New FDI World Dental Federation global survey reveals that two-thirds of countries are not allowing dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines

FDI World Dental Federation



GENEVA, Feb. 24, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


    -- Survey also shows that half of the responding countries have agreed to

include dentists in their priority vaccination groups


FDI World Dental Federation today [ ]

called for more countries to enable dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines

after a survey of its members revealed the small number of countries currently

permitted to do so. The survey was facilitated by FDI's COVID-19 Task Team.


Fifty-seven member national dental associations, from across the globe,

revealed that nearly two-thirds of countries had not granted permission to

dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines as part of national rollouts. In

Europe, countries where dentists are not permitted to administer the vaccine

include Switzerland, Portugal, Austria, Denmark, Slovakia, and Russia (see

Table 1).


In France, the National Order of Dental Surgeons has called on the government

to grant permission to the profession, but no authorization has been given to

date. Discussions are also ongoing in Spain, Sweden, Ireland, Australia, Kenya,

Hong Kong, and Germany.


"Oral health is a fundamental component of overall health and well-being and

oral healthcare is an essential public service," said Dr Gerhard Konrad

Seeberger, president of FDI World Dental Federation.


"Efforts should be made to enable dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines when

possible within national legislation and regulations, and with minimal

disruption to oral healthcare services."


Countries permitting dentists to administer COVID-19 vaccines


Of the 57 survey responses, the countries who have granted authorization to the

profession to administer vaccines include: Cambodia, Colombia, Egypt, India,

Indonesia, Lebanon, Nigeria, Serbia, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom (17 per

cent) (see Table 2). Significantly, some of these countries include those where

dentists have not previously been allowed to administer vaccines, or at least

the influenza vaccine.


In the United States [

] around 20 states are currently permitting dentists to administer COVID-19



Inclusion of dentists in priority vaccination groups


The survey also examined the prioritization of dentists in COVID-19 vaccine

roll-out programmes.


A total 53 per cent of responding countries said that dentists would be

included in priority vaccination groups (see Table 2),12 per cent said that

they would not be, and 18 per cent responded that the vaccination programme and

priority groups were still being planned. Those countries NOT including

dentists as a priority group include Cambodia, Colombia, Kazakhstan, Romania,

Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Thailand (See Table 1).


Ahead of World Oral Health Day on March 20, FDI will release a new set of data

around the caseload of COVID-19 infection amongst dentists around the world.


Further information:


Michael Kessler

FDI Media Relations  

Mob: +34 655 792 699  


Twitter: @mickessler


About FDI World Dental Federation: FDI is the main representative body for more

than one million dentists worldwide, with a vision of leading the world to

optimal oral health. Its membership comprises some 200 national member

associations and specialist groups in over 130 countries.


Notes to Editors:


Table 1


    Countries where dentists will        Countries where dentists will

    not be permitted to administer      not be included in priority

    COVID-19 vaccines                        vaccination groups


    Andorra                                          Cambodia

    Austria                                           Colombia

    Burkina Faso                                 Kazakhstan

    Denmark                                       Romania

    Guam                                            Saudi Arabia

    Honduras                                      South Korea

    Israel                                             Thailand







    Saudi Arabia        







Table 2


    Countries where dentists             Countries where dentists are

    are permitted to administer          confirmed to be included in

    vaccine                                          priority vaccination groups


    Cambodia                                     Australia

    Colombia                                      Austria

    Egypt                                            Canada

    India                                             Chile

    Indonesia                                     Denmark

    Lebanon                                       Egypt

    Nigeria                                         Georgia

    Serbia                                          Germany

    Slovenia                                       Greece

    United Kingdom                           Guam

    United States                               Honduras
















                                                        Sri Lanka



                                                        United Kingdom


Source: FDI World Federation Member Survey November 2020-January 2021. The

survey was sent to 113 countries.


SOURCE  FDI World Dental Federation




