WANdisco democratizes data lake migration to the cloud with the launch of LiveData Migrator




SAN RAMON, California, Sept. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Businesses of all sizes can now quickly and easily migrate mission critical data at

any scale to AWS within minutes with zero business disruption and 100% data consistency


WANdisco (WAND.L), the LiveData company, announced today the launch of LiveData

Migrator, an automated, self-service solution that democratizes cloud data

migration at any scale by enabling companies to easily start migrating Hadoop

data from on-premises to Amazon Web Services (AWS) within minutes, even while

the source data sets are under active use. Available as a free trial for up to

five terabytes, businesses can migrate HDFS data without the expertise of

engineers or other consultants - the program can be implemented immediately to

enable companies’ digital transformations. LiveData Migrator works without any

production system downtime or business disruption while ensuring the migration

is complete and continuous and any ongoing data changes are replicated to the

target cloud environment.


“Through 2022, more than 50% of data migration initiatives will exceed their

budget and timeline — and potentially harm the business — because of flawed

strategy and execution,” according to Gartner in a recent report.(1) This is

despite the fact that nearly 70% of enterprises have started moving data to the

cloud as part of their digital transformation.


Migrating large data volumes with traditional approaches, such as transfer

devices or DistCp (distributed copy), requires disrupting the operation of

on-premises applications and doesn't cater to data that is modified or created

during migration. Reconciliation at scale is costly and cannot guarantee a

completely consistent data outcome. The overhead required to achieve non-disruptive,

no-downtime big data migration is significant due to repeated scans, systems out of

sync and manual intervention for anticipated failures and interruptions.


“Enterprises that want to move their data to the cloud but are concerned about

the risks of doing so now have a powerful solution that’s self-service and

extremely easy to use,” said WANdisco co-founder and CEO David Richards.

“Regardless of company size or technical expertise, LiveData Migrator enables

businesses to migrate their data risk-free to the cloud on a massive scale

without any disruption to business operations. Data can be accommodated without

any risk of data loss while modernizing data and applications to stay competitive.”


GoDaddy is using LiveData Migrator to migrate 500 TB of HDFS data to Amazon

Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). GoDaddy will operate in a hybrid cloud mode

and continue to update S3 data as changes are made to Hadoop content in the

source, so that it is immediately available for cloud analytics using Amazon EMR.

The first 70 TB were migrated within days with zero on-premises system downtime.


“At GoDaddy, deep technical knowledge is in our DNA, and we often build

applications in-house to support growth,” said Wayne Peacock, Chief Data and

Analytics Officer, GoDaddy. “In the use case of a Hadoop to Amazon S3 data

migration and replication, we found WANdisco’s LiveData Migrator to be the

optimal approach to deliver the best time to value, rather than running a more

time-consuming and costly manual migration project internally. With LiveData

Migrator, we have completed the first phase, giving us a quick win by fully automating

the HDFS migration of 70 TB in five days, avoiding disruption of production processes

and making the data immediately available in Amazon S3 for testing.”


WANdisco LiveData Migrator eliminates data migration risks with immediate, live

and scalable migration. Administrators can easily and immediately move data

lake content to the cloud while minimizing IT resource involvement with

automated migration capabilities. No changes are required to applications,

cluster or node configuration or operation, and there is no production system

downtime or business disruption, while ensuring their data changes are migrated

continuously and completely.


WANdisco is an Advanced Technology Partner in the AWS Partner Network (APN) and

has now achieved AWS Migration Competency status with the release of LiveData

Migrator. WANdisco was one of four APN Partners who collaborated with AWS to

define the requirements to cover different use cases, including Hadoop, storage

and database data migration, and mainframe data integration.


“We are delighted to have APN Partners like WANdisco that exhibit extensive

knowledge and proven expertise in migration and replication technology,” said

Sabina Joseph, Director of Americas ISVs, Amazon Web Services, Inc. “LiveData

Migrator is designed to offer customers a platform that automates and safely

accelerates large-scale on-premises Hadoop migrations to AWS without business

disruption. Customers will benefit from optimizing costs and expanding

analytics and insights capabilities leveraging industry leading services like

Amazon S3, Amazon EMR and Amazon Athena.”


LiveData Migrator gives enterprises the opportunity to free their systems from

the capital constraints of acquiring storage hardware by leveraging Amazon S3

and associated services. LiveData Migrator delivers fast time to value for

migrating unstructured data into cloud storage to then take advantage of

machine-learning (ML) powered cloud analytics such as Amazon EMR, Databricks or

Snowflake to gain valuable business insights. LiveData Migrator also enables

the transition to a hybrid architecture, where on-premises and cloud

environments are kept consistent for active-active replication capabilities,

and sets the foundation for a future multi-cloud architecture.


LiveData Migrator Capabilities


Complete and Continuous Data Migration

Migrates any changes made to the source data sets, allowing applications to

continue to modify the source system’s data without causing divergence between

source and target.


Rapid Availability

Enables data to become available for use in the target environment as soon as

it has been migrated, without having to wait for all data set migrations to complete.


Any Scale

Migrates any volume of data, from terabytes to exabytes, to cloud storage

without needing to stop changes to data at source during migration


Hadoop & Object Storage Conversion

Migrates HDFS data to other Hadoop-compatible file systems and cloud storage,

including the ongoing changes made to those data before, throughout and after migration.


Selective Migration

Allows selection of which data sets should be migrated and selectively excludes

data from migration to specific clusters in the new environment.


About WANdisco

WANdisco is the LiveData company. WANdisco solutions enable enterprises to

create an environment where data is always available, accurate and protected,

creating a strong backbone for their IT infrastructure and a bedrock for

running consistent, accurate machine learning applications. With zero downtime

and zero data loss, WANdisco LiveData Platform keeps geographically dispersed

data at any scale consistent between on-premises and cloud environments

allowing businesses to operate seamlessly in a hybrid or multi-cloud

environment. For more information on WANdisco, visit www.wandisco.com .


For more information, please contact:

Josh Turner

Silicon Valley Communications




1.        Gartner, “Make Data Migration Boring: 10 Steps to Ensure On-Time,

High-Quality Delivery” by Ted Friedman, December 13, 2019.


Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1276281/LiveData_Migrator_Dashboard.jpg   



SOURCE: WANdisco  




