ACEM MBA Ranks 37th in FT Global MBA Ranking 2020

Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

ACEM MBA Ranks 37th in FT Global MBA Ranking 2020


SHANGHAI, Feb. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The Financial Times (FT) Global MBA Ranking 2020 was officially released, and

Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) ACEM (Antai) MBA program ranked 37th.

This achievement has not only marked a solid step for ACEM MBA program to

become a world-class MBA with Chinese characteristics, but also evidenced

the steady improvement of the quality and international reputation of the program.

Among the core indicators, Antai MBA has continued to perform strongly. Antai MBA has

maintained 100%-employed-at-three-months for many years, consistently ranking top

in the world. The alumni's weighted salary has reached US$130,736, 16% higher than

last year; the salary increase rate has reached 201%, ranking the top three in the world

for seven consecutive years. The impressive data has fully demonstrated that not only

the MBA learning experience at ACEM has significantly improved the knowledge structure

and personal ability of the graduates, but also the appeal and authority of ACEM brand

in the industry has guaranteed the employability of its graduates.

In ACEM Dean Chen Fangruo's words, "With the joint efforts of several generations of

ACEM people, ACEM has made great progress and has now ranked among the forefront

of Chinese business schools. ACEM's degrees are the dream goal among numerous students."

After taking office, Dean Chen put forward the strategy of "Two types of scholarship, horizontal

(academic) and vertical (industry), reinforcing each other and connecting theory with practice."

In the ranking, Antai MBA ranks 13th globally in terms of value for money.

In addition to its excellent return on investment, ACEM is also committed to

providing students with more value-added services. "ACEM dares to be the first

to provide students and alumni with a broad-based platform that allows them to

communicate with other colleges, programs, disciplines and various industries

by advocating industry research and offering industry community classes,"

Associate Dean Liu Shaoxuan emphasized.

The proportion of international students of Antai MBA, which is 43% in FT ranking,

is far ahead of those of other business schools in Mainland China. The excellent profile

of students has also made ACEM well-positioned among Chinese business schools.

Antai MBA will continue to practice "Mind, Execution, Excellence, Development"

to contribute more industry experts who are both practice and management-oriented

for China's social and economic development, taking firmer steps and making more

unremitting efforts toward a world-class business school and world-class MBA program.

Source: Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University




