ハーバライフ・ニュートリションアジアパシフィック地域 休暇中の食事についての調査報告:クリスマスと新年に平均3キロ体重増加

ハーバライフ・ニュートリション(Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.)

ハーバライフ・ニュートリションアジアパシフィック地域 休暇中の食事についての調査報告:クリスマスと新年に平均3キロ体重増加

AsiaNet 82208

【香港2019年12月24日PR Newswire】


業界トップのグローバルニュートリションカンパニーであるハーバライフ・ニュートリション(Herbalife Nutrition)は17日、オーストラリア、香港、インドネシア、日本、韓国、マレーシア、フィリピン、シンガポール、台湾、タイ、ベトナムの5,500人を対象に実施した「アジアパシフィック地域 休暇中の食事についての調査2019(Asia Pacific Holiday Eating Survey 2019)」の最新結果を公表した。調査結果は、年末年始は消費者が運動と健康的な食事を続けることが困難になる主な休暇の1つであることを明らかにした。

ハーバライフ・ニュートリション アジアパシフィックのスティーブン・コンチー上級副社長兼マネージングディレクターは「クリスマスと年始は家族が集い、美味しい食ベ物を囲んで祝う時だが、1年のこの時期には、多くの人が健康な食事とフィットネスの目標を放棄しがちである。ハーバライフ・ニュートリションは、休暇シーズン中も消費者が目標を維持することができるよう自身の習慣を見極めるきっかけとなるべく、休暇中に直面しがちなハードルを明らかにした」と述べた。




1. パーティーの前に食べる:空腹のままでパーティー会場に到着するとすぐに、食べたり飲んだりしたい気持ちに駆られるので、食べ過ぎを防ぐために、無塩の素焼きアーモンド、プロテインバー、ヨーグルトなどのヘルシーでたんぱく質の多い軽食をディナーパーティーに行く前に食べておく。

2. 脂肪分の少ないたんぱく質と野菜を中心にする:炭水化物の多い料理や米主体の料理を避け、脂肪分の少ないたんぱく質を含むメイン料理かサラダや野菜を選ぶ。

3. 少量をゆっくり食べる:食べ物の量より質を重視し、少量をゆっくり食べる。これはパーティー料理への欲求を満たすだけでなく、食べ過ぎる前に脳が満腹を認識するのを助ける。

4. アルコールと甘い飲み物の摂取を制限する:アルコールや甘い飲み物の過度の摂取は体重増の最大の原因の1つであるので、これを防ぐた、こうした飲み物の摂取量を制限し、代わりに水や甘くない飲み物を選ぶ。














Figure 1(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-e

Figure 2(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-f

Figure 3(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-g

▽ハーバライフ・ニュートリション(Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.)について


詳細は、IAmHerbalifeNutrition.com(https://iamherbalifenutrition.com/ )を参照。

投資家へ向けたは最新のIR情報についてはir.herbalife.com もご覧ください。

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-a

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-b  

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-c

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-d

ソース:Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific







Herbalife Nutrition Study Reveals Asia Pacific Consumers Eat More, Exercise Less and Gain an Average of 3 Kilograms Around Christmas and the New Year


HONG KONG, Dec. 17, 2019 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--

Premier global nutrition company, Herbalife Nutrition, today released new findings

from its Asia Pacific Holiday Eating Survey 2019, conducted with 5,500 respondents

across Australia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore,

Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. The survey findings revealed that Christmas and

New Year are among the major holidays that pose the greatest challenges for consumers

to continue exercising and eating healthily during the festive celebrations.

"Christmas and New Year are when families come together to celebrate over good

food, yet many tend to abandon their healthy eating and fitness goals during

this time of year," said Stephen Conchie, senior vice president and managing

director, Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific. "We have uncovered some of the biggest

challenges consumers face during the holidays, with the hope of helping them

identify their own habits to be able to maintain their goals during the festive seasons."

As a result of overeating and exercising less around the holidays, Asia Pacific

consumers found themselves gaining an average of 3 kilograms in weight

following the Christmas and New Year holidays. To lose the weight, over half

(54 percent) of Asia Pacific consumers would eat more healthily and 46 percent

would make an effort to exercise more once the festivities are over.

