Payment Fraud Intelligence Expands The Recorded Future Intelligence Cloud

Recorded Future



BOSTON, Sept. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Real-Time Dark Web Intelligence Empowers Financial Institutions, Card

Issuers, and E-commerce Providers to Prevent Payment Fraud


Recorded Future, the world's largest intelligence company, today announced the

expansion of its Intelligence Cloud (

)with Payment Fraud Intelligence (

), a single source of truth for identifying, mitigating, and preventing payment

fraud. Payment Fraud Intelligence enables those focused on payment fraud,

including financial institutions, card issuers, and e-commerce providers to

disrupt the entire payment fraud lifecycle by helping to detect e-skimmer

infrastructure (

) and compromised cards (

) associated with malicious activity.


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Payment fraud is a multi-billion dollar industry impacting merchants,

cardholders, and financial institutions, and will result (

) in over $400 billion in losses globally over the next decade. Historically,

the industry has taken a reactive approach (

), waiting until fraudulent purchases take place, then attempting to limit

losses, resulting in further reputational damages and financial losses.

Recorded Future has unparalleled visibility into the complete payment fraud

infrastructure, enabling clients to disrupt criminal activity by proactively

detecting payment data being sold on the dark web, finding e-commerce sites

infected with e-skimmers, and mapping thousands of the tester merchants used to

validate cards before they're used fraudulently.


Recorded Future's Payment Fraud Intelligence enables payment fraud teams to



    -- Pinpoint compromised common points of purchase (CPPs)

    -- Enhance risk-exposure models and lower fraud potential

    -- Improve average fraud rate metrics across an entire card portfolio

    -- Detect attacker infrastructure being used to skim payment card data


With Recorded Future Payment Fraud Intelligence, the Card Fraud Prevention team

at Swedbank (

) is automatically alerted when its cards have been compromised and posted for

sale on the dark web, enabling them to preemptively block and replace cards

before fraud can occur.


"Recorded Future integrates with fraud detection systems to improve efficacy of

detection algorithms and proactively scans the dark web to find compromised

cards and reveal attacker infrastructure to identify active infections and full

exposure periods. Now, financial institutions can develop and implement

effective mitigation strategies to counter the effect of payment card

compromises and subsequent fraud attacks before attacks can occur." - Andrei

Barysevich, Vice President, Fraud Solutions, Recorded Future


Learn more about Recorded Future Payment Fraud Intelligence:


Request a demo of Recorded Future Payment Fraud Intelligence:


About Recorded Future


Recorded Future is the world's largest intelligence company. Recorded Future's

Intelligence Cloud provides complete coverage across adversaries,

infrastructure, and targets. By combining persistent and pervasive automated

data collection and analytics with human analysis, Recorded Future provides

real-time visibility into the digital landscape and empowers clients to take

proactive action to disrupt adversaries and keep their people, systems, and

infrastructure safe. Headquartered in Boston with offices and employees around

the world, Recorded Future works with over 1,500 businesses and government

organizations across more than 64 countries. Learn more at (



SOURCE  Recorded Future


CONTACT: Olivia Francis, PR Manager, Recorded Future,  





