
Xi'an Cultural and Tourism Bureau


AsiaNet 82357(0015)

【西安(中国)2019年12月31日新華社=共同通信JBN】中国最高のツーリスト・デスティネーションである西安は兵馬俑など非常に多くの歴史と文化遺跡の本拠地である。西安文化観光局(Xi’an Cultural and Tourism Bureau)が発表したデータによると、2019年1月から11月までに国内外から2億9400万の訪問者が西安を訪れた。12月12日、西安は文化観光の統合とプロモーションに関する会議を開催し、2022年末までに西安を世界クラスのツーリスト・デスティネーションにすることを打ち出した。近年、西安は文化観光の大規模な統合を精力的に促進した。歴史的・文化的に豊かで革新的な非常に多くのプロジェクトが古都・西安に一層の活力を与えた。


ジァチェン氏が毎日パフォーマンスを演じるストリートは世界的に有名な大雁塔の足元にある。日が沈んでからの夜の照明は華麗な美しさを放ち、古都の夜空をライトアップする。西安の名刺であるそのストリートはGrand Tang Mallとして知られ、オンライン有名人のバンド、パフォーマンスアート、世界中のおいしい料理とショッピングモールと共に伝統的な中国の歴史と文化といった最も人気のある幾つかの要素の拠点である。Grand Tang Mallは文化+観光+商業を代表し、そして「ナイトエコノミー」のトレンドの指針であり、国家的な試みである歩行者用道路としても先鞭を告げるものでもある。


2019年3月、西安は「East Asian Cultural Capital 2019(2019年東アジアの文化首都)」に選ばれた。10月、西安はAirbnb(エアビーアンドビー)から、2020年の訪問したい旅行先・世界トップ20で6位にランクされた。西安は同リストに載った唯一の中国の都市でもあった。いま、西安への訪問では兵馬俑、鐘楼、鼓楼といった伝統的な景勝地に加え、ますます多くの国内外の旅行者は華麗なGrand Tang Mall、変化を続ける西咸新区(Xixian New Area)、Chanba Ecological District、西安国際港務区(Xi’an International Trade & Logistics Park)といった数多くの新スポットに引き付けられている。

ソース: Xi'an Cultural and Tourism Bureau





(「Grand Tang Mall」夜景)

History and Modernity Converge in the Ancient City of Xi'an


XI'AN, China, Dec. 31, 2019 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/ --

One of the best tourist destinations in China, Xi'an is home to numerous historical and

cultural sites, including Terracotta Warriors. According to data released by Xi'an Cultural

and Tourism Bureau, Xi'an received 294 million visitors from home and abroad from

January to November of 2019. On December 12, Xi'an held a conference on the integration

and promotion of cultural tourism, and proposed the goal of making Xi'an a world-class tourist

destination by the end of 2022. Xi'an has in recent years vigorously promoted the deep

integration of cultural tourism. Numerous historically and culturally rich and innovative

tourism projects have given the ancient city of Xi'an greater vitality.

Recently, Feng Jiachen, a tumbler girl dressed in a Tang Dynasty costume,

became an online celebrity for her elegant dancing performance in Xi'an.

On Douyin, one of China's most popular short-video social media platforms,

videos of the tumbler girl's performance have recorded over 1.62 billion views.

Her performance every night attracts a huge audience, including many visitors from

outside of Xi'an who come to watch her performance.

The street where she performs every day is located at the foot of the world-famous

Dayan Pagoda. When night falls, the evening lights are resplendently beautiful,

lighting up the night sky of the ancient city. As a name card of Xi'an, the street,

known as the Grand Tang Mall, is home to some of the most popular elements such as

online celebrity bands, performance art, delicious food from all over the world and

shopping malls, as well as traditional Chinese history and culture. As a representative of

"Culture + Tourism + Commerce" and a trend indicator of "night economy", the Grand Tang

Mall has been among the first batch of national pilot pedestrian streets.

In recent years, Xi'an has taken frequent measures to attract more overseas tourists.

Xi'an became the first 144-hour transit visa-free city in Northwest China starting from

1 December 2019. At the end of 2019, Xi'an Xianyang International Airport had a total of

88 routes connecting with international destinations and Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan at,

with access to 36 countries and 74 major hubs and cities worldwide, covering 43 cities

in 20 countries along the "Belt and Road".

In March 2019, Xi'an was elected as the "East Asian Cultural Capital 2019".

In October, Xi'an was ranked 6th among the world's top 20 trending travel

destinations for 2020 by Airbnb, and was also the only Chinese city in the

list. Nowadays, when visiting Xi'an, in addition to traditional scenic spots like

the Terra-Cotta Warriors and the Bell Tower and Drum Tower, more and more

tourists from home and abroad are attracted by many new spots such as the

resplendent Grand Tang Mall, the ever-changing Xixian New Area, the Chanba

Ecological District, and the Xi'an International Trade & Logistics Park.

Source: Xi'an Cultural and Tourism Bureau

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「Grand Tang Mall」夜景



