Tanla records best ever Quarter fuelled by CPaaS and Digital revenues
HYDERABAD, India, Nov. 1, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--
Tanla Platforms Limited (NSE: TANLA) (BSE: 532790), largest CPaaS provider,
today announced the results for the quarter ended on September 30th, 2020 as
compared to the corresponding quarter of previous financial year
- Revenue was INR 583.2 Cr and increased 20%
- EBITDA was INR 97.5 Cr and increased 210%
- PAT was INR 81.5 Cr and increased 273%
- EPS was INR 5.85 and increased 279%
- ROCE at 47.5% and increased 177%
- EBIDTA to Cash Conversion remained robust at 82%
"I'm delighted to report highest ever Revenue, EBITDA & EPS in Q2FY21. Our pioneering
and dominant market position in CPaaS, in this cathartic phase in Digital, powered
the surge in Revenue", commented Uday Reddy, Chairman & CEO of Tanla.
Commenting further Uday Reddy said, "Going forward our unwavering focus and
investments on platforms & products, brand, customer success and talent, will
drive future growth."
Business Highlights
- 89,203 enterprises 6,339 telemarketers are registered on DLT platform.
- In the first commercial go-live month of Sept 2020, Tanla's Trubloq handled
70% of the total DLT traffic which is 35Bn.
- 83 New Customer opportunities from major verticals (Banking, Financial
services, e-commerce, Gaming, OTT etc.) Including established brands to high
potential startups were signed up during Q2FY21, with an annual potential
revenue of ~ 76 Cr
Tanla's paid up share capital was 13,60,36,450 equity shares of INR 1/ each on
Sept 30, 2020 after a share buyback of 1,66,92,752 equity shares of Re.1 each
and allotment of 4,71,645 equity shares of Re.1 each under the Employee Stock
Purchase Plan, 2016.
The Company has paid an interim dividend of Re.1 per share to the Shareholders
as on the Record date on September 18, 2020 aggregating INR 13,57,87,600/-.
Support during COVID-19
During these trying periods, we focused on ensuring the safety of our employees
encouraged them to work from home and minimize interaction at public places by
providing them with the required infrastructure and a Covid Fund to help them
meet medical needs for self and immediate family. We have also succeeded in
providing the required support to our customers and partners and ensured they
succeeded in providing their best work while they operated remotely.
About Tanla
Tanla is a Hyderabad, India, based company, established in 1999. It is a
largest CPaaS provider, handling over 250 billion business communications
annually with a market share of ~70%. Tanla is innovating the way the world
communicates, continuously raising the bar through enhanced speed, ease, and
simplicity of Cloud Communication solutions, adopting cutting-edge technologies
like blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning to meet the
discerning needs of a diverse clientele, from enterprises to carriers across
geographies. Tanla is working with all leading Telcos in India creating India's
first Telecom Blockchain Network. Tanla is a public limited company listed on
leading Indian stock exchanges (NSE: TANLA) (BSE: 532790)
This release might contain 'forward-looking statements' that are based on our
current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about Tanla
Platforms Limited (the "Company"), our industry, economic conditions in the
markets in which we operate, and certain other matters. Those statements
include, among other things, the discussions of our business strategy and
expectations concerning our market position, future operations, margins,
profitability, liquidity and capital resources. These statements are subject to
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors and they depend on
future events and circumstances. Such statements do not guarantee future
results or development and the actual results or outcomes may differ materially
from those implied by the forward-looking statements. The risks and
uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to,
risks and uncertainties regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in
foreign exchange rates, our ability to manage growth, intense competition in
the services provided by the Company, including those factors which may affect
our cost advantage, wage increases, our ability to attract and retain highly
skilled professionals, time and cost overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame
contracts, client concentration, restrictions on immigration, industry segment
concentration, our ability to manage our international operations, reduced
demand for technology in our key focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication
networks or system failures, our ability to successfully complete and integrate
potential acquisitions, liability for damages on our service contracts, the
success of the companies in which the Company has made strategic investments,
withdrawal or expiration of governmental fiscal incentives, political
instability and regional conflicts, regulatory changes, legal restrictions on
raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and unauthorized use of
our intellectual property and general economic conditions affecting our
industry. In light of these and other uncertainties, you should not conclude
that the results or outcomes referred to in any of the forward-looking
statements will be achieved. All forward-looking statements are based on
information available to us on the date hereof, and we do not undertake to
update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or
circumstances unless required to do so by law.
