2019年China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Eveningが瀋陽で開催
2019年China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Eveningが瀋陽で開催
AsiaNet 81958 (2424)
*第4回Shenyang in the Eyes of Foreigners Theme Partyも開催
2019 China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Evening(2019年中国・瀋陽国際友好の夕べ)と第4回Shenyang in the Eyes of Foreigners Theme Party(外国人が見た瀋陽を主題とするパーティー)がShenyang Radio and Television Station(瀋陽ラジオ・テレビ局)のスタジオで披露された。これは中国共産党瀋陽市委員会宣伝部が後援し、Information Office of Shenyang Municipal Government(瀋陽市政府新聞弁公室)とShenyang Radio and Television Stationの共催により、11月30日夕に開催された。
パーティーではShenyang Medical College(瀋陽医学院)が創作した新しいアフリカ舞踊が大人気だった。インド人学生が出演した「millennium pact(千年の約束)」は一貫して時代をテーマとし、ロシア人モデルが演じた「call of the road(道の呼び声)」は魅惑的で、瀋陽雑技団による「pedal umbrella(足先で傘を回す雑技)」はエキサイティングだった。米国、ポーランド、英国、コンゴ、ザンビア、モロッコなど30を超す国の約100人の外国の友人たちが歌や踊り、オペラ、曲芸などの新しいプログラムを発表した。異なる色の肌を持つ外国の友人たちはステージ上で強い「中国の風」を巻き起こし、国際的大都市・瀋陽のホスピタリティーと、中国と外国の友人が集結する素晴らしい場面を余すところなく示し、瀋陽の国際的な魅力を存分に披露した。
ソース:The Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee
(写真説明:2019 China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Eveningでのパフォーマンス)
2019 China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Evening and the 4th Shenyang in the Eyes of Foreigners Theme Party Was Held in Shenyang
SHENYANG, China, Dec. 2, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--
2019 China-Shenyang International Friendship Gala Evening and the 4th Shenyang
in the Eyes of Foreigners Theme Party was presented in the studio of Shenyang
Radio and Television Station. It was sponsored by the Publicity Department of
the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee, and jointly undertaken by the Information
Office of Shenyang Municipal Government, Shenyang Radio and Television Station
on the evening of November 30.
The party was divided into three chapters, "beautiful home", "common home"
and "friendship home", which combined thoughts, artistry and internationalism.
The party aimed at strengthening the communication between Shenyang and
international world and enhancing the deep friendship between Shenyang people
and foreign friends.
A new African dance created by Shenyang Medical College was very popular in the
party; The millennium pact starred by Indian students which stuck to the theme
of the Times; The call of the road performed by a Russian model was riveting;
The "pedal umbrella" performed by the Shenyang acrobatic troupe was exciting.
Nearly 100 foreign friends from more than 30 countries including the United States,
Poland, the United Kingdom, Congo, Zambia, Morocco and so on presented their new
programs of singing and dancing, opera, acrobatics and so on. Foreign friends with
different skin colors blew a strong "Chinese Wind" on the stage, which fully displaying
the hospitality of Shenyang international metropolis and the wonderful gathering-together
scene of Chinese and foreign friends, and it fully displaying the international charm of Shenyang.
Source: The Publicity Department of the CPC Shenyang Municipal Committee
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