Despite the efforts, close to one in four (24 percent) Asia Pacific consumers

did not manage to lose the weight they gained after the festive season,

showing that maintaining healthy lifestyle habits throughout the festive season

could be a better way to support long-term well-being.

To aid weight management during Christmas and the New Year, Herbalife Nutrition recommends:

1.Eat before the celebration: when you are hungry, it is tempting to start

feasting as soon as you arrive at the party. To prevent overeating, snack on

healthy, protein-rich foods such as unsalted baked almonds, a protein bar or

yogurt before heading to a dinner party.

2.Focus on lean protein plus vegetables: instead of carbohydrate-heavy and

rice-based dishes, select mains that include lean protein or salads and vegetables.

3.Eat small portions, slowly: focus on the quality and not the quantity of food

and take smaller portions and eat slowly. Not only does this satisfy your

craving for festive favorites, it will help your brain register when you are

full before you start to indulge in more.

4.Limit your alcohol and sweetened beverage intake: consuming excessive amounts

of alcohol or sweetened beverages is one of the biggest causes of weight gain.

To prevent this, limit your intake of such beverages and opt for plain water or

unsweetened drinks instead.

Summary of Survey Findings  

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-a

Infographic: Herbalife Nutrition APAC Holiday Eating Survey

When comparing the holiday eating and exercise habits of consumers across Asia

Pacific during Christmas:

--Philippines had largest percentage of consumers (94 percent) who tend to eat

more food than usual during the holidays, followed by Hong Kong (92 percent)

and Japan (89 percent) -- all ranking higher than the Asia Pacific average of

86 percent.

--Consumers in the Philippines also eat less healthily than usual (77 percent)

and postpone healthy eating (67 percent), compared to other markets in the region.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-b

When it comes to celebrating the New Year:

--Philippines also topped the list with the largest percentage of consumers (94

percent) who tend to consume more food than usual, followed by Thailand (93

percent), Indonesia (88 percent) and Japan (88 percent).

--Consumers in the Philippines also displayed the highest tendencies to eat

less healthily than usual (78 percent) and postpone healthy eating (66 percent)

until after the New Year.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-c

While consumers are eating more during Christmas and the New Year, close to

half (49 percent) of Asia Pacific consumers said that they felt guilty for

eating less healthily during the holidays.

Asia Pacific consumers shared that alcohol, stuffed turkey, cakes and pastries

were the hardest foods to give up during Christmas, while desserts, rice cakes

and alcohol were the hardest foods to give up during the New Year.

Exercise Takes a Backseat for Asia Pacific Consumers During Holiday Seasons

When it comes to exercise, over three in five said that they tend to exercise

less when Christmas and the New Year come around, while over half (56 percent)

would postpone their exercise regime until after the holidays.

Across the region, Indonesia and Vietnam stood out with consumers who were less

likely to exercise as Christmas (73 percent) and the New Year (73 percent) draw near.

In addition, consumers in the Philippines (60 percent) were most likely to postpone

their exercise regime until after Christmas, while consumers in Vietnam (68 percent)

were most likely to postpone their exercise regime until after the New Year.

Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20191216/2672373-1-d

View the tables at full size:

Figure 1(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-e)

Figure 2(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-f)

Figure 3(https://photos.prnasia.com/prnk/20191217/2672373-1-g)

About Herbalife Nutrition Ltd.

Herbalife Nutrition is a global company that has been changing people's lives with

great nutrition products and a proven business opportunity for its independent

members since 1980. The Company offers high-quality, science-backed products,

sold in over 90 countries by entrepreneurial members  who provide one-on-one

coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace

a healthier, more active lifestyle. Through the Company's global campaign to

eradicate hunger, Herbalife Nutrition is also committed to bringing nutrition and

education to communities around the world.

For more information, please visit

IAmHerbalifeNutrition.com (https://iamherbalifenutrition.com/ ).

The company also encourages investors to visit its investor relations website

at ir.herbalife.com as financial and other information is updated and new

information is posted.

SOURCE  Herbalife Nutrition Asia Pacific

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