Xinhua Silk Road:中国・寧波が急速な発展で東南アジア記者団を感銘させる
Xinhua Silk Road:中国・寧波が急速な発展で東南アジア記者団を感銘させる
AsiaNet 81858 (2374)
【寧波(中国)2019年11月25日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】中国東部の沿海都市、寧波がその急速な経済発展で、最近同市を訪れた一部の東南アジア諸国の記者たちに感銘を与えた。
イベントでは、マレーシア、タイ、インドネシア、シンガポールの記者たちがインテリジェント製造と衣料品分野に的を絞り、AUX Group、Ningbo Cixing、JOYSON Electronics、Youngor Group、Peacebird Groupなどの現地企業を訪問した。
インドネシアのDetik.comの編集者、ヘステイアニンシー氏は、中国の大手繊維・衣料品企業であるYoungor Groupを訪問した際、同社のインテリジェント製造、特にレーザー切断技術に感銘を受けたと述べた。
Ningbo City Exhibition Hall(寧波市展示ホール)には「港は寧波の最大のリソースで、開放は寧波の最大の利点である」とのスローガンが掲げられている。
Qianyang Economic Development Zone(チェンヤン経済開発区)は、中央ビジネス地区、工業地区、eコマース物流センター、住宅地区で構成されるeコマース地区である。総面積は16.5平方キロメートル。これは、寧波が数年前にクロスボーダーeコマースを積極的に開発する取り組みを始めてから建設された。
このeコマース地区は地理的に有利であり、世界最大の港に近く、その影響力は中国東部の長江デルタ地域に及んでいる。シンガポールのChinese Headline New Mediaのリー・リー記者は「この地区には明るい未来があると信じている」と語った。
イベント中、記者団はまた、Tianyige Museum(天一閣博物館)、Ningbo Museum(寧波博物館)、Ningbo City Exhibition Hall(寧波市展示ホール)などの文化的サイトや博物館を訪問した。
ソース:Xinhua Silk Road Information Service
Xinhua Silk Road: China's Ningbo impresses Southeast Asian reporters with its rapid development
NINGBO, China, Nov. 25, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --
Ningbo, a coastal city in eastern China, has impressed some Southeast Asian
reporters with its rapid economic development during their recent visit to the city.
Ningbo Municipal Government has recently hosted an event of showing the
Southeast Asian reporters around the city, from November 19 to 23.
During the event, reporters from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore visited
the local enterprises including AUX Group, Ningbo Cixing, JOYSON Electronics, Youngor Group
and Peacebird Group etc., with focus on intelligent manufacturing and clothing fields.
"Ningbo has done a very good job in intelligent manufacturing," said Lim Siok Yean,
a senior reporter with Oriental Daily News from Malaysia, "What impressed me most is
that all enterprises are dedicated to cultivating their own corporate culture."
When visiting Youngor Group, a leading textile and clothing enterprise in China,
Hestianingsih, an editor with Indonesian, said that she was impressed
by the enterprise's intelligent manufacturing, especially its laser cutting technology.
"The port is Ningbo's largest resource and opening is the biggest advantage of Ningbo,"
says a slogan posted in the Ningbo City Exhibition Hall.
"Now I really understand the development characteristics of Ningbo," said Lee Huat Lian,
a senior reporter with Sin Chew Daily from Malaysia, noting that in Malaysia, due to
geographical restrictions, there is no international port like Ningbo Zhoushan Port.
Ningbo Zhoushan Port handled a cargo throughput of 1.08 billion metric tons
(tonnes) in 2018, ranking first in the world for ten consecutive years, and its
container throughput reached 26.35 million TEUs last year, ranking third globally.
Qianyang Economic Development Zone is an e-commerce zone consisting of a
central business district, an industry zone, an e-commerce logistics center and
the residential area. It covers a total area of 16.5 square kilometers. It has been built
since Ningbo kicked off a move to vigorously develop the cross-border e-commerce years ago.
The e-commerce zone enjoys geographical advantages and it is close to the
world's largest port, with its influence covering the Yangtze River Delta
region in eastern China. "I believe that the zone will have a bright future,"
said Li Li, a reporter with Singapore's Chinese Headline New Media.
During the event, the reporters also visited cultural sites and museums, such
as Tianyige Museum, Ningbo Museum and Ningbo City Exhibition Hall.
SOURCE:Xinhua Silk Road Information Service
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