Axiom Space Wins NASA Approval for Construction of Commercial Space Station on ISS
Axiom Space Wins NASA Approval for Construction of Commercial Space Station on ISS
HOUSTON, Jan. 28, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
The human dream of universal access to living and working in space has drawn one step closer.
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On Monday the National Aeronautics and Space Administration selected Axiom Space
as the winner of the NextSTEP-2 Appendix I solicitation, which sought to grant access
to the International Space Station's Node 2 Forward port for a commercial space station
that could ultimately serve as ISS' replacement.
Co-founded by stalwart space entrepreneur Dr. Kam Ghaffarian and former NASA ISS Program
Manager Michael Suffredini, both of whom have in excess of 35 years of human spaceflight
experience, Axiom plans to launch a node module, research & manufacturing facility,
crew habitat, and large-windowed Earth observatory to form the "Axiom Segment" of the ISS.
This new commercial platform will significantly increase the usable and habitable volume of
the ISS, provide for novel avenues of research in areas such as isolation studies and Earth
observation, and allow a gradual transfer of the innovative work being done on-station to
prevent interruptions when the ISS is ultimately retired.
The company targets launch of the first module in the latter half of 2024.
"We appreciate the bold decision on the part of NASA to open up a commercial
future in Low Earth Orbit," Suffredini said. "This selection is a recognition
of the uniquely qualified nature of the Axiom team and our commercial plan to
create and support a thriving, sustainable, and American-led LEO ecosystem.
"Axiom exists to provide the infrastructure in space for a variety of users to conduct research,
discover new technologies, test systems for exploration of the Moon and Mars, manufacture
superior products for use in orbit and on the ground, and ultimately improve life back on Earth.
As we build on the legacy and foundation established by the ISS Program, we look forward to
working with NASA and the ecosystem of current and future international partners on
this seminal effort."
Central to the selection was the Axiom leadership team's extensive high-level
expertise in human spaceflight management, space systems engineering and
operations, utilization of microgravity, space finance, marketing, and law.
Ghaffarian founded Stinger Ghaffarian Technologies, which rose to become NASA's
second-largest engineering services provider, training NASA's astronauts and
operating the ISS. These functions are now carried on by KBR, which bought SGT
in 2018 and joined the Axiom team as a subcontractor on the winning proposal.
"A commercial platform in Earth orbit is an opportunity to mark a shift in our
society similar to that which astronauts undergo when they see the planet from
above," Ghaffarian, Axiom's executive chairman, said. "Our goal is to advance
the state of humanity and human knowledge. I am glad to see the Axiom team,
with its advanced human spaceflight, engineering, and operations expertise,
recognized for its potential to do just that and build off of ISS."
Team Axiom also includes Boeing, Thales Alenia Space Italy, Intuitive Machines,
and Maxar Technologies.
Axiom was founded in 2016 with the purpose of expanding human civilization into Earth orbit.
In addition to building and launching the Axiom Segment, the company will launch crewed
flights to the ISS and later the ISS/Axiom complex at a rate of about two to three flights
per year. Shortly before ISS is retired, Axiom will launch its large power platform to provide
the Axiom Segment power and cooling that ISS previously provided.
When the ISS reaches its decommissioning date, the Axiom Segment will detach
and continue as a free-flying, internationally available commercial space station.
This station will have been built at a fraction of the cost of ISS, the elimination of
whose operating costs will enable NASA to dive headlong into a new era of exploration.
"There is a fantastically steep learning curve to human spaceflight," Suffredini said.
"The collective experience at Axiom is quite far along it. Because we know firsthand
what works and what doesn't in LEO, we are innovating in terms of design, engineering,
and process while maintaining safety and dramatically lowering costs."
About Axiom Space
Axiom Space was founded in 2016 to make life and work in orbit a reality as
a means to sustained deep space exploration and improving life on Earth.
While building and launching the Axiom Segment to one day form the world's first
commercial space station, Axiom will provide access to the ISS today by launching
crewed flights at a rate of about two to three flights per year. More information about
Axiom can be found at
SOURCE: Axiom Space
CONTACT: Beau Holder