Guiyang Advocates the Integration of Big Data and Local Industries

AsiaNet  85055


GUIYANG, China, Aug. 7, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


At Guizhou Xingdaxing Building Material Co., Ltd., a worker was controlling

three production lines through a big data platform."Today we have produced

939.38 cubic meters, and 0.48 cubic meters are left," he told the journalist of


This system the staff operates is called High-Performance Concrete Smart

Manufacturing Big Data Cloud Platform, which demonstrates how Guiyang leverages

big data to develop industries.


Guiyang, a previously less developed city in Southwest China, has been known

for the application of big data to a great variety of sectors in recent years.

As China's "Big Data Valley", how Guiyang utilizes big data in industries? The

journalist of interviewed several players in local industries.


As the administrative director of Xingdaxing, Li Fuhui told,

"launched in 2018, this big data system has become the first high-performance

concrete big data project in China. Thanks to the platform, big data has been

integrated into all aspects of enterprise production and management. We can

monitor and track the whole production cycle, including ordering, manufacturing

and delivering."


The corporation currently gains unprecedented visibility into its operations.

On this basis, Xingdaxing can immediately spot a market trend and accordingly

optimize the value chain, thus maximizing the profit and minimizing the costs.


Li said to, "Our production efficiency has increased by 10 percent.

Moreover, transaction costs, management costs and product development costs

have separately reduced by 40 percent, 50 percent and 40 percent."


It notes that Xingdaxing has advocated the intersection of big data with

traditional building material industry. The company derives insight from

data-driven solutions to boost productivity and profitability.


In addition to the building material industry, big data solutions can also be

employed in the pharmaceutical industry to improve product quality and

production efficiency. Guizhou Hanfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a case in



As director of the Hanfang Pharmaceutical Technology Innovation Center, Zhang

Shilin was sitting in the extraction workshop, where a large screen displays

the real-time process flow, production parameters and the temperature.


Through automatic detection equipment such as temperature control probes and

sensors, the workers can monitor and operate the production line in real time.


He pointed to the screen and told, "You can imagine how hard it is

to control a two-storey high medicine extraction tank with a storage capacity

of six tons. But thanks to the data-driven system, the pharmaceutical

temperature range can be accurately controlled within two degrees Celsius,

guaranteeing the quality of the medicine."


Furthermore, armed with big data, the workers can save time costs to a large

extent. According to Zhang, in the past, it required a great number of manual

efforts to submit applications and get instructions.


By comparison, Hanfang has built a data warehouse that gathers information in

the production, sales, marketing, testing, management and other links of the

entire industry chain.


Photo -

(Guizhou Hanfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has built a data warehouse that

gathers information in the entire industry chain.)


In order to complete the production process, the staff currently just need to

log in to the production management system, enter the necessary information.

Therefore, the manufacturing operation can be simplified to a great extent,

which facilitates efficiency.


It can be seen that the big data solution replaces the previous manual method,

hence effectively improving the product quality and production efficiency.


In fact, the successful utilization of big data in local industries is

inseparable from government support. As China's Big Data Valley, Guiyang has

accelerated the advancement of smart manufacturing and promoted the

intersection of industries with big data in recent years.


In 2019, the local government completed 25 bench-marking projects and 308

demonstration projects for big data, and 7 provincial smart manufacturing pilot

projects. Major equipment manufacturing projects include Evergrande new energy

vehicles, BYD smart manufacturing and Guiyang Geely engines.


According to the municipal government, in the future, Guiyang will continue the

in-depth integration of big data with local industries.


On one hand, the government will cultivate new industries, strengthen the real

economy and adhere to supply-side structural reform. In 2020, it plans to

introduce more than 120 emerging industrial projects, ensuring the output value

of new industries accounts for over 20 percent of the total industrial output



On the other hand, Guiyang will take advantage of big data to transform and

upgrade traditional industries. In 2020, the local government will implement an

internal network transformation of more than 50 industrial enterprises,

organize over 20 key service providers to build industrial Internet service

resource pools.




Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Guizhou Hanfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has built a data warehouse that

gathers information in the entire industry chain.




