818/Bigo_Opens_Office_in_Jordan.jpg
ソース:BIGO Technology
H.E. Mothanna Gharaibeh Inaugurates BIGO Technology's Amman Office, Opening Doors to AI and More Employment Opportunities
AMMAN, Jordan, Nov. 20, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
BIGO Technology (BIGO), a Singapore-based Internet technology company powered
by Artificial Intelligence (AI), has opened a new office in Amman, Jordan.
The office was inaugurated by His Excellency Mothanna Gharaibeh, Jordan's Minister
for Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship. BIGO executives in attendance included
Mr. Mike Ong, Vice President for Government Relations, and Mr. Jackson Liu,
General Manager of Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
BIGO's first office in Jordan will serve as an additional regional hub to interact
and engage with users and stakeholders, ensure a high-tech corporate presence
in Jordan, and advance AI skills among Jordanian youth. It will improve products,
and increase employment opportunities for technology professionals within the country.
His Excellency Mothanna Gharaibeh, said: "BIGO has made the first step in fulfilling
their commitment to Jordan, and we look forward to their future investment
in the upskilling and hiring of technology and AI professionals in Jordan.
This investment aligns well with initiatives in Jordan such as the 'One Million
Jordanian Coders'[https://jordaniancoders.com/ ] programme, which will bring
Jordanians free three-month training sessions and online courses in coding and
internationally-recognised certification. As Jordan advances towards our digital future,
we are enthusiastic about the role that visionary technology companies such as BIGO will play."
BIGO currently has over 69 technical patents and over 414 patents are under the
process of application. As a fast-growing Singapore company, BIGO now has five
R&D centres around the globe, and employs over 250 people in the MENA region
alone. Worldwide, BIGO has more than 400 million monthly active users across
its applications and services, a significant percentage of whom are in the MENA region.
The Jordanian government has been a keen supporter of BIGO for its plan and
presence both in the Hashemite Kingdom and across the wider region.
In fact, earlier this year BIGO hosted His Excellency Mothanna Gharaibeh at
its headquarters in Singapore, where discussions centred around the expansion
possibilities in Jordan, and upskilling of youth in preparation for the fourth digital revolution.
Mr. Mike Ong of BIGO said: "At BIGO, we strongly believe that it is our
responsibility to invest in the future wherever we operate. Jordan is on a
quest to become the digital hotspot in the region. Our expertise in AI will
help support Jordan's vision and assist in developing an environment that
nurtures and enhances digital skills and capabilities to build a better future."
For BIGO, the Middle East region is ripe with opportunity for the consumption and
development of its applications. It will also assist in developing the skills and talent
of Arab youths and empower them to conceptualize and build a more productive future.
Mr. Jackson Liu of BIGO said: "We believe that establishing the BIGO office in
Jordan is a strategic move due to the diversity on offer, in relation to language skills,
cultural similarities to that of the region and an IMF classification[http://teknospire.com/the-evolution-of-mobile-wallets-and-digital-payments-in-jordan/ ] of 'Highly Developed'.
We are committed to investing and developing human capital, and we have developed
a comprehensive recruitment plan. Our objective is to focus more on hiring technology
professionals so we can contribute to the vision of Jordan."
The office in Jordan is the second BIGO office in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA)
region after Egypt. The company has earlier announced plans of hiring 50 AI experts
to be based in Jordan and serve the region.
Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1032818/Bigo_Opens_Office_in_Jordan.jpg
Source: BIGO Technology