137 Projects Signed at Liaoning International Investment and Trade Conference with a Total Value of 380.5 Billion Yuan

Information Office of Shenyang Municipal People's Government



SHENYANG, China, Nov. 16, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On October 13th, Liaoning International Investment and Trade Conference was

officially held in Shenyang New World Expo.


The Conference was backed by Liaoning People's Government and the provincial

party committee and it provides a brand new platform of openness for enhancing

the image of Liaoning to the outside world, promoting investment and trade

negotiations, facilitating industrial cooperation and showcasing brands and commodities.


The Conference was themed on "Sharing New Development Opportunities, Opening a

New Chapter for Northeast Cooperation". It was hosted by Liaoning People's

Government together with Liaoning Commerce Department, the governments of 14

cities and the managing committee of Shenyang-Fushun Demonstration Zone. During

the Conference, there were numerous themed activities, including Informal Talks

between Liaoning and Japan for Economical and Trade Cooperation, the Summit for

Economic and Trade Cooperation between China and South Korea, Liaoning

Industrial Exchange for Fine Chemicals, the Purchasing Exchange for Liaoning's

Brand Commodities as well as the Exhibition of Brand Commodities.


Present at the event were over 700 representatives from the world's Top 500

enterprises, Top 500 private enterprises, Korean and Japanese envoys in China,

China-Japan Friendship Association, the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce,

the Ministry of Commerce, China Council for the Promotion of International

Trade, and State Administration for Market Regulation.


The deputy-secretary of Liaoning's party committee and provincial governor Liu

Ning has, in his address, called on domestic and overseas entrepreneurs and all

parties to share the new opportunities for Liaoning's future development. He

said that Liaoning is advancing on the path of all-rounded rejuvenation and he

welcomes all entrepreneurs to invest in Liaoning. They can join hands with

Liaoning and pursue the common dream, so as to embrace a brighter future.


During the Conference, the official agreement was signed on 137 projects with a

total value of 380.5 billion yuan. At the signing ceremony of October 13th, the

agreement was reached on 48 key projects, including the Cross-Border E-commerce

Cooperation between Shenyang and South Korea, the International Cold Fresh Port

Trading Center for Agricultural Products between Shenyang and Northeast Asia.


Source: Information Office of Shenyang Municipal People's Government




