The world congress on sustainable mobility Global Mobility Call kicks off in Madrid

Global Mobility Call



MADRID, June 14, 2022, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


With top international speakers and the support of the King of Spain


International experts such as Jeffrey Sachs, Michio Kaku, Uri Levine, Carlo

Ratti, outline the key features of the mobility of the future.

  Some of the top representatives and decision-makers intervening are Adina

Valean, EU Transport Commissioner; Young Tae Kim, President of the ITF;

Eric-Mark Huitema, head of European car makers association (ACEA); Patrick

Mallejaq, head of the World Road Association and Pedro Sánchez, President of

the Spanish Government.


The Minister of Transport of Spain, Raquel Sánchez, and José Vicente de los

Mozos, Chairman of IFEMA MADRID, opened Global Mobility Call [Source: Global

Mobility Call] today in Madrid. The congress will showcase major international

mobility solutions and will bring together all stakeholders with the goal of

boosting decarbonization, connectivity and digitalisation, building on the

opportunities offered by post-pandemic recovery plans.



Spain is committed to leading the global race for sustainable mobility by

convening all economic sectors and institutions driving the transformation of

mobility. This is the goal of Global Mobility Call, the world congress on

sustainable mobility organised by IFEMA MADRID and Smobhub, and sponsored by

the Spanish Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, that takes place

in Madrid until 16 June.


The Minister of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda, Raquel Sánchez, said that

Global Mobility Call "is set to become the first reference point for the

mobility of the future", at a time when it is essential "to share ideas and

experiences in pursuit of a sustainable mobility that will allow us to face the

colossal challenge posed by climate change and that requires everyone's efforts



The Chairman of IFEMA MADRID, José Vicente de los Mozos, said that the goal of

Global Mobility Call is "set to be the world landmark event in sustainable

mobility" and "the top business platform for projects that will transform

sustainable mobility" driving join initiatives among all sectors, institutions,

regulators, companies, SMEs and entrepreneurs.


Juan José Lillo, co-founder of Smobhub, recalled that "new social habits and

digitalisation have quadrupled the movement of people and goods globally",

accelerating the transformation of transport, a sector that is in the spotlight

due to the need to achieve the national decarbonization targets under the Paris

climate Agreement. "At Global Mobility Call, we have created an agenda that

emphasises the word Call in its name, which is a call to action", he said.


The meeting, held at a key moment of post-pandemic recovery and in the midst of

an energy crisis, will drive the sustainable mobility debate as the great lever

for change in the new economy, bringing together large companies, corporations

and multinationals from the industrial sectors that are active in the

development of sustainable mobility. Some of the companies present are Bolt,

Cabify, Europcar Mobility Group, Iberia, Renfe, Adif, Renault Group - Mobilize,

Etra, Indra, Net4things, Accenture, Deloitte, EY, and McKinsey & Company;

Iberdrola, Repsol and ProLogium; Santander Consumer Finance or Mapfre.


Strong institutional support comes from King Felipe of Spain, who chairs the

Congress' honorary committee, the Spanish Government, with the participation of

President Pedro Sánchez and the Ministers of Transport and Mobility, Raquel

Sánchez, and of Ecological Transition, Teresa Ribera, as well as international

institutional representatives such as Adina Valean, Commissioner for Transport

of the European Commission; Young Tae Kim, President of ITF; Eric-Mark Huitema,

President of ACEA; Patrick Mallejaq, Secretary General of PIARC; and

representatives of POLIS, WWF, WHO and IDB.


Michio Kaku, Uri Levine, Jeffrey Sachs, Carlo Rati, will feature, as well as

some of the best European and international public-private collaboration

projects in the context of the European Recovery Plan, such as PAsCAL, Gaia-X,

One Planet Cities, SMarta, 5G-MOBIX EU, and major research such as AIL:

Automotive Innovation Lab, Renewables Now, Center for Future Mobility and



Global Mobility Call is organized around the key mobility challenges: New Urban

Planning, Economic Development & Regulation, Sustainable Transportation, Tech,

Data & Innovation, and Future Society, which integrates three major movements

with an impact on society: New Generation, Rural Challenge, and New Economy. In

addition, there will also be a forum dedicated to Latin America.


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SOURCE: Global Mobility Call




