Xinhua Silk Road: New book reveals key archaeological discoveries at China's Shimao ruins

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, May 24, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


A new book published in northwest China's Shaanxi Province has revealed key

archaeological discoveries at China's Shimao ruins.


According to Xiong Hui, director of Shaanxi's local chronicles office, local

chronicles of Shimao, as encyclopedia of Shimao ruins, could record

archaeological discoveries, reflect protection and management of cultural

relics and contribute to its application for UNESCO list of world cultural



Shimao site, the biggest city site from the Longshan Period to the Xia Dynasty

(Neolithic Age) discovered in China so far, is of great significance in

tracking source of China's early civilization.


Spanning 4 million square meters, the lost city dating back to 2,300 BC is

located on the edge of the Muus Desert in Gaojiabao Town, Shenmu City.


The site consists of three parts, including the core imperial city pyramid, the

inner city and the outer city. The three stone-made enclosures made up a great

architectural example for China's ancient capitals.


Over the past years, excavators have uncovered a stone city with immense

fortifications and sophisticated infrastructure, thousands of luxurious

artifacts including jades, potteries, bone artifacts, stone sculptures, and



The Shimao site is hailed as one of the most important prehistoric

archaeological discoveries in China in this century. Its academic value has

been recognized at home and abroad.


In April 2019, six projects including the Shimao ruins were added to China's

Tentative List for World Heritage Sites. In addition, the Neolithic City of

Shimao was listed among the top 10 archaeological findings of the past decade

by the U.S.-based Archaeology journal in December 2020.


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SOURCE:  Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo shows the Shimao ruins, an important prehistoric site in Shenmu City,

northwest China's Shaanxi Province in sunset.





