Qianhai's Optimized Business Environment Better Supports Hong Kong Women Entrepreneurs

Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation



SHENZHEN, China, June 17, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On June 15, an event themed "Chinese with the Same Root; Carnival of

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Hand-in-hand" was held in Qianhai, South China's Guangdong

province, and live-broadcast in Hong Kong and Macao simultaneously. Attended by

Hong Kong female entrepreneurs from Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Innovation

and Entrepreneur Hub (QSHKYIEH), the event was to celebrate the 25th

anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, according to Authority of

Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone.


"Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development Strategy-National Women

Entrepreneur and Innovation Base" was established by QSHKYIEH in 2019 and up

until now, the base has incubated a total of 41 female entrepreneurial teams.


To date, the female entrepreneurs from Hong Kong are playing an important role

among the Qianhai youth entrepreneurs. An example is Sisley Cheng, vice

president of the Qianhai's Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and a leader of the

QSHKYIEH-National Women Entrepreneur and Innovation Base. She started living in

Qianhai in 2018. "What attracts me here is the beautiful environment, pleasant

greenery and modern cityscape. It's also easy to get around. My company in Hong

Kong is very close to Qianhai, normally a half-hour drive."


In 2020, Sisley Cheng moved her career to Qianhai as well. At the Hub, she

launched the "Bays Work Accelerator Program", which helps Hong Kong companies

quickly land in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area by reducing

operating costs. "When starting a business, you always have this or that

confusion. At the National Women Entrepreneur and Innovation Base, training and

exchange activities can provide Hong Kong entrepreneurial women in Qianhai with

ideas to get over their confusion," said Sisley Cheng.


Hong Kong women entrepreneurs in Qianhai are busier than one can imagine. Ruby

Fang is among these busy bees.


From studying law overseas to making a complete career change to becoming a

professional fashion designer, Fang has never lacked a halo: Hong Kong's Ten

Outstanding Young Persons, founder of Ruby Fang haute couture clothing brand,

etc. However, she still does not dare slacken on the road of entrepreneurship

in Qianhai. As she depicted, "As soon as I open my eyes, competition begins."


This is the actual state of the entrepreneurial women in QSHKYIEH. Like Ruby

Fang, many other Hong Kong female entrepreneurial teams are looking for more

possibilities here.


Qianhai is magnetizing more and more ladies to start up for its constantly

optimized business environment. "What Qianhai impresses me most is its

'youthfulness' and 'service,'" said Sisley Cheng. "The female entrepreneurial

friends around me all like Qianhai's atmosphere."


To better serve Hong Kong entrepreneurial women, Qianhai is said to improve its

business environment constantly. Lately, it has carried out the "Talent Service

and Support Program," integrating 451 services for international talents in

government, business and life, forming a full coverage of public talent

services in Qianhai. "Whatever difficulties the female entrepreneurs may have,

in work or life, we can get a quick response after communicating with Qianhai

Administration or QSHKYIEH," said Sisley Cheng.


Qianhai's benign business environment and friendly atmosphere give Hong Kong

businesswomen who have come to make their dreams bigger more confidence and

thinking about the future. Just like Ruby Fang said, as an entrepreneurial

woman, how to live and work meaningfully in the new era is a worthy subject to

study. The prospect of "She-Power" is promising in Qianhai.


Source: Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry

Cooperation Zone