For further information, you may write to: investorhelp@tanla.com
Rs in Lakhs
Particulars Q2FY21 Q1FY21 Q2FY20
I. Revenue from operations 58,324.7 45,554.8 48,716.4
II. Other income 474.5 1,322.8 171.8
III. Total Income (I+II) 58,799.1 46,877.5 48,888.3
IV. Expenses
Cost of services 44,891.7 35,024.6 38,857.9
Employee benefits expense 2,283.3 1,990.2 4,597.8
Depreciation expense 992.3 1,148.8 6,923.8
Connectivity expenses 280.8 197.0 206.8
Finance cost 8.9 70.0 118.0
Other expenses 1,115.7 843.0 1,907.2
Total expenses (IV) 49,572.6 39,273.5 52,611.5
V. Profit before non-
controlling interest/share
in net profit/(loss) of
associate (IV- V) 9,226.5 7,604.0 (3,723.3)
VI. Share in net profit/
(loss) of associate - - (149.8)
VII. Profit before tax (V - VI) 9,226.5 7,604.0 (3,873.1)
VIII. Tax expense:
Current tax 1,053.2 553.8 266.8
Prior period taxes/MAT
credit - (1,074.8) 0.5
Deferred tax 26.0 264.5 561.0
IX. Profit for the year
(VII -VIII) 8,147.3 7,860.6 (4,701.4)
X. Other comprehensive income (330.5) (1.7) 338.6
XI. Total Comprehensive income
for the period (X + XI) 7,816.8 7,858.8 (4,362.8)
XII. Earnings per equity share
Basic & Diluted (not annualised) 5.85 5.17 (3.27)
Rs in Lakhs
As at As at
Sept 30, 2020 Mar 31, 2020
(Un-audited) (Audited)
(1) Non-current assets
(a) Property, Plant and Equipment 3,098.80 3,591.39
(b) Intangible assets 7,011.63 8,183.05
(c) Intangible assets under development 2,427.52 1,330.75
(d) Goodwill on Consolidation 13,455.69 13,455.69
(e) Right-of-use assets 425.15 504.35
(f) Financial assets
(i) Investments - -
(ii) Loans and advances 618.26 388.56
(iii) Other financial assets 82.17 56.86
(g) Deferred tax assets (net) 5,275.25 5,674.24
(h) Other non-current assets 5,684.45 7,967.47
Total non-current assets 38,078.92 41,152.36
(2) Current Assets
(a) Financial Assets
(i) Trade receivables 37,293.14 32,576.94
(ii) Cash and cash equivalents 19,740.66 17,078.98
(iii) Bank balances other than cash
and cash equivalents 3,650.15 2,978.49
(iv) Loans and advances 374.89 294.57
(v) Other financial assets 17,073.22 20,472.22
(b) Other current assets 2,213.44 4,340.91
Total current assets 80,345.50 77,742.11
TOTAL ASSETS 118,424.42 118,894.47
(1) Equity
(a) Equity share capital 1,360.36 1,459.72
(b) Other equity 68,538.35 68,713.73
Total equity 69,898.71 70,173.45
(2) Non current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Lease liabilities 327.23 434.91
(ii) other financial liabilities 147.49 22.95
(b) Provisions 501.93 644.80
(c) Other non-current liabilities 389.00 428.70
Total Non Current Liabilities 1,365.65 1,531.36
(4) Current liabilities
(a) Financial liabilities
(i) Trade payables 27,155.25 28,060.26
(ii) Lease liabilities 81.27 103.80
(iii) other financial liabilities 19,306.71 16,865.63
(b) Other current liabilities 494.18 2,014.98
(c) Provisions 122.64 144.99
(d) Liabilities for current tax (net) - -
Total Current liabilities 47,160.03 47,189.65
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 118,424.42 118,894.47
Rs in Lakhs
Particulars Consolidated
Six months ended Six months ended
30-Sept-2020 30-Sept-2019
Cash flows from Operating Activities
Profit before tax 16,830.56 (15,804.92)
Adjusted for :
Depreciation and amortization expenses 2,141.04 22,288.30
Interest & other income (1,577.66) (531.83)
Share based payments 7.13 2,948.53
Buy back expenses 115.36 -
Provision for diminution of investment
in Associate - 169.04
Unrealized loss on forex exchange fluctuation 0.26 -
Allowance for advances - -
Provision for doubtful debts 54.04 235.47
Operating profits before working
capital charge 17,570.72 9,304.59
Changes in operating assets and liabilities
(Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables (4,716.20) (4,425.29)
(Increase)/Decrease in financial and
non-financial assets 7,553.38 (10,835.36)
Increase/(Decrease) in financial and
non-financial liabilities (163.50) 5,516.58
Increase/(Decrease) in trade payables (905.01) 6,972.17
Cash generated from operations 19,339.40 6,532.69
Income taxes paid - -
Net cash generated from operating activities 19,339.40 6,532.69
(Purchase)/sale of fixed assets/intangible
assets (1,500.25) (1,785.34)
Investments in subsidiary - (23,622.44)
Proceeds from sale of investments - 3,772.43
Dividend received from subsidiary - -
Interest & other income 1,508.03 531.83
Net cash generated/(used) in investing
activities 7.78 (21,103.52)
Proceeds from issue of shares 2,009.88 12,590.33
Payment for buy back of equity shares
including transaction cost (16,585.06) -
Repayment of Borrowings - (383.54)
Principal payment of lease liabilities 23.59 -
Interest paid on lease liabilities (104.37) -
Dividend paid (1,357.88) -
Net Cash used in financing activities (16,013.84) 12,206.79
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 3,333.34 (2,364.04)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
of the period 20,057.47 15,502.49
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of
the period 23,390.81 13,138.45
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Source: Tanla Platforms Limited